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Генераторы паролей №4
14.06.2024, 15:18

Phonetic Password Generator v1.0

Generate easy to remember - yet hard to crack - passwords.

Homepage: http://www.pragmadigm.com/software.shtml

Скачать: Phonetic Password Generator v1.0

Passgen v1.1 (build 29)

Passgen - это небольшая , но очень полезная программа. Passgen предназначен для генерирования паролей из набора символов случайным образом. Все, что Вам нужно - это отметить наборы символов, входящие в пароль, выбрать длину пароля и нажать кнопку "Сгенерировать!" - Passgen случайным образом составит пароль из тех символов, которые вы выбрали.

• Составление пароля длинной от 4-х до 255 символов (вряд ли Вам понадобится такой длинный пароль %)
• Наборы символов:  
 - латинские заглавные буквы (A-Z)
 - латинские строчные буквы (a-z)
 - русские заглавные буквы (А-Я)
 - русские строчные буквы (а-я)
 - цифры (0-9)
 - спец.символы (`~!@#^$%&*-=+_)
 - дополнительная строка символов (Вы можете сами указать строку символов, из которой будет составлен пароль) 
 • Копирование пароля в Буфер Обмена по нажатию кнопки "Copy"
 • Запоминание конфигурации при выходе из программы и автоматическое считывание конфигурации при запуске программы.

• Поскольку Passgen генерирует пароли случайным образом из набора символов - это делает невозможным подбор такого пароля по словарю (BruteForce). Надежность такого пароля очень высока.
• Поддержка Visual Styles в Windows XP

• Поскольку программа писалась на Delphi (Delphi6) - она непомерно много загружает оперативную память при запуске (примерно 1.5-2Мб) -издержки VCL программирования :( - но этот недостаток в принципе несущественен - т.к. программа запускается на короткий отрезок времени, чтобы сгенерировать пароль. В будущем планируется реализация этой программы на WinAPI, что намного сократит ее физический размер и занимаемую оперативную память при загрузке.
• Недостатком ( и в то же время приемуществом) можно считать проблему запоминания таких паролей. Ведь довольно сложно запомнить пароль скажем из 10 символов, содержащий в себе символы разного регистра алфавитов двух языков, цифры и спецсимволы :) - вам либо придется пользоваться органайзером паролей либо тренировать память :)

Домашняя страница: http://device.dtn.ru/passgen

Скачать: Passgen v1.1 (build 29)

Simple Password Generator v1.2

Simple Password Generator - простой генератор паролей для повседневной "жизни" в сети.

История версий:
- Добавлен пункт: Свой набор символов
- Защита, если нет галочек в настройках (Английские, Русские) то выбирается первый пункт.
- Защита, если пустое поле (Свой набор символов) то в наборе ставится 0.
- Немного изменён интерфейс.
- Добавлен набор символов: Кириллица.
- Определение сложности пароля (алфавит, энтропия и битность).
- Немного изменён внешний вид.
- Протестировал и собрал код программы.
- Длина паролей от 3 до 99 символов.
- Наборы символов: Латинские, цифры и специальные ([]{},.";:-+#).

Домашняя страница: https://amaderuon.at.ua/forum/6-96-1

Скачать: Simple Password Generator v1.2

Passgen v3.0.0

Passgen - is a simple program that generates passwords. If I recall correctly it was originally written back in 1998, as an MFC application under Windows. It has been freely available from ftp.jgaa.com for a decade. Version 3 is a total re-write. Linux is now my primary operating system, and the motivation for version 3 was to make passgen available under Linux as well as Windows. This is achieved by using the wxWidgets X-platform library (see www.wxwidgets.org).

The target-audience for passgen is pretty much everyone that use a computer. It is well suited for anything from novise home users to senior IT professionals.

The main difference between my passgen and other (newer) packages of the same name under Linux, is that (my) passgen has a graphical user interface (GUI). That is convenient under Gnome, KDE and also under good old Microsoft Windows.

• Generate simple ("mn85wmu") passwords
• Generate hard ("RcWgMoi+") passwords
• Generate unbreakable ("hNEAsG5aJbd*zYyrb#8mFqKQBX2t4oVwo4noHUsRLJmkcG7g") passwords
• Generate UUID (or GUID)  ("dfc49fa2-5a1f-4572-b162-decf2b681c18") strings
• Option to copy the generated password to the clipboard
• Option to hide the generated password from bywatchers
• Option to save the current preferences ion exit

• Microsoft Windows (Standard .msi installer file for the Microsoft Installer)
• Linux (Source-code only at the moment. The current version is built with Debian GNU/LInux "Lenny" (Testing). Passgen links to the boost libraries, uuid-dev and wxwidgets.

Homepage: http://products.jgaa.com/index.php?menu=484
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/passgengui/

Скачать: Passgen v3.0.0

Sordum Random Password Generator v1.0

Your password is your metaphorical ‘key’ to unlocking you online ‘front door’. You wouldn’t hand your home key to just anyone, would you? Cybersecurity experts continually recommend to use of strong, unique passwords for several reasons , cyber-criminals compromise websites and online accounts, and post lists of usernames, email addresses, and passwords online. A criminal can look for other online shopping, social media or financial accounts for that same person. When the criminal finds those accounts they can try logging in with the exposed password. If the password is reused, they can gain access to further accounts. This is why unique passwords are so important. The use of strong passwords can slow or often defeat the various attack methods of compromising a terminal’s security. Passwords are the first line of defense against unwanted access to your accounts. The stronger a password, the better protected accounts.

Your enemy isn’t some guy in a ski mask trying to guess your password one try at a time. It’s a program that automatically runs through massive databases of common passwords or random combinations of characters . Hackers use a technique called brute forcing. This is a technique where they try every possible character combination until the correct password is identified.The stronger the password the less likely brute forcing will be successful.To Create a Strong Password ; Choose a password that no one will easily guess , Do not share passwords , Make sure your password is long, Use at least one letter, number and special character in your password, Remember to update and vary passwords.

Homepage: https://www.sordum.org/10946/sordum-random-password-generator/

Скачать: Sordum Random Password Generator v1.0
Скачать: Sordum Random Password Generator v1.1

PasswordGenerator v20.2.24.0

This password generator allows you to create random passwords. You can determine the length of the generated passwords and which characters are used for your password.

You can choose whether your password should contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits or special characters. If you wish, you can customize the default settings, which category comprises which characters, by adding or removing any characters to the character classes in the settings of the password generator. Of course, you can also use any Unicode character for that. In addition, there is an option whether the created passwords must contain at least one character of each selected character category or not.

In addition to the display of the newly created password in the generator itself, you can also copy your newly created passwords automatically to the clipboard so that you can paste the passwords directly into another program window. In addition, the history feature provides the ability to collect multiple passwords and to export them all at once.

If you need more features to create random passwords or create other random words, we recommend the WordCreator. You can use the WordCreator, for example, to create readable words, to create words from syllables, or to weight the letters and syllables used with probabilities.

Homepage: https://www.sttmedia.com/passwordgenerator
Download: https://www.sttmedia.com/passwordgenerator-download

Скачать: PasswordGenerator v20.2.24.0
Скачать: PasswordGenerator v24.1.9

PassGen+ v1.4

PassGen+ - Удобный генератор паролей.

- Выбор содержимого пароля
- Настройка длины пароля
- Экспорт в файл определенного кол-ва паролей
- Сегментирование
- «Свой набор» содержимого пароля

Домашняя страница: https://alwin-software.my1.ru/load/passgen_12/6-1-0-74
Домашняя страница: https://alwinsoft.ru/products/passgen/

Скачать: PassGen+ v1.2
Скачать: PassGen+ v1.4

PassGen - Генератор паролей v1.1.2.50

PassGen - Программа генерации паролей.

• Генерация смешанных паролей;
• Опция включения в пароль спецсимволов;
• Опция включения в пароль кириллических символов;
• Опция включения в пароль латиницы;
• Опция включения режима только больших символов;
• Опция включения режима только маленьких символов;
• Опция включения режима больших и маленьких символов;
• Работа в Windows XP, Vista, 7;
• Не требует установки и дополнительных компонентов;
• Для удобочитаемости сделано отображение символов раздельно;

Домашняя страница: https://forum.sys-adm.in/t/passgen/348

Скачать: PassGen - Генератор паролей v1.1.2.50

AZPassword v1.3.0.306

AZPassword - программа для генерации сложных паролей по заданным параметрам, а также шифрования (кодирования) слов и фраз шифрами BASE64 и ROT47. Приложение подходит для 32/64-битных операционных систем Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 и 10, интерфейс выполнен на русском языке.

В программе AZPassword пользователи могут в несколько кликов автоматически создать до 50 паролей длиной от 4-х до 30-ти символов и при необходимости экспортировать их в табличный CSV-файл. Приложение предоставляет возможность предварительной настройки параметров генерации парольных фраз, куда относятся (помимо количества и длины паролей):

- Использование цифр (от 0 до 9).
- Использование прописных и/или строчных букв латинского алфавита (a — z, A — Z).
- Использование прописных и/или строчных букв русского алфавита (а — я, А — Я). Подходит для 1с.
- Массовая генерация паролей
- Использование спецсимволов (#, $, %, * и т.д.).
- Экспорт сгенерированных паролей в CSV
- Программа AZPassword работает без подключения к интернету, не отсылает куда-либо генерируемые ею пароли.

Другая ключевая функция генератора паролей AZPassword — шифрование введенных пользователем слов, фраз или произвольных символов, набранных с клавиатуры. Программа поддерживает шифрование вводных текстовых данных двумя шифрами — BASE64 и ROT47:

BASE64. Шифрование данных при использовании 64 символов из таблицы ASCII. Т.е. все символы введенной пользователем фразы будут заменены символами из ASCII-таблицы по особому алгоритму шифрования. Пример: «Hello World» = «SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=».
ROT47. Данный метод кодирования также представляет символы из веденной пользователем фразы в виде набора символов из таблицы ASCII, но при использовании более простого метода шифрования, нежели BASE64. На примере той же фразы «Hello World» результат кодирования будет иметь следующий вид: «w6==@O(@C=5».
Посредством шифрования слов/фраз/символов методами BASE64 и ROT47 также можно создавать сложные пароли произвольной длины, надежно защищенные от брутфорс-атак (метод взлома паролей перебором символов).

Домашняя страница: https://www.azpassword.ru
Ссылка скачивания: https://www.azpassword.ru/download-installer

Скачать: AZPassword v1.3.0.306
Скачать: AZPassword v1.4.0.1436 / Prt

Serial Key Generator v1.0

Serial Key Generator - <NoDescription>

Homepage: https://kiduxdevelopment.wordpress.com/2019/02/09/serial-key-generator-v1-0/

Скачать: Serial Key Generator v1.0

AS-Password Generator v2.20

AS-Password Generator - Generate strong passwords.

When registering as a member of a site it is often necessary to find a strong password. AS-Password Generator securely generates random passwords that meet those criteria that you choose.

• This password generator makes use of a cryptographically secure PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). This is also used to securely mix each charset before every generated character, a secure mix of the resulting password is also done (if you are not generating from a pattern).
• If you are not generating from a pattern, the program makes sure there is at least one character from each selected charset.
• Press [F8] (in the textbox "From Pattern") to expand the pattern to the chosen length.

Homepage: https://www.andreas-software.com/international/program_as_password_generator.php
Homepage: https://www.andreas-software.com/international/extras.php#Extra_Programs_2

Скачать: AS-Password Generator v2.20 / II

Awesome Password Generator v1.4.0 Build 1451

Awesome Password Generator - is an easy to use application for quick generation of common passwords or Wi-Fi (WPA) passphrases. Just launch the generator and a shiny new password will be copied in the clipboard automatically!

• Common, "general purpose" passwords for e-mail, online accounts and any desktop applications;
• Wi-Fi (WPA) passphrases for your wireless devices;
• Easy-to-type passwords like p-zuus2Dzx, not c]57%/z&Q9;
• Passwords without confusing characters like 0 (zero) and O (oh);
• QuickGen: on Windows 7/8 you can generate passwords via taskbar button's menu.

For system administrators/IT-professionals is is also a powerfull tool for single or bulk password generation, with console version for using from scripts (examples in batch and PowerShell included :).

• GUI single/bulk password/wi-fi passphrase generation;
• Easy-to-type and Exclude confusing characters options;
• Quick and secure: Copy to clipboard automatically and Clear clipboard on exit options;
• Console version: apg-cl.exe has same functionality as GUI version. Do not mess with command line options – just run GUI, set up password length, quantity, charsets and other options as you wish, and click Command line builder. Run apg-cl.exe with generated command line parameters;
• This is a free software with open sources (GNU GPLv3).

Source: https://code.google.com/archive/p/awesome-password-generator/

Скачать: Awesome Password Generator v1.3.1 Build 1451
Скачать: Awesome Password Generator v1.3.2 Build 1338
Скачать: Awesome Password Generator v1.4.0 Build 1451

PassGen v1.0

PassGen - is a tool for creating secure cryptic passwords. It allows you to create random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to break due to optional combinations of any or all of the following:

• Numeric [0-9]
• Alpha Lowercase [a-z]
• Alpha Uppercase [A-Z]
• Special Characters (!@#$%^&*-,)
• Extended Characters (¢¥§©€"®)

You can create 1000's of passwords using from 4 to 50 characters. This application is used by New Users, Power Users, Network Administrators and Internet Service Providers to create secure passwords. You will never have to think of another random password again.

Homepage: http://camtech2000.net/Pages/PassGen.htm

Скачать: PassGen v1.0

AA Password Generator v1.0.2

This portable program can generate random passwords using anything from lowercase to capital letters, digits and symbols or by following patterns.

Technology's current trend is aimed towards connecting us more and more with other people, allowing you to gain access to other people's public info, but others can do the same with you.

However there are some things you might want to keep to yourself, and that info is usually hidden behind password-protected services.

However, even those services can be cracked someone knows what your password might be, making all those securities features amount to nothing, so random password generators, such as AA Password Generator, are becoming more and more of a big deal.

Homepage: https://www.realrandom.net/aapassword.html

Скачать: AA Password Generator v1.0.2

Random Password Generator v3.0

Random Password Generator - This is a random password generator with usefull features. Its fully customizable, compact, it has eye pleasing modern interface and easy to use options. This program makes passwords for you and has options like copying password, pasting it to the desktop, sending it by email. It has a passsword strength meter which evaluates password strength. Big advantage of this program is that you can choose from which letters, digits and all kinds of signes your password will be made.

• Easy to use
• Multiple password generation
• Phrase password generation
• Pronouncable password generation
• Password strength meter
• Copy password
• Paste password(s) to desktop in text document
• Send password(s) via mail
• Customizable
• Safe
• Modern interface
• Small
• Compact

IMPORTANT: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client or Full and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable are needed to run the program. Download links are in readme(version log). To go to readme file click Files button.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/randompasswordd/

Скачать: Random Password Generator v2.3
Скачать: Random Password Generator v3.0

Random Password Generator v1.3

Random Password Generator - is designed to create a much securer environment for either important data storage or privacy protection. It is able to generate highly secure random passwords that are almost impossible to crack. This smart and secure password generator also includes a useful Password Manager, by which you can mark, search, and organize the passwords generated. It's safe, secure, and 100% free!

Homepage: http://www.iobit.com/passwordgenerator.html
Homepage: https://www.iobit.com/en/passwordgenerator.php [d]

Скачать: Random Password Generator v1.3 / II / III

Passwords Generator v3.27

Generate random and difficult to crack passwords. To create strong passwords, perform template setup, or use one of the ready templates. You can set alphabets, exclude a symbol's combination, or provide alphabet's requirement at each password, etc.

Template allow setting up alphabet characters which may be used in the generated passwords. The alphabets tab contains four alphabets: lowercase alphabet, uppercase alphabet, a digital set and a set of special characters. Each alphabet can be changed. On the requirements tab, you can set what alphabet's characters must be used in an each password.

On the tab exclusions, you can set options to get stronger passwords. You can exclude symbols repeat in a password, exclude double characters (FF, JJ, aA, ee etc.), exclude adjacent characters, up or down (ie GH, ab). Last tab "Length" allow you to specify ranges of the passwords lengths and their quantity. You can stop the passwords creation process at any time if your rules slowed it.

Passwords generation template can be saved for reuse in future. Generated passwords list can be stored in a text file. You can change the font for passwords list and set the default startup font.

Now you can generate 10 000 000 passwords per one click. Be careful when you generating so big number of passwords, it may take a lot of systems resources and time. But passwords generation process may be stopped at any moment.

Passwords Generator features:
• generate a set of passwords.
• automatic passwords generation.
• generate 100000000 passwords per click.
• passwords generating reusable templates.
• variable alphabets of characters.
• variable ranges of the passwords lengths.
• exclude repeat characters in a password.
• exclude double characters (FF, JJ, aA, ee etc.).
• exclude adjacent characters, up or down (ie GH, ab).

Homepage: http://www.miklsoft.com/passwords-generator/index.html

Скачать: Passwords Generator v3.27

SterJo Strong Password Generator v1.0

SterJo Strong Password Generator - creates strong and random passwords based on the characters you want to use. Nowadays password security should be taken really seriously, especially after several announces for security breaches into some large companies like Yahoo, Opera and Dropbox.

Using this tool you could generate one or list of several hundreds highly secured passwords with a series of random characters, which should be difficult to guess or break using brute force methods.

Perfect tool for software developers:
Another great option for software developers would be the included key generator which would help developers building unlock key list for their shareware or trial versions.

NOTE! If you are encountering a runtime error, please try to run the application with right mouse click and select "Run as administrator".

Homepage: https://www.sterjosoft.com/strong-password.html

Скачать: SterJo Strong Password Generator v1.0

Aconiac Password Generator v1.2

Bad passwords is still one of the greatest threats towards modern computer security within companies. This is exactly why it's important to make it as easy as possible to get a good and secure password. For this purpose we have created our own password generator, so that you can easily generate passwords for all your systems.

The application only needs a Java Runtime Environment to run correctly. Such an environment should be installed on all new computers.

Homepage: http://www.aconiac.com/passwordgenerator
Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/aconiacpassword/

Скачать: Aconiac Password Generator v1.2

ASCII Pass Gen v1.03

• Generate a pseudo random password or passphrase
• Portable, no installation required
• Written in x86 assembly language
• Lightweight, only 22k in size
• Choose from any of the 95 printable ASCII characters
• Character group enable / disable tools
• Use the mouse to select a length from 1 - 512 characters
• Character selection counter
• Copy selection to the Windows clipboard
• Companion software to AES Protect, or use wherever password generation is needed

• CPU with MMX and SSE2
• Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11. 32 or 64 bits

Technical specifications: https://www.directorandgeneral.com/ascii-pass-gen/
The interface: https://www.directorandgeneral.com/ascii-pass-gen-interface/
How to generate a passphrase: https://www.directorandgeneral.com/ascii-pass-gen-usage/

Скачать: ASCII Pass Gen v1.00
Скачать: ASCII Pass Gen v1.02
Скачать: ASCII Pass Gen v1.03

Secure Password Generator v0.7

Passwords are a bigger deal than you think. The average computer user doesn't use a secure password. They need to be lengthy, and have a combination of lowercase, and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. This secure random password generator does all the work for you and makes it easier! I've built upon previous programmers before me to engineer my own software technology to generate random passwords! My intention is TRUE randomness and un-predictable characters as an end result.(#_#)

A lot of passwords are cracked by plugging or "guessing" your credentials by utilizing as much information known about you as possible. That's why using certain things for your PW's like: your hobbies, important dates, family names, birth days, etc, is not a good idea. This tool makes it easy for you to quickly generate secure credentials. You won't even need to remember them for one of two reasons.

One option is that you can reset your login every single time you use it, thus enhancing your security even more. The second, is that in the supporerts version ( a full version you get as a gift for donating a financial gift to GHL of at least $20 ), you can actually STORE these logins in what's called "credfiles". Credfiles are encrypted files which contain your service id's, usernames, and passwords, so only you can view and use them.


Homepage: https://greyhatlaboratories.botanicalguides.com/download-vb6-random-password-generator-beta-grey-hat-labs.html

Скачать: Secure Password Generator v0.7

PassGen v1.3.1

PassGen - is a random password generator which can generate strong passwords for different applications. It provides several options to tweak the generated password(s) according to your requirements.

• Generate passwords of variable length & in variable quantity.
• Generated passwords can be easily copied to the clipboard or saved as a file for later use.
• Repetition of characters in passwords can be prevented.
• Alphabets (Uppercase & Lowercase), numbers & special characters can be used in combination to generate strong passwords.
• User specified characters or symbols can also be used.
• Password strength is analyzed & shown based on its length & composition.
• Settings can be saved.

Homepage: http://myfreewares.weebly.com/passgen.html
Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/progClean/Abhishek-PassGen-Clean-101402.html

Скачать: PassGen v1.3.1 / Comdlg32

Strong Password Generator v2.5.0 (trial)

Strong Password Generator - This is a smart password generator software developed to generate passwords in bulk in time efficient manner. Tool can generate thousands of passwords within minutes and save them in .CSV or .TXT files. This tool facilitates generation of passwords containing not only alphabets and numbers but also special characters.

Tool boasts of very user friendly interface. User needs few mouse clicks to generate and save passwords. First of all users need to specify characters to be used in passwords. For this users need to check all or any of the provided options like ‘A-Z’, ‘a-z’, ‘0-9’ and ‘Special Characters’. Special characters like @, #, $ etc. can be used in passwords. After specifying characters users need to specify length of passwords and total number of passwords to be generated.

Once password list is generated users can easily save them in .CSV (opens in excel) or .TXT (opens in notepad). User can save results in clipboard also. Tool allows the users to use Unicode characters in passwords. This tool boasts of enviable processing speed and can generate thousands of passwords within minutes.

Key features of Strong password generator are as follows:
• Lets the user to generate thousands of passwords in one single operation.
• Tool generates password containing alphabets, numbers and special characters.
• Helps save generated passwords in .CSV or .TXT format.
• Tool allows the user to specify number of passwords and generates passwords accordingly.
• It also allows the users to specify length of passwords.
• Tool is very accurate and generates passwords exactly in accordance with the instructions of user.
• Users can exclude or include alphabets, numbers and special characters as per their wish.
• Users can save results as clipboard.
• Tool is compatible with different versions of windows operating system.
• It is very easy to download.

Homepage: https://www.windowindia.net/password-generator.html

Скачать: Strong Password Generator v2.5.0

FlyingBit Password Generator v1.0.0.6

If you need to create a password that meets all security requirements, use FlyingBit Password Generator. A lot of options and ease of use make it simply indispensable to system administrators and usual users. You just start the program, click just one button and get your password. The password you get is guaranteed to be strong and is easily remembered due to its phonetic representation.

FlyingBit Password Generator allows you to change the parameters of the result that you get. You completely control such important password characteristics as its length, repeated characters and their type. The default program settings meet all basic security requirements. Its small size and the possibility to work without installation will allow you to run the program from a removable device on any computer.

Main features:
• Easy to use
• Small size
• Changing the password characteristics
• Copying to the clipboard with one click
• Filtering similar characters (l,1,I,o,0...)
• Filtering repeated characters 5 items deep
• Exclude dictionary filtering
• Calculate entropy for each password

Homepage: http://www.flyingbit.com/products/password_generator/

Скачать: FlyingBit Password Generator v1.0.0.6

RandPass Pro v1.6

Random password generator. A simple tool for generating random passwords using either random symbols or random words.

User can easily select groups of characters used for passwords, including lower case letters, upper case letters, digits, specify custom character set and formatting of the password, check for uniqueness, eliminate similar characters and more. Word list based password generation provides several common word lists, including Diceware and EFF, with an option of using a custom word list file.

Application also supports command line execution for unattended generation of passwords.

Homepage: https://www.den4b.com/products/randpass

Скачать: RandPass Pro v1.5
Скачать: RandPass Pro v1.6
Скачать: RandPass Pro v2.1

Password Generator & Hash Calculator v1.1.0.0

Utility to generate passwords and to compute hashes on files and text.

This is written in C# and .NET 4.5.2 using VS 2015
It uses the Bouncy Castle library for certain crypto functions.

This works under Linux using mono. Tested on Fedora 26.

This utility has the ability to generate variable length passwords using several different character sets:

PASSWORD_LCASE "abcdefgijkmnopqrstwxyz"
PASSWORD_SPECIAL "*$-+?_&=!%{}/"
PASSWORD_HEX_LCASE "abcdef0123456789"

You can use individual groups or mix and match to suit your needs. The regular sets do not include the characters I,O,1 or 0 to avoid cunfusion. Add those characters in by using the Additional set.

You can also generate xkcd (https://xkcd.com/936/) passphrases of variable length. It selects from a list of 109583 English words to create your passphrase. You can add additional words to the list with any text editor.

It can also compute hashes for both files and text. It can compute MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, Gost, RipeMD128, RipeMD160, RipeMD256, RipeMD320, Tiger and Whirlpool. If you paste a hash into compare box, it will compare it against the generated hashes to see if there is a match.

This uses the MS hash functions for MD5 and SHAx generation. The MS functions are MUCH faster than the Bouncy Castle algorithms on large files.

Github: https://github.com/cdurbin1970/PasswordGen_HashCalc

Скачать: PasswordGen & HashCalc v1.1.0.0

Password Generator v1.3.0

Password Generator - helps you generate random passwords which is the most secure way to protect your accounts.

• Password Generator
• Password list editor

Homepage: http://rf1.net/software/pasgen

Скачать: Password Generator v1.3.0

~Генераторы паролей №5~

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