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Генераторы паролей №6
22.06.2024, 15:23

Генератор паролей v2.0

Маленький и удобный генератор паролей. По утверждению многих администраторов лучшие пароли - это набор числовых и буквенных символов. Эти пароли невозможно угадать и сложно запомнить, поэтому рекомендуется использовать именно их. Если вам часто приходиться придумывать различные пароли или вы постоянно ломаете себе голову и не можете придумать себе пароль, то эта программка станет вам полезной. Также есть возможность скопировать пароль в буфер обмена для дальнейшего использования или сохранения.

- Не требует инсталяции. Просто распакуйте .rar архив и запускайте.

Домашняя страница: http://www.iem.org.ua/

Скачать: Генератор паролей v2.0

Генератор паролей v2.0

Генерирует пароли от 1 до 35 числа символов включая A-Z, a-z 0-9 Пароли абсалютно все разные) Мне никогда не попадалась два обсалютно одинаковых чисел)

Изменения в этой версии от прошлой:
• Добавлена кнопка "Компировать"
• Мелкие недочёты и ошибки

Домашняя страница: https://computers-forum.ucoz.ru/load/moi_proekty/moj_soft/generator_parolej_v1_0/8-1-0-213
Домашняя страница: https://computers-forum.ucoz.ru/load/moi_proekty/moj_soft/generator_parolej_v2_0/8-1-0-214

Скачать: Генератор паролей v2.0

Генератор паролей v.2

Данная программа генерирует пароль (длина пароля максимум 26, минимум 4 символов) используя латинские буквы (разных регистров - A и a), цифры (можно без цифр) и символы (*#$!= и пр.). Как и цифры, символы также можно отключить. Использование одинаковых символов, цифр и букв в пароле можно исключить. Итоговый пароль выглядит примерно так: /Gy9z-0gIcQ2^#4~5:Qn$IsE4* (настройки были сделаны по максимуму для увеличения сложности пароля). После создания нового пароля он автоматически копируется в буфер.

Скачать: Генератор паролей v.2

Sticky Password Pro v5.0.10.257 (2012)

Sticky Password - программа позволяет безопасно прикрепить пароль и логин к окну любой программы или сайта. Вы сможете воспользоваться ими моментально даже не вспоминая имени аккаунта. Пароли активизируются автоматически или при нажатии на кнопку в заголовке окна. Все пароли надежно защищены криптостойкими алгоритмами.

Основные качества программы:
• Пароли надежно хранятся в защищенной криптостойкими алгоритмами базе и доступны только владельцу главного пароля программы
• Программа обеспечивает моментальный и авторизированный доступ к паролям - они "приклеиваются" к окну соответствующей им программы или web-страницы.
• При необходимости пароль и логин автоматически заносятся в соответствующие поля окна или web-формы
• Поддержка нескольких логинов и паролей для аккаунта
• База паролей персональна для каждого из пользователей компьютера
• Простой интерфейс программы
• Генератор криптостойких паролей
• Автоматизированное создание резервной копии базы данных, вы сможете восстановить вашу информацию на любой день и любое время
• Автоматическое закрытие базы паролей по прошествии определенного времени неиспользования компьютера
• Совместное использование: вы можете импортировать и экспортировать базы паролей
• Простой поиск: любой аккаунт может быть найден в базе паролей по части его имени

Домашняя страница: http://www.stickypassword.ru
Домашняя страница: https://www.stickypassword.com

Скачать: Sticky Password Pro v5.0.10.257
Скачать: Sticky Password Pro v6.0.16.478

Kaspersky Password Manager v5.0.0.179 (2013)

Kaspersky Password Manager - это незаменимый инструмент для активных интернет-пользователей: программа полностью автоматизирует ввод паролей и других данных на веб-страницах, избавляя вас от необходимости создавать и запоминать пароли. Используя Kaspersky Password Manager для авторизации, вы можете быть уверены в сохранности ваших данных: программа создает исключительно стойкие пароли, а также предотвращает кражу ваших идентификационных данных, помещая всю информацию в специальную базу данных на вашем компьютере в зашифрованном виде. Kaspersky Password Manager делает вашу работу в интернете удобнее и безопаснее, а также экономит ваше время.

Kaspersky Password Manager это программа для пользователей, которые общаются в социальных сетях, используют сервисы онлайн-банкинга, программы мгновенного обмена сообщениями и другие возможности интернета. Являясь прекрасным дополнением к защите, которую обеспечивает Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Password Manager полностью автоматизирует процесс ввода паролей и других личных данных на веб-сайтах и в приложениях Windows.

Кроме того, Kaspersky Password Manager избавляет вас от необходимости придумывать и запоминать множество паролей. Ваша информация надежно защищена, пароли надежны и устойчивы ко взлому, а вы избавлены от лишних забот.

Kaspersky Password Manager позволяет:
• сохранять и использовать ваши пароли;
• мгновенная авторизация на веб-сайтах и в приложениях;
• искать учетные записи, пароли, имена пользователей и другую персональную информацию в базе паролей;
• генерировать надежные пароли при регистрации новых учетных записей;
• хранить все пароли на съемном носителе;
• восстановить базу паролей из резервной копии;
• защищать пароли от несанкционированного доступа.

Домашняя страница: http://support.kaspersky.ru/kpm
Домашняя страница: http://www.kaspersky.ru/kpm-trial
Домашняя страница: http://www.kaspersky.ru/downloads/productupdates/kpm-latest-versions
Домашняя страница: http://www.kaspersky.com/password-manager

Ссылка скачивания: http://products.kaspersky-labs.com/russian/homeuser/kpm5.0/kpm5.0.0.179ru-ru.exe
Ссылка скачивания: http://products.kaspersky-labs.com/english/homeuser/kpm5.0/kpm5.0.0.179en.exe

Скачать: Kaspersky Password Manager v5.0.0.179 RU
Скачать: Kaspersky Password Manager v5.0.0.179 EN

SafeInCloud Password Manager v1.9 (2013)

SafeInCloud - бесплатный и легкий в использовании менеджер паролей для Android, который позволяет хранить пользовательские логины, пароли и другую конфиденциальную информацию в безопасности в зашифрованной базе данных. Присутствует возможность синхронизировать данные с мобильным устройством или ПК под управлением Windows или Mac OS через персональный аккаунт в облаке.

Ключевые особенности SafeInCloud:
• Стойкое шифрование (256-bit AES).
• Автоматическая синхронизация базы данных с облаком (Google Диск, Dropbox, OneDrive и Яндекс Диск).
• Вход по отпечатку пальца (Samsung устройства, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P).
• Поддержка Android Wear.
• Анализ стойкости паролей.
• Генератор паролей для создания безопасных паролей.
• Интеграция с браузером, что позволяет вставлять пароли непосредственно в веб страницы.
• Бесплатное приложение для ПК (Windows и Mac).
• Автоматический импорт данных.

Homepage: http://safe-in-cloud.com/en/

Скачать: SafeInCloud Password Manager v1.9
Скачать: SafeInCloud Password Manager v24.7.8

Efficient Password Manager v5.60 Build 559

Remember All Kinds of Passwords! Absolutely Safe!

• Completely Free
• Help You Record All Kinds of Passwords
• You Only Need to Remember One Password from now on
• Perfect Security System: Password Protection & Recyclebin & Backup and Restore
• 10 Different Interface Styles

Homepage: https://www.efficientpasswordmanager.com/
Homepage: https://www.efficientpasswordmanager.com/freeedition.htm

Скачать: Efficient Password Manager Free v5.60 Build 559
Скачать: Efficient Password Manager Pro v5.60 Build 556

Koehool Password Generator v1.0

An easy to use tool for creating Random passwords.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/koehoolpasswordgenerator/

Скачать: Koehool Password Generator v1.0

Xyzzy v1.0

Xyzzy - is a pronounceable password generator. It is useful for network or server administrators that find themselves creating new user accounts on a regular basis and need to come up with passwords for them.

The reasons to use a pronounceable password generator such as xyzzy are simply because passwords based on dictionary words are easy to crack by brute force methods, and passwords which are hard to remember usually need to be written down which makes them vulnerable to being found by prying eyes.

The passwords generated by xyzzy are easy to remember because they are pronounceable (usually) and are more secure because they are not dictionary words. Occasionally one will slip through, but this is very rare (usually about 1 in every 1000).

The algorithm used to create the passwords is based on work of several people. In simple terms, it uses the statistics of how often one letter appears next to another and generates passwords based on these trends. For example, if a password contains the letter 'Q', then it is very likely that it will also contain a 'U' right beside it, because this is almost always the case in real words.

For added fun, try to think of definitions for the words that xyzzy generates.

The icon for xyzzy was created by Steve Weintraub.

System Requirements
• MS Windows 95 or better, or
• MacOS 9 with CarbonLib 1.3.1 or better, or
• MacOS X (10) or better.

xyzzy Version History
Version 1.000
• First public release.

Homepage: http://haxial.com/products/xyzzy/

Скачать: Xyzzy v1.0

SecurePassGen v0.1

SecurePassGen - a GUI utility to generate passwords. The user has multiple options from which to choose. There is also an option to generate passwords that conform to a pattern that makes them easy to type using a QWERTY keyboard.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/securepassgen/
Github: https://github.com/nuncio-bitis/securepassgen

Скачать: SecurePassGen v0.1

Java Password Generator v1.2

This is a simple WEP, WPA key and password generator that allows you to select the level of complexity. Since it is written in java, it will run on any system with a JRE installed.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/javapasswordgen/

Скачать: Java Password Generator v1.2

Gryptonite (formerly GPassword Manager) v3.1.1

A simple but powerful cross-platform utility for managing and accessing your most secret data. It stores passwords and whole files, so it can literally store any information you want to keep secret. Access your most-used passwords/URLs right out of a desktop tray icon.

For advanced users, it includes a separate utility called Grypto-Transforms, which has a universal hash calculator with all the major hash functions, generic encrypt/decrypt functions and a base64/hex converter.

Although the interface is simple and intuitive, the security is top-notch. It uses AES with CCM to secure and authenticate the data.

• Intuitive, lightweight interface that does what you want without all the confusing extras
• Cross-platform; runs on Windows, Linux, Mac (anything which runs Qt)
• Secure file encryption, with one master password (and/or keyfile) to unlock your bag of secrets
• Keep a list of favorites and access them quickly by using the convenient tray icon
• Click-and-drag passwords and other information onto forms for quick fill-out
• Quick search bar for finding the password you need
• Flexible enough to store any kind of secret information, yet simple enough for anyone to use
• Auto-generate random passwords
• Compute hashes, encrypt/decrypt data or convert to base-64/hex with the Crypto Transforms utility

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gpasswordman/

Скачать: Gryptonite v3.1.1

Password Generator Pro v3.6.0 (trial)

An easy way to generate passwords and random numbers
Password Generater Pro can generate more passwords than any similar program, faster than any other program! It offers five main methods for generating the passwords:

• Normal generation from either letters, numbers and/or special characters
• Masked - specify patterns describing the passwords
• Dictionary - grabs random passwords from a file
• Pronouncable - create pronouncable passwords
• Character list - include only characters represented in a list you specify

In all modes you can choose upper, lower or mixed case letters. You can save the passwords to a file, copy them to the clipboard or print them.

Advanced masking gives you more freedom
Use masking to create complete login details (username, password, etc), license keys, phone numbers etc. The sky is the only limit.

Command line support
We understand that you may want to utilize the power of Password Generator Pro from within your existing system. That's why all the functionality is available in command line form, in addition to the graphical user interface. One single-line call to Password Generator Pro is enough. Examples are included.

Powerful random number generator
Passwords and numbers are generated using a pseudorandom number generator called Mersenne twister. This is an advanced algorithm that creates high quality random numbers using a twisted generalized shift feedback register. It has a higher number of dimensions than linear congruential generators.

• Lightning fast generation
• Generate up to 1 billion unique passwords
• Use masking and format rules to further define the password style
• Grab random passwords from a word-list file
• Command line support for easy integration in your own system
• Results can be printed, stored to file or copied to the clipboard
• Optional phonetic spelling
• And much more...

Version history

Version 3.6.0 (26. July 2005)
Download version 3.6.0

* Better listing in the main window for generated passwords, plus minor GUI changes
* Ability to generate phonetic spelling
* Speed increase in dictionary mode
* Fixed bug when showing millions of passwords in the main window
* Fixed speed problems when generating several hundred million unique passwords
* Some stability issues fixed
* Show number of combinations for current generation options
* Show the strength of each password

Version 3.2.0 (15. June 2005)

* Option to generate unique passwords
* Fixed speed problems when saving to file
* Generation of passwords is now much faster
* Some interface changes

Password Generator Professional (Enterprise Edition) application is now distributed as freeware. Kristanix company no longer sells their products anymore! So download, install and have fun!

Download full version (NOW IS FREEWARE!):

Homepage: http://www.kristanix.com/software/pgp.html
Homepage: http://www.kristanixsoftware.com/passwordgenerator/

Скачать: Password Generator Pro v3.6.0
Скачать: Password Generator Professional v5.54

Passwordium v1.0

Passwordium - is a 2 in 1 application that includes two tools for passwords, Password Generator and password strength checker.

Password Generator is a great tool that helps you to make strong passwords in order to get highly secured accounts or data.

Password Strength Checker is a password meter which detects the security of your password if it was strong or not.

How do I make sure that my password is safe?
Passwordium can be used normally offline so no passwords are being sent to us.
So, we are not having generated passwords. And even if we do, No sign in required at all.

Homepage: https://www.xisoftware.org/2015/01/passwordium.html

Скачать: Passwordium v1.0

Webmaster Password Generator v1.30

A slick and easy to use Password Generator program for Webmasters and all web users.  Generate strong passwords for all your Internet login accounts easily and quick. Excellent for webmasters, web hosting companies or anyone wishing to generate strong passwords conveniently and fast. Allows you to generate any quantity of passwords with only one mouse click.

Homepage: http://www.tropicdesigns.net/webmaster_password_generator.html
Homepage: https://tropicdesigns.net/webmaster-password-generator.html

Скачать: Webmaster Password Generator v1.30 / II

JPasswordGenerator v1.2

JPasswordGenerator - is an Open Source Java application for creating safe and strong passwords from six character sets (which can be individually enabled) in a random way. The created password is displayed and copied in the system clipboard.

Source: https://jpasswordgen.sourceforge.net
Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jpasswordgen/

Скачать: JPasswordGenerator v1.2


Promitheas Generator (PROGEN) - is a useful and simple to use password and key generator utility. You can choose the pattern of the passwords that you will make the program (letters,digits,symbols).

PROGEN can also make WEP/WPA keys and Installation Keys. It is easy to use and it has nice GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Homepage: http://trouvas.crack.gr/applications.htm

Скачать: PROGEN v1.5

Dalenryder Password Generator v3.8.0.0

Password Generator and Password Manager

Main functions and features: Generate random and safe passwords or codes and save them in the build-in password manager with a
secure encryption. Dalenryder Password Generator also offers a tool for encrypting and decrypting text and generating simple PIN
codes for e.g. your smartphone lock and more. You can also use the extended password generator, called Fruity Password Generator,
for individual passwords with own settings and a user defined length. And this password tool offers much more, download and try now
for free.

Homepage: http://dalenryder.com/Software/PasswortGenerator/Password%20generator.html

Скачать: Dalenryder Password Generator v3.8.0.0

Генератор паролей v2.0

Программа генерирует пароли, предназначена в первую очередь системным администраторам, облегчает задачу создания паролей. Можно варьировать длину символов в пароле, количество генерируемых паролей, исключать похожие символы, использовать специальные символы, исключать по выбору заглавные и/или прописные и цифровые символы.Подробнее смотрите скриншот программы.

Не требует установки (нужен только msvbvm60.dll).

Домашняя страница: http://perfect.com.kz

Скачать: Генератор паролей v2.0

Secure Password Generator v3.0

Secure Password Generator - is is a free desktop based tool to quickly generate strong & secure password.

With a growing incidents of web server hacking and database compromises, these days there is a greater need to use strong password. This will prevent your password from being decrypted if your password hash falls into the wrong hands.

Secure Password Generator helps you to create strong password using one or more of the following character sets
- Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
- Lowercase Letters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special Symbols ($,#, ?, *, & etc)

It is very easy to use with a nice GUI interface. You can generate password of length ranging from 5 to 500 characters.

Also being a offline tool makes it easy to use anytime anywhere without internet connectivity.

It is fully portable tool and includes Installer also. It works on both 32 bit & 64 bit platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Homepage: https://www.securityxploded.com/secure-password-generator.php
Download: https://securityxploded.com/download/SecurePasswordGenerator.zip

Скачать: Secure Password Generator v3.0

WiFi Password Key Generator v11.0

WiFi Password Key Generator - is the free desktop tool to quickly create secure Wireless WEP,WPA,WPA2,WPA3 passphrase keys.

Most devices (Modems/Routers) require you to enter WEP/WPA keys during Wireless security configuration. Unlike regular passwords, these keys have strict length requirements based on type of security mechanism (WEP, WPA, WPA2,WPA3 etc).

In such cases, 'Wi-Fi Password Key Generator' can help you to easily generate these keys. It supports all types of Wireless Security configurations (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3) and key length combinations as shown below:

• WEP - 64-bit - 5 Characters
• WEP - 128-bit - 13 Characters
• WEP - 152-bit - 16 Characters
• WEP - 256-bit - 29 Characters
• WPA - 64-bit - 8 Characters
• WPA2 - 160-bit - 20 Characters
• WPA2 - 504-bit - 63 Characters
• WPA3 - 128-bit - 16 Characters
• WPA3 - 192-bit - 24 Characters

It generates Secure Wireless keys using combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special symbols. Also the generated key is displayed in both ASCII and HEX format. So based on what your wireless device asks, you can copy the right form of key.

It is very easy to use this tool and any one can generate secure Wi-Fi key within seconds with few clicks.

'Wi-Fi Password Key Generator' is fully portable, does not require JAVA, .NET etc and works on both 32 bit & 64 bit platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 11 version.

Homepage: https://securityxploded.com/wifi-password-key-generator.php
Download: https://securityxploded.com/download/WiFiPasswordKeyGenerator.zip

Скачать: WiFi Password Key Generator v11.0

RandomPass v1.0.3

RandomPass by LuciaSoft - is a random password generator that is highly customizable. You can generate passwords of fixed or random length, given a minimum and maximum length. You can control the types of characters and the propensity of each type of character. All crucial information that is used to generate passwords can be hidden from view. The newly generated passwords can be manually or automatically copied to the clipboard.

• Arbitrary password length
• Fixed or random password length
• Optional parabolic computation of random password length
• Parabolic length can favor the minimum or maximum length
• Control over types of characters (letters, numbers, symbols)
• Control over propensity of each type of character
• Option to always begin password with a letter
• Manually or automatically copy password to clipboard
• All crucial information can be hidden from view
• Make form "always on top" of other windows
• Settings can be saved, loaded, opened, deleted, and reset

Current version: 1.0.3 (2021-12-27)

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/randompass-by-lucarta/
Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/randompass-password-generator/

Скачать: RandomPass v1.0.3

Dummy Password Generator v1.2.0.0

Simple console application generating passwords in quite easy and simple way. Application allows user to copy generated passwords to clipboard.

• System.Security.Cryptography used from version 1.2
• More passwords generated at once
• Console interface
• Parameters support (run with /? parameter for further details)
• Clipboard support

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/d-p-g/

Скачать: Dummy Password Generator v1.2.0.0

PassGen v2.4.6

This portable program can generate easy to remember passwords which look like real words but they are not. It is much easier for brain to remember them as whole words and not as separate sequence of random chars. You also can use "Calls" feature to convert any password or text into international NATO phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...) so it will be easy to pass them correctly through phone or radio conversation.

Programs allows you to generate customized password right from the tray icon.

Github: https://github.com/JocysCom/PassGen

Скачать: PassGen v2.4.6

Mass Password Generator v5.00

Originally for my school's IT Department, I have now released the source code under the GNU GPL. It supports the random generation of huge numbers of passwords that can be determined in a variety of ways.

• "Dictionary" password creation.
• Formatted passwords.
• Simple selection of characters.
• Easy-to-use GUI.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/javapwordgen/

Скачать: Mass Password Generator v5.00

SecurePassword Kit v4.2

Features Tour of SecurePassword Kit
Undoubtedly, passwords are keys to our security and privacy in the Internet. Security experts have identified weak passwords as a primarily vulnerability in online security. Choosing a strong password for your accounts is the first step in protecting your account from being hacked. If you have a secure password, chances of your account getting hacked are significantly reduced.

Random Password Generator
Excellent and easy-to-use tool for getting new secure passwords. It allows you create secure passwords in one click of a button.

Password Checker
A simple tool that estimates strength of your password as you type it.

Secure storage of your passwords from different web sites, email, social networks and other internet resources accounts. Passwords saved in the Keeper are protected with help of a master password.

Google Chrome Password Recovery
Simple recovery tool that shows you all passwords stored by Google Chrome web browser.

Command Line Random Password Generator
SecurePassword Kit supports random password generation form the Windows command line.


Random Password Generator is the excellent and easy-to-use tool for getting new secure passwords. It allows you create secure passwords in one click of a button. Create single or multiple passwords of required length. The Password Generator provides set of options that allows your choose the required complexity of the password.

Homepage: http://www.getsecurepassword.com/Download.aspx
Homepage: http://www.getsecurepassword.com/RandomPasswordGenerator.aspx

Скачать: SecurePassword Kit v4.1
Скачать: SecurePassword Kit v4.2

BinaryMark Password Generator 2020 Pro v3.0.3.4 Trial (2019)

Easily generate millions of unique strong random passwords, numbers, masked codes, pronounceable passwords, usernames, and more. Control character placement, composition, and frequency of occurrence. Allow or disallow duplicate, consecutive, repeating, and similar characters. Use words, sequential parts, random numbers, non-ASCII Unicode characters, and even data from database in your passwords and codes. Avoid weak passwords using filters. Save results to Excel, XML or Text files, and database. Generate MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hashes of passwords and usernames you generate. Use various random number generators: Basic, Xor Shift 128, Mersenne Twister - MT19937, Additive Lagged Fibonacci - ALF, FIPS-140 compliant cryptographicaly strong RNG. E-mail users their new login information from within the program. Work in modern Ribbon User Interface!

Homepage: https://www.binarymark.com/products/password-generator
Download: https://download.binarymark.com/PasswordGeneratorSetupT.exe

Скачать: BinaryMark Password Generator 2020 Pro v3.0.3.4 Trial
Скачать: BinaryMark Password Generator 2020 Pro v3.0.3.4 Trial [?]

~Генераторы паролей №7~

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