dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor [?]
.NET Reflector - Decompile, understand, and fix any .NET code, even if you don't have the source [?]
ILSpy - is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler [?]
dotPeek - Free .NET Decompiler and Assembly Browser [?]
ReSharper - The Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers [?] / [?]
Gray Wolf - Is a reverse engineering tool (focused on .NET Framework Applications) [?]
Dotnet IL Editor (DILE) - allows disassembling and debugging .NET 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0 applications without source code or .pdb files [?]
Simple Assembly Explorer (SAE) - is an OPEN SOURCE .Net assembly tool [?] / [?]
ILSpector - The best decompiler and debugger for the obfuscated .net assemblies. [?] / [?]
Reactor Decryptor - decrypt MSIL for Reactor protected file
DotNet Dumper - will show only .NET processes under list, all dumps will be saved under dumps [?]
MegaDumper - Dump native and .NET assemblies [?]
- MegaDumper Mod by DividebyZero (hidden from debuggers) [?] / [?]
ExtremeDumper (2) (3) (4) - .NET Assembly Dumper [?]
BDumper - unlike other dumpers like MegaDumper or ExtremeDumper,my dumper can bypass anti-dump. [?]
JitDumper - A jit dumper which supports .NET Framework 4.8+ (x86 and x64), with a bunch of other features [?] / [?]
Nemesis - A .NET file Dump tool [?]
ClrDumper (2) (3) - Dump .net assembly from a native loader which uses ClrCreateinstance [?]
Universal Fixer - fix dumps after dumping them whit Dotnet Dumper or other similiar tools [?]
DotNET Tracer (2) (3) - simple tool designed to trace events in .NET assemblies in runtime [?] / [?] / [?] / [?] / [?]
ByteME - utility for editing .NET bytecode [?] / [?]
- ByteME Mod by 4kusNick [?]
dnEditor - A .NET assembly editor based on dnlib. [?]
Reflexil - Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Red Gate's Reflector, ILSpy and Telerik's JustDecompile. [?]
de4dot - .NET deobfuscator and unpacker [?]
De4Dot GUI - A simple GUI for De4Dot (so you can use it without opening the cmd or sae) [?] / [?]
De4Dot GUI - Chinese GUI for de4dot [?]
- Translation of the interface into Turkish [?]
EasyDe4dot - a gui for de4dot [?]
de4dotShell - A Small Wrapper UI for de4dot written in .NET [?]
de4dot GUI Utility - Simple GUI app to simplify manual string decryption with de4dot [?]
de4dot GUI Utility - Little tool to use de4dots string decryption feature without having to make a batch file. [?]
de4dot .NET Reactor v6.x Modded by Mobile46 - .NET deobfuscator and unpacker. [?] / [bin] / [src] / [screen]
Note: It's just updated unpacker not a devirtualizer for .NET Reactor!
If target uses Code Virtualization or de4dot fails to unpack then run it again with these parameters: -p dr4 --dont-rename --preserve-all --keep-types
.NET Generic Unpacker - This is a program to dump .NET packed applications. [?]
MetadataLocator - Locate the address of .NET metadata by CLR to anti anti dump [?]
ConfuserDumper by COB - Source code of ConfuserDUmper by cob258 (B@S) for dumping applications packed by Confuser 1.9 original version. [?]
ConfuserEx Unpacker - unpacker for confuserex [?]
ConfuserStringDecryptor - Decrypt enceypted string from an .NET assembly for Confuser. [?]
ConfuserEx Unpacker by ElektroKill - Modded Cfex Unpacker by ElectroKill [c] / [?]
KLASH HACKER ConfuserEx Unpacker - Choose the file then click unpack it will unpack it easily [s] / [?]
NetReactorSlayer (2) (3) - A deobfuscator for Eziriz .NET Reactor [?]
.NetReactorCfCleaner - A control flow cleaner for .NET Reactor. [?]
.NetReactorStringDecryptor (2) (3) - A string decryptor for .NET Reactor. [?]
StringDecryptor - Decrypt enceypted string from an .NET assembly. [?]
GizliDumper - "Bizde Antidump kodunun çalıştığı yere geldiğinde durması için çeşitli işlemler yaparak Antidump engelini aşarız." [?]
StringFinder - An old app, made @ 2011 with Mono.Cecil (a bit of help from Ki!), redesigned today, drag&drop the assembly... [?]
.NET Strings Extractor - Extracts strings from .NET files through the #US stream [?] / [?]
Crypto Deobfuscator - Deobfuscator for Crypto Obfuscator [?]
ACEPatcher - A simple to use, gui based program for patching .NET assemblies [?]
JustAssembly - Assembly Diff and Analysis Tool [?]
ConfuserEx Anti-Tamper Killer - Understanding ConfuserEx's Anti-Tamper & Anti-Dump [?] / [?]
ConfuserEx Anti-Tamper Remover - Its use is true to its name. But I'm not sure it will work 100% properly. [?]
L字节码解码工具 - 款强大的.NET逆向工具IL字节码解码工具,可以将十六进制的IL字节码解码成MSIL汇编代码。配合元数据,解码生成的IL代码可以直接替换到il文件中,使用ilasm编译。[?]
dnlib - Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules [?]
.NET Offset Patcher - in C# & Delphi with Source Code by Levis-Rept [?] / [?]
DotNet Resolver - is a free .NET decompiler written in C# (Visual Basic, C# & MSIL). [?]
ConfuserEx Proxy Fixer - This tool supports all reference proxy modes (mild, strong) with all expressions (normal, expression, x86). [?] / [?]
DotNet Patcher - DNP is an Obfuscator/Packer for .NET applications which use MonoCecil library. It doesn't support WPF app ! [?]
.Net MyOpCodeTable - A Handy Tool to view MSIL Opcodes List, DnSpy Extention and Standalone Application [?]
All Versions Of De4Dot [Pack 39] - Collection De4Dot by cayden. Repos github [g] / [?]
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