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Генераторы паролей №7
29.06.2024, 15:19

Password Generator v1.0

Free Password Generator

The Password Generator by MeowPC.com is a free software program to create strong passwords in a simple way. It is a portable desktop application that doesn't require installation. Just download the zip file, extract it to a folder on a hard drive, SD card or USB memory stick and run it from there every time when you need to create a password.

This program is working stable in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

It hasn't yet been tested in Windows Vista and XP, but it should work there properly as well.

Homepage: http://meowpc.com/software/password.htm

Скачать: Password Generator v1.0

Password Generator v1.0.0

Generate random passwords.

• Typer for CLI
• PySide6 for GUI

Github: https://github.com/DogukanUrker/passwordGenerator
Homepage: https://dogukanurker.com/passwordgenerator

Скачать: Password Generator v1.0.0

Password Generator v0.1

A simple yet powerful password generator. Allows you to customize which characters are part of the password.

You have many options how your password will look like:
» numbers,uppercase and lowercase
» characters
» special characters
» same characters on an English and German keyboard

Source: http://oliverpasswordgenerator.codeplex.com

Скачать: Password Generator v0.1

PassByCode v1.1

PassByCode - is a standalone password generator with a graphical interface for Windows, utilizing cryptographic methods for password generation.

• Hash-Based Generation: PassByCode takes the input data and creates a hash using MD5 as a seed, ensuring a secure password generation process.
• User-Friendly Interface: Easily input the required data, and PassByCode will generate a unique password. Forgot your password? Simply re-enter your data.

Required Information
PassByCode requires the following information for password generation:

• Service Name: The name of the platform or service for which you want to create a password.
• Your Nickname or Alias (Optional): You can optionally provide a nickname or alias to personalize your passwords.
• Service Login/Email: The login or email associated with the service.
• Your Any Secret: Any additional secret information you want to include for added security.

The program offers basic, but highly effective protection against window capturing. With the built-in feature "Window capture protection," it is impossible to screenshot or record the program's window on video.

1. Enter the required information.
3. Click on the generate button.
4. Your unique password will be ready for use.

Remember every character you enter. Any letter or number affects the final password. Also, do not provide the data you enter to anyone.

Github: https://github.com/DosX-dev/PassByCode

Скачать: PassByCode v1.1

ReffPassGen v1.0

ReffPassGen - программа предназначенная для генерации различных паролей. В ней можно одним нажатием кнопки сохранить пароль на рабочий стол, или копировать в буфер обмена. Программа очень проста в использовании и на Русском языке.

Источник: https://nnmclub.to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=565992
Источник: http://rutor.info/torrent/229605/reffpassgen-2012-pc-portable

Скачать: ReffPassGen v1.0

Генератор паролей v1.0

Простой генератор паролей.

Источник: autoit-script.ru
Автор(ы): Altlans

Источник: http://autoit-script.ru/index.php?topic=13795.0
Источник: https://autoit-script.ru/threads/prostoj-generator-parolej.13795/

Скачать: Генератор паролей v1.0

Парогенератор v1.0

Программа позволяет создать случайный пароль заданной длины. Поддерживается генерация паролей длиной от 6 до 24 символов и автоматическое копирование нового пароля в буфер обмена.

Домашняя страница: http://ru56.ru

Скачать: Парогенератор v1.0

Simple Password Generator v1.0

A very simple and lightweight password generation tool that can generate alphabetic, alphanumeric, ASCII, and numeric passwords from length 1 to 9,999 using RandomStringUtils from Apache Commons.

Github: https://github.com/SirJacob/Simple-Password-Generator

Скачать: Simple Password Generator v1.0

Simple Password Generator v1.1.2

An amazingly user friendly password generator!

This program was first made as a fun project I kept up in High School. I occasionally add new features to it, but it's not in active development.

NOTE: This is a pet project I made to practice using C# in High School. I strongly recommend you use a full password manager to save your passwords in an encrypted file, so that you don't have to remember them, and they are safe. My password manager of choice is 1Password, however if you're looking for a free and open source solution, KeePass is an amazing solution.

NOTE: This requires the .NET Framework to run. If you use the installer, it will automatically install!

Github: https://github.com/HobbieJ/PasswordGenerator

Скачать: Simple Password Generator v1.1.2

DO Password-Generator v2.00

Sie erstellen mit der Freeware DO Passwort-Generator sichere Passwörter zur Authentifizierung eines
Benutzers für PC-Anmeldungen, Netzwerkanmeldungen oder für Anwendungsanmeldungen.
DO Passwort-Generator unterstützt die Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch.
Sie können die Zeichenauswahl automatisch oder manuell vorgeben. Auch die Passwortlänge zwischen
5 und 30 Zeichen geben Sie im DO Passwort-Generator vor.
Mnemonische Passwörter können Sie sich leicht merken, sind aber nicht so sicher wie rein zufällige
Passwörter. Mnemonische Passwörter haben eine Mindeslänge von 10 Zeichen.
Das Passwort wird entweder rot, für ein nicht sicheres Passwort, oder hellrot, für ein Passwort
mittlerer Sicherheit oder grün, für ein sicheres Passwort, angezeigt.
Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird das Passwort nur 2 Minuten angezeigt und nur für 10 Sekunden in die Zwischenablage kopiert. Hilfe-Popups erklären Ihnen die Vorgehensweise im DO Passwort-Generator.
• Zeichenauswahl manuell oder automatisch
• Passwortlänge vorgeben
• Mnemonische Passwörter mit Zahl
• Sicherheit: Passwort nur 10 Sekunden in der Zwischenablage
• Sicherheit: Passwort wird nur 2 Minuten angezeigt
• Look & Feel Microsoft Office 2007
• Oberfläche in Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch

Installation required - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Homepage: http://www.ohrmund.com/passwortgenerator.htm

Скачать: DO Password-Generator v2.00

Password Generator v1.2

Generate passwords ranging from simple to very complicated.

Easily generate passwords that range from Very Easy to Impossible to crack. There is a selection of multiple different password types that include Alphabetical Characters, Alphanumeric Characters, and Special Characters.

You can generate a password and copy it straight to your clipboard and have a strong secure password that can be used for email addresses, securing files, or generating safe passwords for web accounts.

Homepage: http://tutorialsmadesimple.org/c-advanced-random-password-generator/
Download: https://download.cnet.com/advanced-password-generator/3000-18501_4-75958560.html

Скачать: Password Generator v1.2
Скачать: Password Generator v1.3

Password Generator v1.1

Password Generator - is for those times when you need to think of a secure password, however you want something that you might stand a chance of remembering in the future, so nothing too obscure.

Press Generate to create a password. Click the generated password to copy it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. There's a few options too if you need to generate a longer password. You can also add your own words by editing the included 'wordlist.txt' file.

As of November 2022, I've also added the option to generate a much more complex password (although this does mean it's much harder to remember), and I've made the harder passwords the default. To generate an easier to remember, but much less secure password, hold the shift key while you click the 'Generate' button.

Version history
version 0.1 - Feb 2020.

version 0.2 - Feb 2021. Added a disclosure triangle to hide and show options.

version 1.1 - Nov 2022. Code cleanup and added the ability for harder passwords.

version 1.2 - Aug 2023. Holding the shift-key and clicking generate still generates a simple password, but these can also be considered moderately secure now.

System requirements
Tested with Xubuntu Linux 19.10, Mac OS 10.11 and Windows 10 build 1903.

Homepage: https://www.tsites.co.uk/sites/software/passwordgen/

Скачать: Password Generator v1.1

Hibinox Password Maker v1.0

Hibinox Password Maker - is a small software application developed specifically for helping you create secure passwords for your email accounts or other purposes. It can be installed on all Windows versions out there.

In order to run the program correctly and avoid bumping into all sorts of errors, you need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or a higher version deployed on the target computer.

Homepage: http://sourcenet.blogspot.com/2011/04/hibinox-password-maker.html
Homepage: http://www.sourcenet.in/2011/04/hibinox-password-maker.html

Скачать: Hibinox Password Maker v1.0

Генератор паролей v2.0

Программа предназначена для тех, кому часто приходится менять пароли (пр. почта, dial-up, пароли для учетных записей пользователей) и тех, кто заботится о том, чтобы эти пароли было сложно, а то и вовсе невозможно подобрать.

Пароли генерируются с помощью функции random, которая сбивается текущей датой и временем, перемещением мыши и вводом случайного текста. Таким образом возможность полностью воссоздать те условия, в которых пароль был сгенерирован практически невозможно.

Все, что требуется от пользователя - это указать могут ли в пароле присутствовать символы латинского алфавита, кирилицы, а также спецсимволы, задать длину пароля (от 1 до 255 символов) и нажать кнопку <пароль>. Если вам не понравился предложенный пароль, нажмите кнопку еще раз. Перенесите выбранный пароль в буфер и пользуйтесь.

Домашняя страница: http://agrovet.ru/soft/

Скачать: Генератор паролей v2.0 / II

Real Passwords v1.5

Ever tried to think of a good, yet easy to remember password? Ever tried one of those password generators that gives you impossible to remember passwords such as D!bx%79Yh? Real Passwords is a password generator that creates passwords out of real words so that they are easy to remember. However, if you get an irresistible desire for those cryptic passwords, Real Passwords can do those as well.

Key Features:
• Word Combination passwords
• Uppercase, lowercase, mixed case
• Add numbers before word, after word, before and after, in the middle of the word, or no numbers at all
• Automatically copy passwords to clipboard
• Able to generate thousands of passwords very quickly

Because I no longer develop or support this software, you can no longer purchase a license. Please use the user name and registration code listed below to unlock.

Name: Registered User
Code: 6511247907235333

This software is no longer developed or supported.

Homepage: http://www.ryanware.com/realpass.html
Homepage: https://ryanware.com/software/real_passwords/

Скачать: Real Passwords v1.5

Secure Password Generator v1.1

Secure Password Generator - is a generator that generates secure randomised bits compromised of lower & upper cased characters, numerical values and symbols. This generates a 15 bit length string, which is the industry standard bit value for passwords.

- General polish and refinements, as-well as documentation.

• Generates 15 bit value strings.
• Includes lower and upper case characters, numerical values, and symbols with the generated string.
• Includes an Auto-Update feature for convenience and peace of mind, knowing you have the latest beneficial version available.
• Includes an automatic open and save feature for the Auto-Update system.
• Proffesional grade Password Generator software.
• Includes unique & simple stylish design, for ease of access and convenience.
• Features an option to open & save your generated password directly as a file.
• No hidden or privacy compromising features. Just a simple password generator.
• WARNING: May contain nuts.

Homepage: http://www.xodusen.com
Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/secpassgen/

Скачать: Secure Password Generator v1.1

Random Password Generator v1.0.0.0

A small basic random password generator written in C#.NET 4.5.

Password options include:
• 6 - 32 characters
• Numbers (0 - 9)
• lowercase characters
• UPPERCASE characters
• Symbols (@%$....)

Also includes an option to increase password complexity. An increase of which means passwords are numerically weighted more towards symbols rather than letters.

Font used in program window: Calisto MT

Source: http://basicrandpassgen.codeplex.com

Скачать: Random Password Generator v1.0.0.0

Password Generator v0.0.1

随机密码生成 Random Password Generator

System Requirements:
- Windows 10 and above

Github: https://github.com/Bisns/password-generator
Homepage: https://apps.fyne.io/apps/com.github.Bisns.password-generator.html

Скачать: Password Generator v0.0.1

Password Generator v2.0.0.7

Free Password Generator - is a free program for generating strong passwords in Windows operating systems

“Free Password Generator” is a free, small and easy-to-use tool for generating strong access passwords in the Microsoft Windows operating system. The application allows you to create passwords of any length, which can be formed of letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers and special characters, so we can create a password virtually unbreakable.

Homepage: https://wdzsoft.com/free-password-generator/

Скачать: Password Generator v2.0.0.7

Password Generator v1.0

Password Generator - helps  you create random passwords which are ultra secure and difficult to crack.

Select the password length, uncheck/check  the checkbox of options for password, then get it!

The options including: include upper case in password, include lower case in password, include numbers or special characters in password, also you can make the password stronger by excluding the duplicate characters.

Passwords Generator copies generated password automatically to the clipboard, so you can quickly paste it!

How to:

Step 1: Password length.

The longer password you have, the stronger it is. Minimum recommended length of the password is six characters. Here password length up to 32.

Step 2: Specify the types of characters used in the password.

It recommended to use all available characters to generate a complicated, secure password.

Step 3: Get the password!

Now you just click “Generate” and ready to use. When the password is generated, click “Select and Copy”, then you can quickly paste into the appropriate field.

Homepage: http://softwareviews.org/security/free-password-generator.html

Скачать: Password Generator v1.0

Генератор паролей v1.0.0.2

Есть огромное количество генераторов паролей, но многие генерируют за один раз только один пароль, это не очень удобно, если требуется, например, 50 паролей сразу. Эта функция реализована в моей программе. В остальном в ней нет ничего необычно, пароль генерируется из заданного множества символов, выборкой случайных, есть список символов исключений (т.е. символы нежелательные в пароле). Программа написана на Visual Basic 6, поэтому потребуется библиотека msvbmv60.dll (её легко найти в интернете (в ХР и Win 2000 она есть сразу)).

Домашняя страница: https://alians3000.narod.ru
Ссылка скачивания: https://alians3000.narod.ru/passwd.zip

Скачать: Генератор паролей v1.0.0.2

PasswordPRO v1.9.2

PasswordPRO - генератор паролей, генерирующий уникальные пароли в несколько кликов!

• Возможность сохранения генерированных паролей в .txt файле.
• Различные параметры пароля (числа, символы, нижний и верхний регистр, кириллица, латиница)
• Длина пароля до 50 символов
• Не требует установки
• Возможность задать свои символы для пароля
• Очистка буфера обмена
• Менеджер паролей
• Проверка сложности пароля
• Исключение неоднозначных символов: il1Lo0O

Требования: Net 4.7.2 и выше

версия 1.9.2
- добавлено исключение неоднозначных символов: il1Lo0O
- убраны символы ? и @
- добавлен менеджер проверки надежности пароля

Источник: https://tehadm.ru/threads/passwordpro.683/
Github: https://github.com/mygedz/PasswordPRO

Скачать: PasswordPRO v1.9.2 / II

Random Password Generator Expert v2.0 (Unregistered)

Random Password Generator Expert - is a full-featured and powerful, yet small and handy application able to generate passwords of any length and character content. The program may be used by network administrators, webmasters, internet service providers - all those who need to create and administer password protected systems.

This application allows a security conscious network administrator or developer the choice of generating random passwords up to 80 characters in length and in any combination of four character types: upper- and lowercase letters, numeric characters and special characters (such as #, ^, & etc. - the set of characters is customizable, you may specify which characters you want to use).

Random Password Generator Expert can save passwords in plain text, HTML or comma-separated format. The number of unique passwords amounts to 90,000,000,000 providing reliable defense from rough-force attacks.

Homepage: http://www.softdemon.com/pwd/index.html

Скачать: Random Password Generator Expert v2.0

Генератор Паролей v1.2

Теперь вы можете долго не мучаться придумывая пароли! Просто скачайте наш фирменный генератор! Много настроек создаваемого пароля...Новая версия генератора содержит модуль генерации пароля на основе личных данных, очень удобно!

Домашняя страница: https://groupw.narod.ru/Files.htm

Скачать: Генератор Паролей v1.2

Definitive Password Generator v1.3.1.0

A complete password generator built for Windows with Electron.

Definitive Password Generator is a simple and lightweight app built with Electron (currently only available for Windows) that generates random and secure passwords for your needs.

• Simple, lightweight and fast
• Has a Tray icon, where you can right-click to generate a quick password that is automatically copied to the clipboard
• Password is generated based on the specified parameters:
  ○ Character amount: The number of characters to use on the password (16 is a good number)
  ○ Include Symbols: Whether or not to include special characters
  ○ Include Numbers: Whether or not to include numbers
  ○ Include Uppercase: Whether or not to include Upper-Case characters
  ○ Include Lowercase: Whether or not to include Lower-Case characters
  ○ Exclude Similar: excludes characters visually similar, such as "i l L o O 0". This is recomended, since some fonts used in passwords fields might be confusing to identify
  ○ Exclude Ambiguous: Exclude special characters that might be problematic in passwords
• Parameters are saved locally on your machine at "C:/Users/%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/Definitive Password Generator". So next time you open the app, it will restore the previous parameters.

Reminder: closing the app on the top-right corner X will only close the window. The app will still run on the Tray, for you to generate passwords more quickly. For you to really close the app, just right-click on the Tray icon and choose "Quit".

• Icon change
• F11 Key bug fixed
• Portable app added

Github: https://github.com/juninholiveira/definitive-password-generator

Скачать: Definitive Password Generator v1.3.1.0

Secure Password Generator v0.1

Programa que permite generar passwords altamente seguros.

Homepage: http://www.digitalblast.com.ar/
Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Password-Managers-Generators/DigitalBlast-Secure-Password-Generator.shtml

Скачать: Secure Password Generator v0.1

WPAGen v24.6.7

WPAGen - is a wifi password generator written in Python. It runs in the terminal and has very few dependencies other than Python itself, and if you're using the compiled binary you don't even have to have Python installed.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wpa2gen/

Скачать: WPAGen v24.6.7

~Генераторы паролей №1~

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