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Генераторы паролей №5
18.06.2024, 15:15

PassGen v1.1

PassGen - is a simple and easy to use password generator.

You can define the length and amount of passwords as needed, and select whether or not the passwords should be case sensitive and/or have special characters in them.

PassGen 1.1 (5kb, requires .NET 2.0)

Homepage: http://clandestine.dk/post/Password-Generator.aspx
Homepage: http://clandestine.dk/page/PassGen.aspx

Скачать: PassGen v1.1

X-Lizard Password Generator v1.8

X-Lizard Password Generator - is a software program to generate random passwords containing a varied set of characters, including lowercase and uppercase letters as well as numerals. You have the possibility of copying the password to the clipboard or save it to file.

X-Lizard Password Generator is a stylish and compact application to help you generate strong random passwords.

Homepage: http://www.x-lizard.com/home.htm

Скачать: X-Lizard Password Generator v1.8

PWDGen Professional v1.0

PWDGen Professional - представляет собой профессиональный генератор паролей. Создает пароли неподдающиеся атакам по словарю. Пригодится для быстрого и удобного создания паролей.

Основные возможности PWDGen Professional:
- Создание свыше 1000 паролей, каждый из которых может содержать не ограниченное количество символов!;
- Генерация случайного пароля из всех букв английского алфавита как строчных, так и заглавных;
- Генерация случайного пароля из любых цифр;
- Также генерация случайного пароля из любых символов указынных пользователем;
- Возможность сохранить все сгенерированные пароли в файл;
- Настройки программы;
- Сворачивание программы в трей;
- Красивый и удобный интерфейс;

Домашняя страница: http://www.x-lab.com.ru/index.php?page=downloads

Скачать: PWDGen Professional v1.0

Password Generator v2.3

A useful tool for creating passwords that nobody can guess. Use a mixture of characters and/or capitals, numbers and a selection of user-defined special characters. Generate up to 1000 passwords and save them to a file.

Homepage: http://www.programming.de/my_prog.html#6

Скачать: Password Generator v2.3

Password Generator & Checker v2.0

Password Generator & Checker - can generate and check passwords. With the help of Password Generator & Checker you can also check your password security level so you can generate a strong password and keep it in a safe place.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this password manager software.

Homepage: http://hrkrsoftware.somee.com/password_generator_and_checker.html

Скачать: Password Generator & Checker v2.0

Random Password Generator v1.0

Inspired by not having strong enough passwords this is a random password generator. Special Characters, Numeric Characters, Alphabetical Lower case & Uppercase can be used or toggled ON or OFF using the available check boxes. Printed passwords can be copied using Ctrl+C. Passwords can be up to 100 characters in length.

- Randomly generated password

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/random-password-generator/

Скачать: Random Password Generator v1.0

Password List Generator v1.0.2.2

~Screenshot - Password List Generator v2.0.0~

Password List Generator - Free, light and easy-to-use generator.

Use this tool to generate a few simple passwords for you to use, or you can use it to generate all possible (this could be millions or even trillions) character combinations. All of the combinations can be saved into a simple text file for your future use.

You must have .NET Framework 4 installed to run the application!
If you do not have .NET framework 4 or the application is not working, download it from the Microsoft website:

Homepage: http://www.arunass.net/plg/

Скачать: Password List Generator v1.0.2.2
Скачать: Password List Generator v2.0.0

Masking Password Generator Pro v3.0.16.48

Masking Password Generator Pro - can generate 1 or thousands or millions of random passwords or numbers easily and quickly using predefined or user-defined masks. This version is our latest offering with a huge increase in functionality over version 2, including random number generation, dictionary password generation, phonetic spelling, generate passwords directly into existing database tables or columnar text files, and much more!

Random password generator - generate extremely strong passwords quickly and easily!

Includes Masking Password Generator Pro GUI edition, along with a powerful yet easy to use command-line password generator, allowing system administrators or other IT personnel to generate passwords one, thousands, or millions at a time from your web services or other applications.

Homepage: http://www.accusolve.biz/mpwgen.html

Скачать: Masking Password Generator Pro v3.0.16.48

Password Inventor v1.0.5.0

Password Inventor - Простой, но мощный генератор паролей, безопасность которых обеспечена использованием криптостойкого генератора случайных чисел. Пароль генерируется всего одним нажатием, но наличие расширенных настроек и различных способов генерации удовлетворяет большинство потребностей, возникающих при необходимости получения стойкого пароля. Программа предназначена не только для системных администраторов и программистов, но и для простых пользователей, заботящихся о своей компьютерной безопасности.

- Простая генерация пароля одним нажатием.
- Генерация пароля по шаблону.
- Генерация произносимых паролей, которые просто запомнить.
- Возможность генерации списка паролей.
- Использование криптостойкого генератора Microsoft Crypto API.
- Программа не требует установки.
- Приятный интерфейс.

Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, Французский, Португальский, Итальянский, Чешский, Китайский (Упрощённый), Японский

Домашняя страница: http://www.kxsoft.ru/proj.php?id=5

Скачать: Password Inventor v1.0.5.0

StrongPasswords Ultimate v0.1.2.360

StrongPasswords Ultimate - портативный генератор паролей разной степени сложности а также и Хранитель паролей. Регистрируя аккаунты в социальных сетях, почтовых клиентах и других сервисах, каждый пользователь сталкивается с необходимостью придумывания пароля. При этом важно, чтобы этот пароль было достаточно трудно взломать даже специализированным программным обеспечением.

Чтобы не ломать голову над этой задачей, воспользуйтесь приложением StrongPasswords Ultimate. Здесь Вы можете выбрать одну из 7-ми режимов генерации паролей и настроить ее таким способом который будет сложно взломать но легко Вам запомнить. Воспользуйтесь функцией Файл в пароль и Вы получите пароль созданый из выбраного Вами файла. Чтобы его потом воспроизвести, потребуется только повторить проделанную операцию.

Основные функции:
- удобный хранитель паролей
- режим Файл в пароль
- допускается до 50 знаков в пароле,
- прописные и строчные английские буквы,
- прописные и строчные русские буквы,
- цифры,
- специальные символы - <, *, +, / и другие,
- генерация запоминающихся паролей
- доступно 8 режимов генерации,
- генератор логинов,
- создание паролей по маске,
- генерация списка паролей.

Удобно, что Вы сразу же увидите сложность созданного пароля и ориентировочное время для его взлома.

Помимо генерации паролей, StrongPasswords Ultimate может еще и шифровать отдельные файлы, что убережет Вас от доступа посторонних лиц к важной информации. Особенностью алгоритма этой функции является то, что зашифрованный файл не содержит исходную информацию, позволяющую восстановить ключевое слово.

А благодаря компактному встроенному Хранителю паролей который входит в состав StrongPasswords Ultimate ваши пароли и логины будут всегда у вас под рукой и защищены от посторонних глаз.

В общем-то, StrongPasswords достаточно полезная программа, с которой Вы создадите надежные пароли, для взламывания которых хакерам потребуются потратить немало времени и сил и хранить их прямо в программе не пребегая к использованию других программ.

Домашняя страница: http://www.kvsoft.esy.es/
OSzone: http://soft.oszone.net/program/16659/StrongPasswords/

Скачать: StrongPasswords Ultimate v0.1.2.360

Password Generator v15.01.27

Увидел в сети генератор паролей, написанный на .Net - мне был нужен. Вес приложения был 100КБ, но, разумеется, без установленного фреймворка не запускался. Пришлось переписывать. Простейший генератор, только необходимые настройки, всё минималистично, как всегда.

Домашняя страница: https://dzzb.ru/blog/passgen

Скачать: Password Generator v15.01.27 / II

Password Generator v1.0.8.29

Create a strong password!

With this program you can easily create a password that is very strong and almost impossible to crack. It now also includes the function to create a wireless key for your router. It often happens that someone creates passwords like 'monkey' or 'admin'. So create a strong password and store it in a safe place.

~Demoscreen gif or gif

Homepage: https://www.peusens-software.nl/
Softpedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Password-Managers-Generators/Peusens-Password-Generator.shtml

Скачать: Password Generator v1.0.8.29

Advanced PassGen v1.7.1

Generates various passwords based on the specified parameters

This application allows you to generate multiple passwords with ease, by defining a series of parameters. It is possible to toggle the inclusion of several elements within your passkeys, such as uppercase or lowercase characters, symbols and numbers.

Additionally, you can define the minimum and maximum string lengths for your entries, specify a custom character set or generate a random seed. It is also possible to specify a fixed string length size and the amount of passwords that the application can generate during a session.

• Password generation:
Easily generate thousands of passwords using the options that are available in Advanced PassGen. You can even go so far as to define your own character set that Advanced PassGen can use to generate passwords!

• Preferences:
Want a different theme or would you like to disable automatic updates? Don’t want to export a certain field? It’s all possible, thanks to our intuitive and easy to use GUI.

• Exporting:
Advanced PassGen can export any and all data that it generates for you in a couple of different formats including: HTML, CSV, JSON, Excel and of course plain text. A simple copy is also available!

• Automatic updates:
Advanced PassGen will automatically notify you if there’s a new version available so that you’ll always be the first to enjoy the latest and greatest features. Also, keep an eye on our blog!

Homepage: https://codedead.com/?page_id=635
Github: https://github.com/CodeDead/Advanced-PassGen

Скачать: Advanced PassGen v1.7.1
Скачать: Advanced PassGen v2.5.1

Key Maker v2.0

Key Maker (available for Windows and Pocket PC 2002) allows you to convert a phrase into a secret password. You can use it to create and use as many complicated passwords as you like without having to worry about forgetting passwords. The real difference between Key Maker and other password generators is that Key Maker uses a radically different approach.  It doesn't generate random passwords.

Key Maker requires a key phrase. This can be anything that you will always remember (e.g.: “I always forget passwords”). The password is created from this phrase and will look some thing like ‘ghomqca9’. Even though this password is quite difficult to guess or even remember, you can always get it back by running Key Maker and typing in “I always forget passwords”.

Additionally you can specify two more parameters. These include an optional ‘Password Description’ and a ‘user name’. Please note that the generated password is dependent on these parameters also. Just experiment with Key Maker for 5 minutes and you will become an expert.

You can also specify the number of characters in the password and also if digits and uppercase letters should be used. A different password is generated for the same key phrase with the digits option turned on.
Homepage: http://www.softnik.com/products/
Homepage: http://www.itoolpad.com/products/keymaker/

Скачать: Key Maker v2.0

Password Generator v2.0.0.3 Portable

Генератор паролей с достаточным количеством опций.

Опции программы:
- Возможность выбора символов для генерации пароля.
- Использование своих символов.
- Использование алфавита как в верхнем так и в нижнем регистре.
- Сохранение выбранных параметров путем использования файла конфигурации.

История версий: - 25.01.2015
Первая версия программы. - 30.01.2015
1. Добавлен индикатор надежности пароля.
2. Изменен метод генерации.
3. Мелкие доработки. - 08.02.2015
1. Добавлен функция генерирования словаря в файл.
2. Сохранение словаря в CSV файл.
3. Добавлены спец. символы в словарь.
4. Возможность указать интервал количества символов пароля
5. Косметические доработки, рефакторинг кода и т.п. - 14.06.2015
1. Добавлена возможность использования файла конфигурации по желанию пользователя.
2. Добавлена форма с реквизитами для помощи\пожертвования проекту\автору. - 19.06.2015
1. Возможность генерировать пароли\словари по заданной маске.
2. Исправлена неактивная комбинация Ctrl+C.
3. Рефакторинг кода.
4. Подготовка к новой версии программы.

О Portable:
- Портативная версия программы, работает без инсталляции на компьютер.

Источник: http://nnmclub.to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=862970

Скачать: Password Generator v2.0.0.1
Скачать: Password Generator v2.0.0.2
Скачать: Password Generator v2.0.0.3

XBISS Generator passwords v3.0.1

XBISS Generator passwords - простой и быстрый генератор качественных и надежных паролей. Тут можно получить пароли высокой степени сложности, что наверняка убережет Ваши аккаунты от взлома даже с использованием специальных программ.

Основные функции XBISS Generator passwords:
- создание 10 случайных паролей любой сложности;
- генерирование хэш паролей;
- ведение базы паролей.

Домашняя страница: http://xbiss.ru/xbiss-generator-passwords/

Скачать: XBISS Generator passwords v3.0.1
Скачать: XBISS Generator passwords v3.1.1

CitrikMDP v1.5.0.3

CitrikMDP (Citrik Mot De Passe) - est un générateur de mots de passe aléatoires qui peut être configuré pour créer des mots de passe avec des majuscules, des chiffres, des minuscules, des caractères spéciaux ou un mélange avec les types que vous voulez (Exemple : Majuscules + Chiffres). Vous pouvez aussi activer les caractères personnalisés. Dans ce cas, entrez les caractères désirés (exemple : kiadgoejflezk) et cliquez sur Générer. Les mots de passe créés ne contiendront que vos caractères ! Avant de générer le mot de passe, vous choisirez le nombre de codes à générer et leur longueur.

Homepage: http://www.citrik-digital.net/windows/citrikmdp/

Скачать: CitrikMDP v1.5.0.3

Password Tech v3.4.2

Password Tech - is a powerful password generator capable of generating large amounts of cryptographically-secure passwords, pronounceable passwords, pattern-based passwords, passphrases composed of words, and scripted passwords. Passwords can be stored in encrypted databases along with user names, URLs, notes, etc. Password Tech provides lots of options to customize passwords to the users' various needs, and individual scripting with Lua gives full control over the process of password generation. Text encryption is also supported.

• Full Unicode support
• Cryptographically-secure
• Password manager/safe
• Passphrases
• Pronounceable passwords
• Pattern-based passwords
• Password scripting with Lua
• Fully customizable
• Text encryption

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pwgen-win/
Github: https://github.com/cthoeing/passwordtech

Скачать: Password Tech v3.4.2 SourceForge / Languages
Скачать: Password Tech v3.5.4 GitHub
Скачать: Password Tech v3.5.4 SourceForge / Languages

VOVSOFT Password Generator v1.7

Quickly generate passwords for your accounts, using any character set you prefer, with this lightweight, minimalistic application. The widespread use of password managers has also increased the demand for password generators. While many applications already offer this functionality, a standalone tool that can help you create a secure random, password may still come in handy.

Password Generator is one of the programs you can rely on, a very simple utility that enables you to create passwords for your accounts with just a couple of clicks. It is a rudimentary tool. Once you have installed the program, you can start creating passwords right away, as several character sets have already been entered for your convenience. If all you need to do is come up with a complex, unique password for one of your accounts, this application should be enough to get the job done. You can customize the keys length, as well as remove any of the default character sets or add your own.

Homepage: https://vovsoft.com/software/vov-password-generator/
Homepage: https://vovsoft.com/software/password-generator/

Скачать: VOVSOFT Password Generator v1.6
Скачать: VOVSOFT Password Generator v1.7
Скачать: VOVSOFT Password Generator v1.8
Скачать: VOVSOFT Password Generator v2.1

Valy Password Generator v0.1

Valy Password Generator - allows to to generate secure and easy to remember passwords. Currently it's absolutely FREE software product, which can be downloaded from this page.

This product requires Microsoft .NET 2.0 runtime to be installed. Microsoft .NET 2.0 is integrated in Windows Vista and is available for free download from the Microsoft web site.

Homepage: http://www.valyss.com/software.html
Softpedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Password-Managers-Generators/Valy-Password-Generator.shtml

Скачать: Valy Password Generator v0.1

XPassGen v0.5a

~Screenshot - XPassGen v0.3~

XPassGen - is a secure password generator which uses mouse movement among other methods for generating passwords.

XPassGen does not use software generated random data. Random algorithms are only designed to appear random, but are based on a mathematical formula and are generally predictable and insecure.

- Use mouse movement for generating passwords
- Generators - A hardware random number generator which generates data automatically and requires no user input
- Choose from four character sets: Lowercase, Uppercase, Numbers, and Symbols
- Exclude similar looking characters
- Define your own sets of characters to include or exclude
- Customize the cryptographic strength of your passwords (Password Strength property)
- Copy passwords to the clipboard or save to a text file
- Empty clipboard on exit

Homepage: http://www.xinok.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19
Neowin: https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/844436-some-programs-i-wrote/

Скачать: XPassGen v0.3
Скачать: XPassGen v0.5
Скачать: XPassGen v0.5a

phpBlueDragon Password Generator v1.0.1

The tool helping in generating of the difficult, random password from among signs chosen by the user. User can choose groups of capital letters, lower-case letters, figures, the sign of the minus, the underscore character, the space, the special character and parentheses. If you have your own signs, you can it boldly also augment the program. You choose the password length. After finished configuration and the click button Generate password! it is ready to copying from the field Generate password. This program permits to avoid entering exactly the same password to many pages and programs, across what the break of one password provides access to many services.

The requirements are absolutely without which you can not use the software due to its construction and to facilitate the interface for the user.
- requiresMicrosoft Framework 4.6

- Correct / change name
- Correct / change color
- Installer change / installer removal
- Other fixes
- Creating software

Homepage: http://phpbluedragon.eu/documentation/phpbluedragon-password-generator/

Скачать: phpBlueDragon Password Generator v1.0.1

phpBlueDragon Mass Password Generator v1.0.1

The tool permitting to generate to you the collection of hard passwords, not being with words coming from the dictionary. The application of such passwords facilitates to users by means of the method brute-force will get for account of in the any facultative service. Really the possibility of choosing from among capital letters, lower-case letters, figures, the sign of the minus, the underscore character, the space, special characters, parentheses and personally entered signs in the special field. One can also choose the length of generated password and the quantity of passwords which are supposed to be written out behind one pressing of the button Generate password. Thanks to the use of the program you will create much safer passwords than these which yourself you invent.

The requirements are absolutely without which you can not use the software due to its construction and to facilitate the interface for the user.
- requires Microsoft Framework 4.6

- Correct / change name
- Correct / change color
- Installer change / installer removal
- Other fixes
- Creating software

Homepage: http://phpbluedragon.eu/documentation/phpbluedragon-mass-password-generator/

Скачать: phpBlueDragon Mass Password Generator v1.0.1

Password Generator v1.05.08

PowerCryptor Password Generator - allows you to create highly secure passwords that are difficult to crack or guess. Just select the criteria for the passwords you need, and click “Generate”. Application is designed to generate passwords of any character content.

Using PowerCryptor Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you. The combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols makes the passwords highly secure.

• Generating highly secure passwords 1-99 symbols in length
• Including special symbols (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, (, ), comma, dot, =, +, <, >) into the password
• Composing password using custom (user defined) character set
• Small, fast and easy to use
• Absolutely free software

Homepage: http://www.powercryptor.com/password-generator/
Update: http://www.powercryptor.com/downloads/passwordgenerator_updates.ini
Download: http://www.powercryptor.com/downloads/passwordgenerator.exe

Скачать: Password Generator v1.05.08

Passliss v2.9.0.2302

Passliss - A modern password generator for Windows.

Passliss is a modern password generation Windows application that allows you to generate passwords within a click. Passliss is written in C# .NET 6 using WPF.

• Generate powerful passwords in a single click
• Test the strength of existing passwords
• Encrypt and decrypt your secrets using AES or Triple-DES encryption algorithms
• Customizable password generation system
• Dark theme
• Multiple languages available:
  ○ English (US)
  ○ French (France)
  ○ Simplified Chinese (PRC)
And more...

.NET Desktop Runtime: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0

Homepage: https://leocorporation.dev/store/passliss
Github: https://github.com/Leo-Corporation/Passliss
Release: https://github.com/Leo-Corporation/Passliss/releases/tag/

Скачать: Passliss v2.9.0.2302

Strong Passwords Need Entropy (S.P.N.E) v19.0

SPNE - is a entropy calculator, strength and survivability checker and a strong password generator.
• 16 rules to be respected when it comes to password policy and security
• Password properties
• Search passwords in worst list (10,032 passwords)
• 12 different modules:
- Guid
- Mac adress
- Random
- Serial
- Prononceable
- Morse code
- Emoticons
- Cryptocode
- Leetspeak
- Hexspeak
- Complex words
- Piece of poetry

- WPA2 key generator
- Password versus Password
- Pick up your pseudo
- Hash detector

Version 17.0 - Update from 7th of June 2019
• New tool: Pick up your pseudo
• New tool: Hash detector
• Improvement of certain features
• Correction of minor bug
• Rule 4 modified

Version 18.0 - Update from 19th of May 2021
• Updated length of password (maximum: 64)
• Updated List of worst passwords (+22)
• Improvement of pronounceable section
• New function: Poetry section. Replacement of 'e' with other symbols
• New function: Properties available in the list section
• Improvement of histogram (WPA2 key)
• New function: Create a dictionary from the list section
• Improvement of design

Version 19.0 - Update from 23rd of May 2024
• Real-time data binding. The ‘Enter’ key is no longer required (section: Your password)
• Better layout of certain elements
• Improvement of design (certains modules)
• Adding hashes: SHA-384, SHA-512
• Optimisation of certain features
• Module Hexpseak: more entropy
• Module Morse: more entropy
• WPA2-PSK. Generate multi-keys
• Many new complex words added in the module dictionary
• Many new pseudos added
• Before: MaxLength password 64. Now: Maxlength password 99 (certains modules)
• New function: Add to list
• Correction of minors bugs

Homepage: https://protosoftware.blog4ever.com
Homepage: https://protosoftware.blog4ever.com/strong-passwords-need-entropy-spne-12-may-2013

Скачать: Strong Passwords Need Entropy v16.0
Скачать: Strong Passwords Need Entropy v17.0
Скачать: Strong Passwords Need Entropy v18.0
Скачать: Strong Passwords Need Entropy v19.0

PSGen v1.0

PSGen - is a small program that allows you to generate any number of passwords based on user-defined criteria.

The program works by randomly selecting characters from user-selected character sets. The program comes with several sets of the most commonly used characters, but the user can create their own character sets and edit existing ones.

The most important features:
• Generating passwords based on user-defined criteria.
• The ability to create and edit character sets from which passwords will be created.
• The ability to define characters and strings that passwords cannot contain.
• Possibility to copy selected or all generated passwords to the clipboard.
• The ability to save selected or all generated passwords to a text file.
• Optional automatic saving of generated passwords to the file passwords.txt.
• Optional automatic copying of the first generated password to the clipboard.
• Filtering of generated passwords.
• Built-in module to check for program updates.
• Built-in multi-language support mechanism based on INI text files with UTF-8 encoding. To write subsequent language versions, an ordinary text editor is sufficient, e.g. the system Notepad.
• The program is portable: it does not use the system registry, and all configuration data is saved in one INI file located in the program directory. The program can be copied to an external disk and used on another computer without any installation.
• The program is completely free, for private and commercial use.

- Chinese (simplified), English, Greek, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Slovenian

Homepage: https://www.pazera-software.com/products/psgen/

Скачать: PSGen v1.0

~Генераторы паролей №6~

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