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Главная » Файлы » Patchgens

Diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher [dUP] v2.25 & v2.26.1 (EN/RU)
09.04.2012, 16:01

diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher - многофункциональная программа, позволяющая создавать различные виды патчей и лоадеров. Программа позволяет создавать статичные и универсальные патчи, лоадеры, inline патчи для защищенных файлов, патчи реестра, текстовые патчи, патчи с присоединенными файлами и др. При создании патча есть возможность менять иконку, скин патча, присоединять к патчу трэкерную музыку, изменять размер и форму окна патча.

diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher - is a freeware patch generator which can build a small standalone patcher executable for microsoft windows systems.

Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry. You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to create EXE files on the breeze.

diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher sports a clean and straightforward GUI that gives users the possibility to create a new project. You can specify the name of the application and add files (EXE or DLL) by dragging and dropping them into the primary panel or using the built-in browse function.

Other important features worth mentioning let you open multiple files, select the skin by uploading RES files, specify the window shape by adding RGN files, as well as choose the color for the text, dialog box, button, release info text, statistics text, and others.

Last but not least, you can select the transparency of the window, add audio files, compress the information with an external application, apply fade in or out effects, and specify the text size and color.

* multiple file patcher
* programmable patch procedure
* offset patcher
* search and replace patcher
* text patcher
* registry patcher
* loader generator
* compare files (RawOffset and VirtualAddress) with different filesize
* attach files to patcher
* get filepaths from registry
* CRC32/MD5 and filesize checks
* patching packed files
* compress patcher with your favorite packer
* save/load projects
* use custom skin in your patcher
* add music (Tracker Modules: xm,mod,it,s3m,mtm,umx,v2m,ahx,sid) to patcher
* multilanguage support
* and many more...

Version History:
-bugfix in [text patch] module
-bugfix: plugins did not work with "/silent" paramenter
-bugfix: patching used files did not work with "/silent" paramenter

-added large file support for search & replace module
-patchercode now is stored in a DLL
-updated BeaEngine.dll (4.1 rev 172)
-fixed: backup files for [attached file] module
-added new filetime plugin
-added new log message plugin
-added new backup switch plugin
-added new find next file plugin
-fixed: patcher with plugins now can be packed
-new option to run patcher after creation
-new query option in [file check] module: check for write access
-show jump destination of [event] module in patchdata list
-fixed crash when open dUP2 project with large filename
-auto backup unsaved projects
-improved save system
-added some copy/paste shortcuts
-minor fixes

-bugfix: open files in sharemode
-new disassembler engine: BeaEngine
-improved search & replace comparison
-plugin dlls are loaded now on patcher startup
-updated plugin development kit
-added option to turn off backup by default

Russian localization "DUP 2" by Metabolic

Offsite "diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher"

[*] The original archive or file with off-site.
[*] Оригинальный архив или файл с оф-сайта.
~ Repacked archive after add the Russian localization.
~ Перепакованный архив после добавления русской локализации.

Скачать: dup2 unsign.rar [?]

Скачать: [DUP] v2.19.rar
Скачать: [DUP] v2.21.rar

Скачать: [DUP] v2.25.crypted.patchdata.edition.rar [*]

Скачать: [DUP] v2.25-ru.rar ~

Скачать: [DUP] v2.26-en.rar [*]
Скачать: [DUP] v2.26-ru.rar ~

Скачать: [DUP] v2.26.1-en.rar [*]
Скачать: [DUP] v2.26.1-ru.rar ~

Скачать: How.to.make.nice.search.and.replace.patches.pdf [*]
Скачать: dUP.Skinning.Howto.Tutorial.by.dEAdbEEf.rar

Скачать: Dup.search.and.replace.patchengine.sourcecode.rar [*]
Скачать: Dup.search.and.replace.patchengine.sourcecode2.rar [*]

Другие языки: DUP v2.26 Türkçe # | DUP v2.26 汉化版 #

Скины: diablo2oo2-s-Universal-Patcher-dUP-Windows [?] / dUP2 SkinPack [?] / DupSkins Tuts4You [?]

Разное: HEX2dUP2 for NET [?]

Категория: Patchgens | Добавил: Metabolic | Теги: DUP 2.26, DUP 2, DUP 2.21, Dup, Diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher, DUP 2.25
Просмотров: 22805 | Комментарии: 9 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 9
9 Metabolic  
Tutorial make skins:

7 rardfaike  
i am from Italy hello. Can you help me translate? /rardor

8 Metabolic  
What are your difficulties in translation? See an example made with machine translation.

5 rardfaike  
posso usare l'italiano or english

6 Metabolic  
Yes, just translate the file "lang_english.dll" in any resource editor. To change the language: Tab Settings -> Language -> Browse file (Your translation DLL).

4 rardfaike  
hi :) bross :)

3 Metabolic  
Установка скинов:

Пропишите (через опендиалог) в параметрах (Settings), пути к файлам ресурсов, и выставьте все чеки напротив них.

Если нужна форма - она в *.res
Если нужны настройки цвета - они в *.ini
Если нужно игноры цвета, для прозрачности - они в *.rgn

2 cw2k  
Thanks for also including v2.25 that is the last one that supports (decompiling) open a dup2-Patch.exe as project!

And just for fan's I linked the original dUP page here:

Btw you can still open Patch exe created with v2.26 in v2.25.
1. Run the patch
2. Get %temp%\dup2patcher.dll
3. Unpack it
4. Test it via rundll32.exe dup2patcher.dll,load_patcher
Now You may copy the .rsrc to some v2.25-patch exe
Transform the dll into exe in PE-Header Change
1. PE- Characteristics: 0x2102 -> 0x0102
2. AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x000020D0 -> 0x000020F9 (<-Export load_patcher)

Now you can open the patch file in dUP2.25.

Attention the transformed dll to exe has two flaws.
1. GetModuleHandleA(0x0) is not set so Dialog may look strange
2. ExitProcess is missing so exe don't really quits

1 Metabolic  
Обсуждение diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher - [dUP] на ExeLab.Ru

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