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Сканеры сетевых портов №1
27.09.2024, 15:16

Blue's Port Scanner v5.0.2 Build 1265

A good port scanner is just one of the basic tools anyone who is seriously interested in the internet needs.
The BluesPortScan is, i think, the fastest scanner for 32Bit windows which you can found in the net. It scans local 5000 ports in 8sec. on my 2k (P3-866) machine. If you are using Win9x/ME it's a little bit slower... The new version 5 has now features like Port list-scans, AutoCompletion when entering known, existing host names or ips and a big big list of typical port assignments. And of course, it's a little bit more stable, especially under Win9x/Me although these OSs are definitively not the operating systems of choice for the using this program.

Homepage: http://www.bluebitter.de/portscn2.htm

Скачать: Blue's Port Scanner v5.0.2 Build 1265

UltraScan v1.5

UltraScan - is a powerful network scanning tool that can provide you the ability to seek out unauthorized web servers, FTP servers, and any other service which may be running on your network without your knowledge. 

Now security professionals, MIS managers, CIO's and others involved in network security can sleep easy knowing that there aren't any hidden services running on their network.   This tool is a necessity for any network attached to the Internet or large corporate Intranet.

Best of all, UltraScan v.1.5 is free!

What? Why would I give away such a powerful tool?  Because I hope that security professionals can use this tool to provide the services that keep companies safe.   Also, by the fourth quarter of 1999, a new version of UltraScan will be available with the following features:

• Unattended periodic scanning with time-stamped log generation
• Any size network scanning  (currently, UltraScan only scans 'Class C' networks)
• Scripting capabilities to scan particular networks, particular hosts, port-ranges, etc.

Homepage: http://www.point1.com/UltraScan/

Скачать: UltraScan v1.5

64IP Port Scanner v1.2

Сканер портов 64IP Port Scanner - это программа, сканирующая локальный компьютер или любой хост на наличие открытых портов, которыми смогут воспользоваться для проведения взлома или атаки. Сканируя компьютер программа покажет закрытые и открытые порты, а также информацию о портах. Сканирование происходит в многопоточном режиме, поэтому сканирование всех существующих портов происходит очень быстро.

Особенности 64IP Port Scanner:
- Выбор хоста для сканирования
- Диапазон сканируемых портов
- Выбор задержки
- Описания проверенных портов

Автор: Виталий
Сайт: http://speed-tester.info
Языки: Русский
Лицензия: Freeware ( Бесплатно )
Системы: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Seven
Для ОС ниже Windows 7 необходима библиотека классов .NET Framework
Размер: 172 Кб

- Программа не сканирует открытые порты:
На сканируемом хосте стоит запрет для проверки соединения.
- Программа не запускается:
Установите библиотеку .NET Framework
- Можно распространять программу у себя на сайте.
Да можно.

Homepage: http://speed-tester.info/soft_port_scanner.php

Скачать: 64IP Port Scanner v1.2

Fast Port Scanner v1.0

Scans about 400 ports a second. It supports both the TCP/IP and UDP protocols. Select address ranges to scan multiple interfaces or hosts. Open ports will found will have suspected trojans listed. Free for website monitoring service clients.

Homepage: http://www.globalwebmonitor.com
Download: http://www.globalwebmonitor.com/software/FastScannerSetup.exe

Скачать: Fast Port Scanner v1.0

MooreR Port Scanner v1.6

This is just a basic everyday port scanner.  It's fast and efficient, especially over networks ( what i use it for ).  It has over 3000 predefined ports built into the program so it may identify the possible open port so you do not need to go researching all over the net for that service.  It will also detect whether or not the remote host is ping able.  Which either means they are behind a good firewall, router or aren't even online.

Homepage: http://www.moorer-software.com/security.htm
Homepage: http://www.moorer-software.com/pages/portscan.htm

Скачать: MooreR Port Scanner v1.6

SuperScan v3.0

SuperScan - is a powerful connect-based TCP port scanner, pinger and hostname resolver. Multithreaded and asynchronous techniques make this program extremely fast and versatile.

Key Features
• Perform ping scans and port scans using any IP range.
• Use a text file to extract addresses from.
• Scan any port range from a built-in list or any given range.
• View responses from connected hosts.
• Modify the port list and port descriptions using the built in editor.
• Merge port lists to build new ones.
• Connect to any discovered open port using user-specified "helper" applications.
• Assign a custom helper application to any port.
• Save the scan list to a text file.
• Transmission speed control.
• User friendly interface.
• Comprehensive help file.

This is first and foremost a tool for network administrators. Do not attempt to use this program against computers on the Internet that you have no right to scan since you are highly likely to be tracked down and attract the attention of your ISP, possibly resulting in your account being terminated.

Copyright © Foundstone Inc. (now part of McAfee)

Homepage: http://www.foundstone.com/knowledge/proddesc/superscan.html
Homepage: http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/superscan3.htm
Homepage: http://www.foundstone.com/resources/proddesc/superscan4.htm
Homepage: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads/free-tools/superscan.aspx
Download: http://www.foundstone.com/knowledge/zips/superscan4.zip
Download: http://www.foundstone.com/resources/freetools/superscan4.zip
Download: http://b2b-download.mcafee.com/products/tools/foundstone/superscan3.zip
Download: http://b2b-download.mcafee.com/products/tools/foundstone/superscan4.zip
Download: http://b2b-download.mcafee.com/products/tools/foundstone/superscan-4.1.zip

Скачать: SuperScan v3.0
Скачать: SuperScan v4.0
Скачать: SuperScan v4.1

Local Port Scanner v1.2.2

How wide open is your door? Scan your computer for open/listening ports used by hackers.

Homepage: http://www.jpsoft.dk/products.html

Скачать: Local Port Scanner v1.2.2

Advanced Net Tools (ANT) v3.0 Pro

ANT is now FREE! For more information, click here

• Network Port Scanner can scan any IP address or range of addresses for any port or range of ports. This is a very powerful networking utility and has many advanced features including multi-threading, see the link for more information.
• Share Scanner can scan an IP network for a list of servers and their shared drives shared drives.
• TraceRoute tells you how many hops (routers) are between your PC and another destination. It will also show you the slowest connection point.
• Ping Utility allows you to change the size of the packets, the timeout, and the number of packets to ping.
• NetStats shows all of the current connections on your PC and their current state. It also shows what ports applications are listening on. You can set the refresh rate at any speed you wish.
• Advanced DNS Utility shows you extended information on a given hostname or IP address. You can also lookup the mail exchange servers, or domain name servers for a specific domain. Query types available: A,ANY,NS,MX,SOA.
• ARP Configuration allows you to add/remove ARP entries and view the ARP table all from a Windows GUI.
• Route Configuration allows you to add/remove Routing entries and view the route trable all from a Windows GUI.
• Adapter Configuration allows you to view all adapters and add remove IP addresses of individual adapters using a Windows GUI.
• IP Configuration shows you all of the configuration information for all of the adapters on your system.
• IP Availability allows you to see what IP addresses are available on a subnet.
• Command Test, a utility for connecting to an open port and testing commands. Works like a telnet client but you can send 1 line at a time.
• Whois Client where you can configure the whois server for multiple DNS name types.
• With ANT you don't even need to use the main GUI interface, all menus are accessable from the system tray icon!
• Plugins, allows you to create links on your ANT menu to any external application.
• New feature to allow checking for updates on the web.

ANT requires either Windows 98/ME, NT4 (SP4 or later), Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

Homepage: http://www.dreamsyssoft.com/ant
Homepage: http://www.dreamsyssoft.com/home.jsp?go=ant
Homepage: http://www.dreamsyssoft.com/advanced-net-tools/
Homepage: http://www.dreamsyssoft.com/advanced-net-tools/ant_free.php
Homepage: http://www.dreamsyssoft.com/advanced-net-tools/ant_help_portscan.php

Скачать: Advanced Net Tools v2.7 Pro
Скачать: Advanced Net Tools v3.0 Pro

Opened Ports Viewer v1.4

Der Opened Ports Viewer zeigt eine Liste mit geöffneten Ports und die dazugehörige Prozesse an (ähnlich wie der Konsolenbefehl "netstat").

Die Portliste kann sortiert, nach Protokollen gefiltert und in HTML-, CSV- und Textdateien exportiert werden.

Opened Ports Viewer kann sowohl in Mehrbenutzersystemen, als auch auf einem USB-Stick betrieben werden.

Version 1.4:
[*] Opened Ports Viewer wurde auf Microsoft .NET Framework 4 umgestellt.
[*] Kleinere Änderungen an der Benutzeroberfläche (Info-Dialog).
[~] Im Ordner "Languages" wurden wichtige Hinweise für Übersetzer hinzugefügt.
Version 1.3:
[+] Eine Sprachdatei für Griechisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[+] Eine Sprachdatei für Italienisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[+] Eine Sprachdatei für Koreanisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[+] Eine Sprachdatei für Niederländisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[+] Eine Sprachdatei für Portugiesisch (brasil.) wurde hinzugefügt.
[*] Die Standardsprache wurde von Deutsch auf Englisch umgestellt. Dies gilt auch bei fehlenden Übersetzungen in anderen Sprachen.
[*] Diverse Änderungen an der Benutzeroberfläche.
Version 1.2.2:
[*] Diverse kleinere Änderungen an der Benutzeroberfläche.
[*] Eine Sprachdatei für Chinesisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[*] Eine Sprachdatei für traditionelles Chinesisch wurde hinzugefügt.
[*] Eine russische und ukrainische Sprachdatei wurden hinzugefügt.
[-] Ein Fehler in der englischen Sprachdatei wurde behoben.
Version 1.2.1:
[+] Eine japanische Sprachdatei wurde hinzugefügt.
[*] Opened Ports Viewer kann nun auch mit 64-Bit-Systemen verwendet werden.
[-] In Sprachdateien konnte die Schriftgröße der Benutzeroberfläche nicht verändert werden.

Homepage: https://www.gaijin.at/dlopview.php
Homepage: https://www.gaijin.at/de/software/openedportsviewer
Homepage: https://www.gaijin.at/en/software/openedportsviewer

Скачать: Opened Ports Viewer v1.3 / II / III
Скачать: Opened Ports Viewer v1.4

Tcp Port Scanner v1.5

Tcp Port Scanner - is an application that helps you find TCP/IP open ports. Port scanner can scan network up to 10,000 ports per second. It's really fast tcp/ip port scanner that uses SYN method of scanning. The program can save a list of open ports into a text file.

The Program does not work with PPP / PPTP / L2TP connection directly (Modem, ADSL, WiFi, VPN). You need to install the router and configure it for PPP / PPPoE / PPTP / L2TP connection, then connect computer to router by network cable. If program does not work or work very slow, then you must disable all firewalls, antiviruses and ndis filters.

Homepage: http://www.mylanviewer.com/port-scanner.html

Скачать: Tcp Port Scanner v1.5

Free Port Scanner 3.6.4

Free Port Scanner - is a small, fast, easy-to-use and robust port scanner for the Win32 platform. You can scan ports on fast machines in a few seconds and can perform scan on predefined port ranges. This tool uses TCP packets to determine available hosts and open ports, service associated with port and other important characteristics. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.

Homepage: http://www.nsauditor.com/network_tools/free_port_scanner.html

Скачать: Free Port Scanner 3.6.2
Скачать: Free Port Scanner 3.6.3
Скачать: Free Port Scanner 3.6.4

Ultra Port Scanner v1.0

Ultra Port Scanner - is an extremely fast, multi-threaded port scanner for Windows machines. It can scan 1000 ports in less than 5 seconds by using multi-threaded scanning technology. This tool can allow system administrators and network security professionals detect open IP ports on remote or local machines in order to identify and troubleshoot security or network communication issues. Fully supports scanning on both local and remote computer networks.

Homepage: http://www.danusoft.com/security.html

Скачать: Ultra Port Scanner v1.0

Nmap v7.80 (+Zenmap GUI)

Zenmap - is the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI. It is a multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.) free and open source application which aims to make Nmap easy for beginners to use while providing advanced features for experienced Nmap users. Frequently used scans can be saved as profiles to make them easy to run repeatedly. A command creator allows interactive creation of Nmap command lines. Scan results can be saved and viewed later. Saved scan results can be compared with one another to see how they differ. The results of recent scans are stored in a searchable database.

You can download Zenmap (often packaged with Nmap itself) from the Nmap download page. Zenmap is quite intuitive, but you can learn more about using it from the Zenmap User's Guide or check out the Zenmap man page for some quick reference information.

Homepage: https://nmap.org / https://nmap.org/zenmap/
Download: https://nmap.org/download.html#windows
Download: https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.80-setup.exe
Download: https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.95-setup.exe

Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
Python for Windows 7 x86 (Python 3.8.6 - Sept. 24, 2020): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.6/python-3.8.6.exe
Python for Windows 7 x64 (Python 3.8.6 - Sept. 24, 2020): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.6/python-3.8.6-amd64.exe
Python for Windows 11 x86 (Python 3.12.5 - Aug. 6, 2024): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.5/python-3.12.5.exe
Python for Windows 11 x64 (Python 3.12.5 - Aug. 6, 2024): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.5/python-3.12.5-amd64.exe

Скачать: Nmap v7.80 (+Zenmap GUI)
Скачать: Nmap v7.95 (+Zenmap GUI)

Atelier Web Security Port Scanner (AWSPS) v4.61

Atelier Web Security Port Scanner (AWSPS) - is a first-line weapon against network perils being used worldwide by thousands of security-conscious corporations, official state departments and consulting companies.

Atelier Web Security Port Scanner is an innovative network diagnostic tool that adds a new dimension of capabilities to the  arsenal of network administrators, information security professionals and all people concerned with safety on PCs.

Atelier Web Security Port Scanner features two different top-notch TCP Port Scanners, the Worlds' best UDP Port Scanner, one unique Mapping of Ports to Applications feature, every conceivable localhost Network information, precise and comprehensive LAN details, the Worlds' most powerful NetBIOS scanner (Professional release only), the most complete ports database available today and more...

Homepage: http://www.atelierweb.com/pscan/index.htm
Download: http://www.atelierweb.com/pscan/awsps461.zip

Скачать: Atelier Web Security Port Scanner v4.61

Anti Port Scanner (APS) v1.90

Anti Port Scanner (APS) - основным назначением данной программы является обнаружение хакерских атак. Как известно, первой фазой большинства хакерских атак является инвентаризация сети и сканирование портов на обнаруженных хостах. Сканирование портов помогает произвести определение типа операционной системы и обнаружить потенциально уязвимые сервисы (например, почту или WEB-сервер). После сканирования портов многие сканеры производят определение типа сервиса путем передачи тестовых запросов и анализа ответа сервера. Утилита APS проводит обмен с атакующим и позволяет однозначно идентифицировать факт атаки.

Anti Port Scanner (APS) предназначена для:
• Обнаружения разного рода атак (в базе APS около двухсот портов, используемых червями и Backdoor - компонентами - база периодически обновляется) и организации Honeypot
• Для тестирования сканеров портов и сетевой безопасности
• Для тестирования и оперативного контроля за работой Firewall.
• Блокирования работы сетевых червей и Backdoor модулей и их обнаружение

Anti Port Scanner (APS) может оповещать администраторов по электронной почте, посредством net send и передачи записей в syslog. Предусмотрено формирование отчетов (с возможностью автоматической отправки ежесуточного отчета по почте на заданные адреса) и WEB интерфейс. Программа может противодействовать работе сканера, передавая случайные отклики и имитируя отклики стандартных сервисов.

Домашняя страница: http://z-oleg.com/secur/aps.htm
Ссылка скачивания: http://z-oleg.com/secur/aps/aps.zip

Скачать: Anti Port Scanner v1.90

NetStat Agent v3.5

NetStat Agent 3.5 – Fast Lookup Tool for Available TCP/UDP Connections

Whenever you open a website connection through your browser or download files, you are opening TCP/UDP connections. TCP/UDP connections link your client computer to the remote host machine which may be local or out in the cloud.

The big problem is knowing what available connections you have available on your own computer. Opening TCP/UDP connections is essential if you are to master control over your network, but you need to take the guesswork out of the equation in order to manage resources effectively.

Now you can with NetStat Agent

NetStat Agent provides a fast and easy way to establish what ports and connections are available from your client computer. In addition, you are able to simply monitor what existing connections are currently being made and diagnose connectivity issues without delay.

NetStat Agent is also available as a fully portable solution capable of being carried with network administrators on a USB stick for fast and effective use wherever they happen to be physically located. No messy installs and no wasting time means enhanced value, improved user service and increased ROI.

NetStat Agent has a state-of-the-art and comprehensive toolkit including:
netstat, ping, ipconfig, traceroute, whois, http checker, DNS query (nslookup), ARP monitor, IP route.

NetStat Agent provides a simple to use interface powered by a powerful GUI which delivers easily understood network information fast.

At a glance information includes:
• Status update on all active TCP and UDP connections;
• IPv6 connections monitoring;
• Local and remote port availability and status;
• Connection state;
• Owning process;
• Full status information including geographical location of remote IP-addresses together with complete hostname.

With NetStat Agent you fully control network connectivity and can simply manage connection resources. NetStat Agent allows you to hide important connections, manage and close unwanted connections and help to quickly identify suspect traffic entering or leaving the network.

Homepage: http://netstatagent.com
Homepage: http://netstatagent.com/ru/

Скачать: NetStat Agent v3.5
Скачать: NetStat Agent v3.6

LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.55

LiveTcpUdpWatch - is a tool for Windows that displays live information about all TCP and UDP activity on your system. Every line in the main table of LiveTcpUdpWatch displays the protocol (TCP/UDP/IPv4/IPv6), local/remote IP address, local/remote port, number of sent/received bytes, number of sent/received packets, connect/disconnect time (For TCP only), and the process (ID and path) responsible for this activity.

LiveTcpUdpWatch vs CurrPorts vs NetworkTrafficView
This tool may look very similar to other tools of NirSoft - CurrPorts and NetworkTrafficView, but every tool behave differently and uses different technique to extract the network information.

• CurrPorts displays the current table of active TCP connections and TCP/UDP listening ports. but this technique has some disadvantages, for example, if UDP packets are sent from your computer to remote network address, you won't see it with CurrPorts, because with UDP there is no really a connection and the UDP table contains only listening UDP ports. The advantage of CurrPorts is the ability to use it without elevation (Run As Administrator).
• NetworkTrafficView uses network sniffing technique - It analyzes every packet sent/received by your network card and displays extensive summary according to the display mode you choose. The disadvantages of this tool: You have to choose a network card and capture method for activating the network sniffer.
• LiveTcpUdpWatch uses event tracing API to get live information from Windows Kernel about every TCP/UDP packet sent/received on your system. As opposed to CurrPorts, it captures all UDP activity with process information, but without the need of using a network sniffer.

System Requirements
This tool works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported. On Windows Vista and later this tool requires to run as Administrator (elevation).

Homepage: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/live_tcp_udp_watch.html

Скачать: LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.55

Open Ports Scanner v2.55

This software monitors TCP and UDP open network ports and connections on your computer. It displays open port information, type of the connection, process ID and process name, local and remote port numbers, remote connection IP and state. This utility may help you to detect trojans and malicious software. You may close unwanted TCP connection right from this application or export the list of the connection for further research. Monitoring features include TCP/UDP and IPv4/IPv6 display filter and desplay refresh timer control.

Open Ports Scanner is an enhanced netstat utility. For those of you who are familiar with network command line tools in Windows, netstat.exe should be a well known tool. This software extends functionality of this useful Windows networking tool. It brings you graphical user interface, an ability to monitor open ports over time, selectively display only TCP or UDP connections. Additionally it maps open ports to the running processes and even allows terminating an open TCP connection right from the program. Note that the underlying process is not terminated or "killed", you may just close TCP connection: right click on an open port that you would like to close and select "Close Connection". The software fully supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

- View open TCP and UDP connections.
- Supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.
- Displays process names and IDs.
- View open ports and software applications that controls them.
- Terminate TCPv4 connections with a single click.
- Protect your PC from unwanted software and malware.

Released: August 29th, 2020
Operating Systems: WinXP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10

Homepage: https://www.ashkon.com/openports.html
Download: https://www.ashkon.com/download/openport.exe

Homepage: https://www.filesland.com/openports/
Download: https://www.filesland.com/download/openport.exe

Скачать: Open Ports Scanner v2.47
Скачать: Open Ports Scanner v2.55

Сканер портов v1.1

Сканер портов - это удобный инструмент чтобы узнать, какие локальные порты открыты на вашем компьютере и какая программа их использует, также какой удаленный IP прослушивает локальный порт.

Данная утилита позволяет:
- Увидеть, какие порты открыты.
- На каких сокетах открыты порты: TCP или UDP.
- Отфильтровать порты по состоянию: слушающие или активные.
- Просмотреть соединения по IPv4 и IPv6.
- Узнать внутренний и внешний IP, удаленный IP.
- Получить имя процесса, который занимает порт.
- Легкое переключение языков (на данный момент их три Русский, English, Deutsch).
- Примечание! Для работы приложения необходимо наличие установленного .NET Framework 4.5.
- Программа не требует установки.

Что нового в Сканер портов 1.1?
- Добавлена поддержка языков: English, Deutsch

Homepage: https://portscaner.ru/tools-open-local-ports
Download: https://portscaner.ru/OpenPorts_1.1.zip

Скачать: Сканер портов v1.1

NetScanTools Pro v11.93

~ARP Scan (MAC Scan)~

NetScanTools Pro - is an integrated collection of internet information gathering and network troubleshooting utilities for Network Professionals. Research IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, hostnames, domain names, email addresses and URLs automatically** or with manual tools. It is designed for the Windows operating system GUI. **Automated tools are started interactively by the user.

NetScanTools Pro are Problem Solving Network Tools
Join the thousands of network professionals who rely on NetScanTools® Pro to solve their daily network problems.

We give you a powerful set of network tools - put them to use wherever you need them the most.

• Greatly enhances many familiar network tools.
• Saves time when gathering information about Internet or local LAN network devices, IP addresses, domains, device ports, and many other network specifics.
• Simplifies and speeds up the information gathering process by Automating the use of many network tools for you. You enter an IP and press one button to use many tools.
• Produces clear, concise results reports in your web browser.
• At $249 for the installed version of NetScanTools Pro, it represents the best value of any investigative tool! Our new license cost is less than the yearly maintenance cost for a competing network engineer's toolkit.
• Also available as a USB Flash Drive portable application -- and can be (or end user installed) on a fast USB Flash Drive with plenty of space for other great tools like Wireshark® Portable or NMAP.

NetScanTools Pro contains many Network Tools and Utilities
The NetScanTools philosophy is to bring together many network tools and utilities into one convenient interface. The tools are categorized below by function: active, passive, DNS and local computer.

Active Discovery and Diagnostic Tools
There are many Active Discovery and Diagnostic Tools that you can use to locate and test devices connected to your network. Active discovery means we send packets to the devices in order to obtain responses.

- ARP Ping
- ARP Scan (MAC Scan)
- DHCP Server Discovery
- Duplicate IP Scanner
- Email Validate
- Finger
- Network Shares - SMB
- Network Routing Visualizer
- OS Fingerprinting
- Packet Flooder (UDP Traffic Generator)
- Packet Generator (sends tcp, udp, icmp, cdp, raw packets)
- Ping - Enhanced (IPv4/IPv6)
- PingTrend
- Ping - Graphical
- Ping Scanner (NetScanner)
- Port Scanner
- Promiscuous Mode Scanner
- *nix RPC Info
- Simple Services
- SMB Scanner
- SMTP Server Tests
- SNMP Core and Advanced
- SSL Certificate Scanner
- System Info - SMB
- Text Only Web Page Viewer
- Traceroute (IPv4 and IPv6)

Passive Discovery Tools
The Passive Discovery Tools are used to find information from third parties or to monitor the activities of devices connected to your network. Passive discovery means that we listen to packets other devices send in order to obtain information about the devices.

- Connection Monitor
- Network Connection Endpoints
- Packet Capture
- Passive Discovery
- Real Time Blacklist Check
- Whois (accepts IPv4, IPv6 global, Domain Name or ASN queries)

DNS Tools
The DNS Tools are very versatile and help you find problems with DNS. The DNS tools are divided between 'Core' and 'Advanced' toolsets. Version 11 introduced IPv6 specific DNS tools.

DNS Tools - Core
- nslookup - 48 resource record types
- Dig - 48 resource record types
- Dig+trace - shows delegation path
- Get Basic DNS Records - SOA, A, AAAA (IPv6), NS, MX, CNAME, PTR, TXT
- Zone Transfer - automatic or manual server selection

Default System DNS Tools
- Simple Query - IPv4/NetBIOS names
- Simple Query - IPv6
- Who Am I?
- Test Default DNS
- Flush Default DNS Cache
- Edit DNS HOSTS File

DNS Tools - Advanced
- Auth Serial Check - checks the serial of each authoritative server
- DNS Software Version
- DNS Verify
- IP Drilldown - shows NS for each class of IPv4
- SPF/Domain Keys
- DNS List Speed Test
- IP or Hostname to ASN (IPv4/IPv6)
- Get VOIP SRV Records
- Get Misc SRV Records

Local Computer and General Information Tools
These tools provide information about your local computer's network and also include general information tools that are not easily categorized.

- ARP Cache
- Cache Forensics (URL Cache Viewer and Protected Storage Viewer)
- IP to Country
- IP/MAC Address Database
- Launcher
- MAC Address to Manufacturer
- Network Connection Endpoints
- Network Interfaces and Statistics
- Network Interfaces - Wireless
- IPv6 Network Neighbors
- TCP/UDP Service Lookup
- Subnet Calculator - IPv4
- TimeSync
- Wake On LAN
- Winsock Info

Homepage: https://www.netscantools.com/nstpromain.html
Homepage: https://www.netscantools.com/nstbasicmain.html
Download: http://www.netscantools.com/downloadfiles/nstb253.zip
Download: https://www.netscantools.com/downloadfiles/nstb254.zip / https://nwpscdn.b-cdn.net/nstb254.zip

Скачать: NetScanTools Basic v2.53
Скачать: NetScanTools Basic v2.54
Скачать: NetScanTools Pro v11.93

~Сканеры сетевых портов №2~

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1 Metabolic  
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