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Конвертеры BIN-HEX-DEC-TEXT №3
18.12.2017, 14:01

HexDecChar v0.6

HexDecChar - This simple program can be used to easily convert Hex,Dec numbers to each other or to ASCII Char. This is very usefull if you are making keygens...

Homepage: http://ap0x.jezgra.net/misc.html

Скачать: HexDecChar v0.6

Value to Offset Converter v1.0

Value to Offset (Byte Array) Converter - this program converts any value to hex.

Homepage: https://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/value-to-offset-byte-array-converter.978054/

Скачать: Value to Offset Converter v1.0

BinHexDecConverter v1.0

BinHexDecConverter - is a little program aimed at helping those who work with multiple Binary, Hexadecimal or Decimal conversions. It's small enough to fit in the background of all your other applications, but smart enough to become a powerful utility in your digital toolbox.

BinHexDecConverter is a freeware application, but it is not licensed for distribution.

Homepage: http://www.everydaylogic.com/ | http://www.traskenterprise.com/EDL/BinHexDecConverter.htm

Скачать: BinHexDecConverter v1.0

Binaer Converter v0.8

Binaer Converter - <NoDescription> (Binär Dezimal Converter)

Homepage: https://www.kollos-flashuhren.de/Bin.ae.r-Dezimal-Converter.htm / https://www.kollos-flashuhren.de/Berechnungstools.htm

Скачать: Binaer Converter v0.8

Mart!k HeX De$iM@L B!n@Ry CoNvErTeR v1.0

Mart!k Hex De$iM@L B!n@Ry CoNvErTeR - is a simple tool which converts numbers Between three different bases - Hexadecimal, Decimal and Binary.

Values upto 64 bits can be converted, which is not possible with the standard Windows Calculator application. Just type the value into the appropriate field, and the corresponding values will be displayed in the other supported bases.

Homepage: http://martik-scorp.blogspot.com/2010/09/martk-hex-deiml-bnry-converter.html

Скачать: Martik HeX DeciMaL BinaRy CoNvErTeR v1.0

Convert To Hex Unicode v1.0

Convert To Hex Unicode - Convert String to hex Unicode.

Скачать: Convert To Hex Unicode v1.0

HexDecOctBin Converter v1.0

HexDecOctBin Converter - converts between hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary number systems. Simply type a value into one of the edit boxes and immediately see the number converted into the other number systems. You can minimize the program to an icon in the System Tray.

Homepage: http://home1.pacific.net.sg/hdob.html

Скачать: HexDecOctBin Converter v1.0

Simple Number Converter v2.5.2

Simple Number Converter - Easely convert your hexadecimal, binary, decimal and octal numbers! A really simple number converter, now available for OSes older than Windows(R) XP.

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/basicnumconv/

Скачать: Simple Number Converter v2.5.2

VC SDK 山寨 VB 版破解计算器

很多人用过 VB 版的 破解计算工具 v1.00 了.就不解释了.

用 VC SDK 山寨了一个,写起来才知道 VC 没空控件容器的概念.自己写代码吧.唉..


1 XP 下XP风格后顶排按钮高度少3个像素.
2 处理编辑框最大长度上不够长,处理运算结果长度上不是很长.
3 编辑框粘贴字符后没过滤处理导致可以粘贴超过 0~9 A~F 的字符.

主页: https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-149115.htm
主页: https://bbs.kanxue.com/thread-149115.htm
主页: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-142516-1-1.html

Скачать: CrAck Calculator v1.0 / 破解计算工具V1.00

破解辅助计算工具 v1.0


来源: https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-160551.htm
来源: https://bbs.kanxue.com/thread-160551.htm

Скачать: Crack Calculator v1.0 / Computer / Crack Assistant Calculator v1.2 (pass: Unpack)

LoveString v2.00 (文本编码转换器)

LoveString v1.85 Screen

文本字符串编码在 Text、ANSI、Unicode、Unicode Big Endian、UTF-8、UTF-7 之间的互相转换,转换结果使用十六进制表示。

主页: http://restools.hanzify.org/article.asp?id=52

Скачать: LoveString v2.00

Best Base Converter v2.03

Base conversion calculator - can convert from any base or symbol set you select, not limited to standard base formats ex: Binary (Bin), Octal (Oct), Decimal (Dec), Hexadecimal (Hex). Define custom character / symbol sets. No trial period, Use forever with no fees.

Homepage: http://qassoftware.com/products/bestbaseconverter/default.htm

Скачать: Best Base Converter v2.03 / Fixed

Hex Translator meLodiazz v1.0

Hex Translator meLodiazz - This application will help you to convert an ascii string to hex string.

Caution: in the ascii box please remember don't erase when you only typed 2 characters, cause it will make error.

Homepage: http://www.melodiazz.co.cc

Скачать: Hex Translator meLodiazz v1.0

Hex-String Converter v1.0

Hex-String Converter - "K4pT3N: Mau bagi-bagi hasil coding dikit neh... gara-gara beberapa hari ini dapet koneksi inet minim, kebanyakan offline, trus iseng2 oprek2 hasil download-an, trus ketemu file VB-nya bang TeRRen.Jr tentang HEX TRANSLATOR. Karena di programnya bang terren cuma ngonvert String ke Hexa, trus iseng2 aku tambahin fungsi buat ngonvert dari Hexa balik ke stringnya lagi...

Moga ja programnya berguna buat yang butuh converter ginian pas offline.. ^_^"

Homepage: http://hacker-newbie.org/showthread.php?tid=1053 | http://andri110693.blogspot.com/2009/11/hex-string-converter.html

Скачать: Hex-String Converter v1.0

Binary Calculator v1.0

Binary Calculator - is a easy and little program to calculate integer numbers with binary operations (no floating point).

Binary Calculator supports all logical operations like AND, OR, XOR, NOT. It can also calculate with normal operation (+, -, /, *). Then it have Shift Left and Shift Right functions. For store the result, it includes six memory places. Another really good function are the convert fields for binary, decimal, hexadecimal, octal and character.
Binary Calculator make it easy to convert a number in another system. It works with a HP RPN similar syntax: Enter the value in to the edit field you need, than press the operation you need.
The programm file BINARY.EXE is all you need to run. There arn't any .DLL's or a installation routine!

Homepage: http://acs.ist.psu.edu/discrete-math/

Скачать: Binary Calculator v1.0

HEX and ASCII Converter v1.0

HEX and ASCII Converter - HEX code and ASCII code conversion

Homepage: http://en.pudn.com/Download/item/id/747747.html

Скачать: HEX and ASCII Converter v1.0

Numeric Base Converter v1.0

Numeric Base Converter - This program provides conversion among binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers (32 bit max) via a dynamic dialog. As you type (or paste) into a box, the entire display is updated with corresponding values. Charts, including the full ASCII chart and HTML symbols are available.

Homepage: http://www.roosl.com/software/index.html

Скачать: Numeric Base Converter v1.0

Bits! v1.1.0

Bits! - This program does what every scientific calculator do: it lets you convert between hex, decimal and binary numbers. But I think it is a little bit more useful as you have always at hand the three number conversions, all the time. Unfortunately support is only for up to 16-bit words.

• Conversions are in real time (no need to switch or click buttons to get the result). When you modify a number in either of the three format, then the other two formats refresh showing the new number conversion.

Homepage: http://www.giabbai.com/vb/bits.html

Скачать: Bits v1.1.0

Any Base Converter v1.0

Any Base Converter (Abctool) - is a simple freeware for converting 8-bit to 1024-bit integer between bases 2 through 36.

Key features:
- support 8-bit to 2048-bit integer
- conversion between hex, dec, octal, and binary
- conversion between large integer and ASCII string
- toggle big-edian / little-edian byte order

Homepage: http://www.hexprobe.com/abctool/index.htm

Скачать: Any Base Converter v1.0

8-bit Binary / Decimal Calculator v1.0

8-bit Binary / Decimal Calculator - "BenJones: Hi here a a basic Decimal To Binary converter I been working on night you can click the little bit buttons and it gives you the decimal value.
You can also enter in your decimal value and convert to binary. Anyway hope you find it useful comments and suggestions welcome"

Source: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?703301-8-bit-Binary-Decimal-Calculator-v1-0

Скачать: 8-bit Binary / Decimal Calculator v1.0

CharConverter v1.0

CharConverter - Converts between binary, oct, hex, dec and text. Confirmed working on Win7. Released under GPLv2. VB.net version 4.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/converterchar/

Скачать: CharConverter v1.0

Data Converter v2.2

Data Converter - converts the given data to an other format, like numbers, hexadecimal values or dates.

With this application you can convert as example hexadecimal values from a Windows FileTime, an UNIX time_t or a DOS time value to readable date and time values. Additionally you can convert the Seagate Date Code to a readable Date.

Homepage: https://www.gaijin.at/en/dldatac.php

Скачать: Data Converter v2.2

Data List Converter v1.0

Data List Converter - This app converts a data list into an opposing data type list.

Input Types:

Output Types:

P.S. Make sure you have .NET framework 4.0 installed on your pc.

Homepage: https://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/data-list-converter.1181762/

Скачать: Data List Converter v1.0 | VBPowerPacks or DLL

HexDecCharEditor v1.02

The HexDecCharEditor - is more than a common hex-editor for programmers who want to view, modify, search, compare and analyze binary files.

Due to the possibility to set, save and search for colored marks the HexDecCharEditor is especially suited to analyze file formats. It can be switched between hexadecimal and decimal output and input. At the same time the bytes are displayed as characters. Of course it is also possible to enter the bytes as characters from the keyboard. The HexDecCharEditor offers a lot of easy to use options for the search for and replacement of sequences of hexadecimal or decimal byte-values and characters. Several jump-functions are implemented. Data can be loaded directly from the clipboard.

Homepage: http://www.beyersdorf.com/hdcedite.html

Скачать: HexDecCharEditor v1.02 (pass: Unpack)

Системы счисления v2.11

Системы счисления - Программа предназначена для перевода целых и дробных чисел из одной позиционной системы счисления с неотрицательными целочисленными основаниями в другую.

Диапазон значений систем счисления:
Исходная система счисления - от 2 до 36 включительно.
Нужная система счисления - от 2 до 99999 включительно.

Для работы программы необходим Microsoft .NET Framework от 1.1.

Домашняя страница: http://www.mylenefan.org/progs/ss.shtml | http://soft.mylenefan.ru/ss.shtml

Скачать: Системы счисления v2.11

Text Conversion Software v1.0 (demo)

Text Conversion Software - This software is text conversion allows to easily convert from text to hex, hex to text, binary to text, text to binary, and ascii to text or text to ascii, urlencoding/decoding and base64. Plus you can select a number of files to process automatically in batch (batch text conversion), and specify a default filename extension, or simply input some text into a text box and convert that way.

Homepage: http://www.hothotsoftware.com/textconversionsoftware_software/

Скачать: Text Conversion Software v1.0

edanator v1.03

edanator - Graphical binary/hex calculator and bit manipulator.

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/edanator/

Скачать: edanator v1.03

Universal Encoder Decoder v8 (AyaN)

Universal Encoder Decoder - Is Very Easy To Use Or This Program Very Easy To Deploy On Your System. Universal Encoder Decoder Options You Get Directly Main Windows Just Click Next Icon To Show More Options Including Search Option's. Universal Encoder Decoder Very User Friendly Or Smooth Layout.

Universal Encoder Decoder Including 84 Type String Converters Like - HTML TO TEXT, NUMBER TO ROMAN NUMBER, DECIMAL TO BINARY / HEX / OCTAL etc. All 84 Options Work Just Few Clicks.

Homepage: http://ayansoftware.orgfree.com/Universal%20Encoder%20Decoder.php

Скачать: Universal Encoder Decoder v5 / Universal Encoder Decoder v6 / Universal Encoder Decoder v7
Скачать: Universal Encoder Decoder v8 / Universal Encoder Decoder v10

~Конверторы HEX-DEC-TEXT №4~

Категория: Various | Добавил: Metabolic | Теги: Ascii to Hex, Text to Binary, Hex to Text, Text to Hex, Dec to Hex, Binary code
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