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Мониторинг памяти процессов
07.04.2024, 15:21

内存监视器 v2.0 (by Chief)

可以查找辅助修改了游戏的哪些地址  比如穿墙 定点等.....

选择游戏 点击 首次读取  再开启辅助的某项功能(穿墙等) 点击 再次读取 即可开始查找



更新于:2012.10.4  16:12

Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-156710-1-1.html

~File removed from forum 52pojie, maybe it is malware.

Скачать: 内存监视器 v2.0

内存写入监视器 V1.0 (By 缘诚浪子)



Source: https://bbs.125.la/thread-64996-1-1.html

Скачать: 内存写入监视器 V1.0 (pass: Unpack)

内存写入监视器 v2.0 (by ZzAge)


Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-23593-1-1.html
Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-39492-1-1.html
Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-41830-1-1.html
Use case: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-173722-1-1.html

Скачать: 内存写入监视器 v2.0 (pass: Unpack)

反 内存写入监视器 V2.0 易模块 By 半斤八兩

先前的一个版本不怎么理想, 链接:
(反R0内存监视器(附工具) By 半斤八兩 )
现版本,修改标题,修改进程名字,等.都不受影响. :)

注意:本模块,仅仅支持 内存写入监视器 V2.0

Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-157914-1-1.html
Source: https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-153736.htm / https://bbs.kanxue.com/thread-153736.htm

Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-154535-1-1.html
Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-158588-1-1.html

Скачать: 反内存监视集绵 / II
Скачать: 反 内存写入监视器 V2.0 (pass: Unpack)

雨果内存监视器[驱动增强版] v1.1 修复版 支持w7-w11












Source: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-1854589-1-1.html

Скачать: 雨果内存监视器 v1.1

NoVirusThanks WriteProcessMemory Monitor v1.5.0.0

NoVirusThanks WriteProcessMemory Monitor - is a Windows OS utility designed solely to monitor processes in the system that write to other process’ virtual address spaces. Malware often uses such techniques in order to write payload stubs to a foreign process to hook an API, load a malware DLL etc. ntdll!NtWriteVirtualMemory is hooked in order to achieve the desired logging functionality in usermode. For your information, we have created WPMSvc, a service-only version.

NoVirusThanks WriteProcessMemory Monitor displays the caller process and target process filenames as well as their respective process identifiers are shown along with the size of the buffer written to the process and the actual contents represented in hexadecimal of the buffer. The location of the written memory is also listed in hex for run-time reverse engineering convenience.

WriteProcessMemory Monitor can easily be integrated into malware or rootkit test environments to help the security researcher reverse analyze a piece of malware alongside other powerful tools, such as NoVirusThanks Ring3 API Hook Scanner, NoVirusThanks Stream Detector and NoVirusThanks DLL UnInjector.

Changes and Fixes:
[23-12-2015] - v1.5.0.0
+ Improved logging of API call events

[21-11-2015] - v1.4.0.0
+ Improved support for Windows 10
+ Improved the main program interface
+ Added session end handling when rebooting or powering off the PC
+ Added option to save events to a custom log folder
+ Added command-line parameter to hide the main program's interface (-hidegui)
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

File Version
Last Updated    23 December 2015
Category    Malware Analysis
License Type    Freeware
Operating System    Windows All (32-bit / 64-bit)

Homepage: http://www.novirusthanks.org/product/writeprocessmemory-monitor/
Homepage: http://www.novirusthanks.org/products/writeprocessmemory-monitor/
MalwareTips Forums: https://malwaretips.com/threads/weve-launched-appsvoid-the-new-place-for-our-software.114043/
Wilders Security Forums: https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/weve-launched-appsvoid-the-new-place-for-novirusthanks-software.445409/

Скачать: WriteProcessMemory Monitor v1.5.0.0

GDIView v1.26

GDIView - is a unique tool that displays the list of GDI handles (brushes, pens, fonts, bitmaps, and others) opened by every process. It displays the total count for each type of GDI handle, as well as detailed information about each handle.
This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace GDI resources leak in their software.

System Requirements
This utility can work on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7/2008, Windows 8, and Windows 10. (Earlier versions of Windows are not supported). there is also x64 version available as a separated download.

Known Limitations
On 64-bit systems - GDIView cannot display extended information of 32-bit processes.

Using GDIView
GDIView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy the executable file (GDIView.exe) to any folder you like and run it.
The main window has 2 panes:
• The upper pane displays the GDI handles count for each process.
• The lower pane displays all GDI handles of the selected process in the upper pane.

The Upper Pane
The upper pane of GDIView displays counters of GDI handles for every process in your system.
You can view the counters in 3 modes:
• Show Counters Only (F2): Displays only the total counters of GDI handles
• Show Counters + Changes (F3): Displays the total counters of GDI handles, as well as the number of handles added (positive value) or released (negative value) since the last counters reset (F8).
• Show Changes Only (F4): Displays the number of handles added (positive value) or released (negative value) since the last counters reset (F8).

The counters are updated according to the interval that you select in Options->Auto Refresh.

The Lower Pane
The lower pane of GDIView displays the details of all GDI handles of the selected process in the upper pane.
For each handle, the following information is displayed:
• Handle: The handle value of the GDI resource.
• Object Type: Bitmap, Brush, Pen, DC, and so on...
• Kernel Address: The memory address in Windows Kernel that contains the data structure of this handle. Regular Windows application cannot read from this address, only device drivers can access it. However, you can view the content this memory by using WinDbg in kernel debugging mode.
• Extended Information: Displays more information for brushes (color and style), pens (style/color/width), fonts (font name/width/height/weight), and bitmaps (width/height/bits per pixel).
By default, displaying the extended information is disabled. You can enable it by selecting 'Display Handle Extended Information' from the Options menu. Be aware that extracting the extended information is more aggressive than the regular mode, so it's recommended to use it only when you really need it.

'GDI Total' and 'All GDI' columns
The 'GDI Total' column (a new column added on v1.05) displays the total number of all GDI handles found in the GDI table for the specified process. This means that 'GDI Total' column display the sum of the following columns: Pen, ExtPen, Brush, Bitmap, Font, Palette, Region, DC, Metafile DC, Enhanced Metafile DC, and Other GDI.
The 'All GDI' value is taken from Windows API call (GetGuiResources), and it usually contains a value larger than 'GDI Total', probably because it also counts some internal kernel GDI objects that are not included in the GDI objects table of the process.

Notice: If you have a problem that the 'All GDI' value is increased, while there is no leak with the other GDI values, it means that you probably have a leak in the creation of icons or cursors (Icons and cursors are created without destroying them later).

Homepage: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/gdi_handles.html

Скачать: GDIView v1.26

GdiChecker v1.1.9.13










Homepage: http://blog.gclxry.com/gdi泄漏调试工具-gdichecker/
GitHub: https://github.com/gclxry/GdiChecker

Скачать: GdiChecker v1.1.9.13

Bear v1.60

Bear - See GDI/User Object usage of all processes

Track down GDI and User handle leaks. You can identify which application leaks GDI/User handles. In the details view, you can see all the properties of the handles. For bitmaps, icons and cursors you see and save the real image.

On 32 and 64 Bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Server 2012, Server 2008, Server 2003, XP, 2000 and NT4, Bear displays the usage of
• All GDI Objects [hDC, hRegion, hBitmap, hPalette, hFont, hBrush]
• All User Objects [hWnd, hMenu, hCursor, SetWindowsHookEx, SetTimer and some other stuff]
• Handles
• Memory pages count and size [LoadLibrary() and LoadLibraryEx(LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)]

On Windows 98 and Windows 95, Bear displays the usage of
• All GDI Objects [hDC, hRegion, hBitmap, hPalette, hFont, hBrush]
• GDI, System and User Resources

Handle Details
A double click on a process opens the details view. Each GDI/User object is shown with a description. Make a right click onto Bitmaps, Icons and Cursors to save them.

Changes are displayed in green and red to easily spot the differences.

Enable logging to a CSV file to trace changes over time.
If a specified handle count limit is reached, a notification can be send. Using Email, PubNub.com or logfile.

Install using package managers:
> winget install --id the-sz.Bear -e --force
> choco install bear.portable -y --ignore-checksum

Version    Change
1.60    Cleanup code fixed
1.59    High DPI support improved
1.58    High DPI support improved

Homepage: https://www.the-sz.com/products/bear/
Homepage: https://the-sz.com/products/bear/

Скачать: Bear v1.59
Скачать: Bear v1.60

gdi_handle_study v1.0

gdi_handle_study —— 查看进程GDI资源情况的工具

gdi_handle_study 是一个用于查看进程中gdi句柄资源的工具。可以用于监控gdi资源是否泄露,已经对gdi资源的使用情况。使用方法非常简单:

usage: gdi_handle_study.exe [-c] [-v [-f <filter>]] [processname|pid]
processname    List GDI handles loaded by process (partial name accepted)
pid                   List GDI handles associated with the specified process id
-c                    Show GDI count information.
-v                    Show GDI handle information.
-f                    Filter the GDI handle type.

值得注意的是,GDI Total和GDI All的区别在于,GDI Total统计出来的数量,是通过工具本身枚举可统计GDI资源后得出统计值,而GDI All是通过系统API直接获得的值,有些的情况下,GDI Total的值是小于GDI All的值的。这种情况可能因为某些GDI资源是系统保留的。另外一个要注意的是,如果要显示所有进程的gdi情况,需要有管理员权限运行该工具。



最后工具还能利用-f filter,来查看想看到的资源情况。

Homepage: http://0cch.net/wordpress/?p=238
Homepage: http://0cch.com/ntinternals/2013/05/04/gdi_handle_study-e6-9f-a5-e7-9c-8b-e8-bf-9b-e7-a8-8bgdi-e8-b5-84-e6-ba-90-e6-83-85-e5-86-b5-e7-9a-84-e5-b7-a5-e5-85-b7.html
Homepage: https://0cch.com/2013/05/04/gdi_handle_study-e69fa5e79c8be8bf9be7a88bgdie8b584e6ba90e68385e586b5e79a84e5b7a5e585b7/

Скачать: gdi_handle_study v1.0

GdiLeakDetector v1.0




一个容易使用,强大,高效检测和定位GDI泄漏的工具。它可以在visual studio中使用




Memleak.exe  是一个内存泄漏的测试程序。

Homepage: http://cppblog.com/alantop/archive/2007/08/30/31204.html
Homepage: http://www.cppblog.com/alantop/archive/2007/08/30/31204.html

CodeProject: https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/20264/GDI-Leak-Detector-A-special-debugger-to-detect-and
GitHub: https://github.com/deping/GdiLeakDetector [d]

Скачать: GdiLeakDetector v1.0

GDIndicator v1.0 (by Christophe Nasarre)

Dependent Dlls can be taken here: Missing Microsoft DLLs (mfc70.dll and msvcr70.dll) [?] / [d]

Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/01/GDILeaks/default.aspx
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2003/january/detect-and-plug-gdi-leaks-with-two-powerful-tools-for-windows-xp

Скачать: GDIndicator v1.0

HeapMemView v1.05

HeapMemView - is a small utility that allows you to view the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap of the process that you select.
This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace memory leaks in their software.

System Requirements
This utility can work on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 (Earlier versions of Windows are not supported). there is also x64 version (for Vista x64) available as a separated download.

Using HeapMemView
HeapMemView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy the executable file (HeapMemView.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After you start HeapMemView, you have to select the process that you want to inspect.
The main window of HeapMemView has 2 panes:
• The upper pane displays the list of memory blocks allocated in the heap of the process the your selected.
• The lower pane displays the contant of the memory block that you select in the upper pane.

Tips For Using HeapMemView
• In order to decrease the number displayed memory blocks and to improve the performances, HeapMemView filter all memory blocks with size smaller than 80 bytes. You can change this default filter by using the Memory Blocks Filter window (F8).
Be aware that without the 80 bytes filter, you may get a lots of small and meaningless memory blocks, and the loading process will be pretty slow.
• Each time that you press F5, the newly added memory blocks are marked with '*', as well as they are painted with pink color. You can clear the 'new' flag by using the 'Clear New Memory Blocks Mark' option (F6).
• In addition to the memory bytes displayed in the lower pane, You can view a sample of the memory bytes in the table of the upper pane - under 'Data Preview' column. In order to enable this feature, select Options->Data Preview Mode->ASCII or Hexadecimal. By default, the first 32 bytes of the memory block will be displayed. You can modify the default settings in Advanced Options window.
• You can export all heap memory blocks to binary files for inspecting them in the future, by selecting all memory blocks in the upper pane, and then using 'Export Memory Data To File' option (Ctrl+E)
• The 'Heap Handle' value is the handle returned by HeapCreate or GetProcessHeap API functions. The 'Data Address' value is the memory address returned by HeapAlloc API.
• When a program allocates heap memory with C/C++ memory functions (malloc or new keyword), you may see some header bytes preceding the real allocated memory data.

Homepage: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/heap_memory_view.html

Скачать: HeapMemView v1.05

勇芳_内存编辑器 v3.2.0



内存分析.exe          ..........软件主程序,不可缺少
更新数据.ini ...................在线更新生成的配制文件,可以删除

3,每个已经打开的软件,以后称其为进程,系统都分配给其 2GB的内存空间,不管你的电脑有多少内存,都是如此,
5,管理这些数字,我们要为其标上地址,每个进程的地址范围: 0x10000~~0x7FFEFFFF  2 GB 减去至少192 KB进程的地址空间
6,每个数字的范围,是 0~255 用16进制 00 ~ FF 表示,我们不要管为什么,只要知道就行
7,每个数字我们称为 1个字节(B);1024个字节称为 千字节(KB);1024千字节称为兆字节(MB);1024MB称千兆字节(GB),在很多地方,我们都不用中文,用代号表示的:B KB MB GB

4,如果显示出数据为 .. ,表示这个地方系统没有分配给进程使用,所以不能使用。

本软件是用Visual Basic 6.0 所编,让VB爱好者们知道,没有做不到,只是想不到。VB易学、开发周期短、调试代码最方便,但是限制也多,特别是做这样的软件,如8字节整数,想要突破限制,需要大家共同努力。

Homepage: http://www.yfvb.com/soft-37.htm

Скачать: 勇芳_内存编辑器 v3.1.2
Скачать: 勇芳_内存编辑器 v3.2.0

ProcMem v1.0

ProcMem —— 进程内存查看工具






这个工具是我花了大半周的业余时间弄的,时间比较仓促,不可避免的可能会有些bug。如果你刚好用上了这个工具,而且发现了bug,不妨通过邮件联系我(邮箱地址见About Me页面)。


Homepage: http://0cch.net/wordpress/?p=226
Homepage: http://0cch.com/debugging/ntinternals/2013/04/21/procmem-e8-bf-9b-e7-a8-8b-e5-86-85-e5-ad-98-e6-9f-a5-e7-9c-8b-e5-b7-a5-e5-85-b7.html
Homepage: https://0cch.com/2013/04/21/procmem-e8bf9be7a88be58685e5ad98e69fa5e79c8be5b7a5e585b7/

Скачать: ProcMem v1.0

MemMapView v1.0

MemMapView —— 查看共享内存映射的工具

MemMapView是一个查看Named Shared Memory的工具,它能够枚举系统中的命名共享内存的名称,并且浏览其数据。

Homepage: http://0cch.net/wordpress/?p=547
Homepage: http://0cch.com/debugging/ntinternals/tips/2015/04/18/memmapview-e6-9f-a5-e7-9c-8b-e5-85-b1-e4-ba-ab-e5-86-85-e5-ad-98-e6-98-a0-e5-b0-84-e7-9a-84-e5-b7-a5-e5-85-b7.html
Homepage: https://0cch.com/2015/04/18/memmapview-e69fa5e79c8be585b1e4baabe58685e5ad98e698a0e5b084e79a84e5b7a5e585b7/

Скачать: MemMapView v1.0

PTView v1.0 by VollRagm

This utility allows you to inspect a Windows processes Page Tables live. You can browse through them in a GUI and dump the physical pages they point to, as well as translate virtual to physical addresses and get the virtual address to a PTE.

You will have to load the driver before running the client. I recommend loading the Driver normally in test mode, but it can be mapped as well, just make sure the first argument is the driver base and the second argument is NULL. After opening the client, select a process and start browsing its page tables!

Key features
• Browse Page Tables of Processes, including system processes
• Highlight different types of Pages
• Dump a physical page
• Get the virtual address that leads to the current selection
• Translate a physical address to virtual address with visualization
• Get information on a Page table entry
• Support for Large Pages

Things worth trying out
1.Dump the PML4 itself over its auto-entry (self-reference):
Every PML4 keeps an entry that has the PML4's address as PFN itself. This entry is at a fixed index, that Windows nowadays sets randomly during boot. If this entry is selected the PDPT actually is the PML4 itself again. If you select it in the PDPT again, the PD also is the PML4 again. If you continue that until the end, the PT will be the PML4, and you will be able to use the PML4 auto-entry to dump the PML4 itself or get its virtual address. Note that this address only is valid in the selected processes context.

2.Watch Windows Memory manager map pages, that have been paged out to disk:
Get the virtual address of an unused loaded module in the process. Enter it in the Virtual Address textbox and translate it. Chances are that the PTE of that VA or the subsequent PTE's PFNs is 0x0. Now access the virtual address using a Debugger or Memory viewer, like Cheat Engine, and you will see how it raises a page fault, causing Windows Memory Manager to map the pages live.

UnKnoWnCheaTs: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/anti-cheat-bypass/487981-ptview-browse-page-tables-windows.html
GitHub: https://github.com/VollRagm/PTView

Скачать: PTView v1.0

Kernel Pool Monitor v1.0 (by Pavel Yosifovich)

A GUI version of the classic PoolMon tool

Source: https://github.com/zodiacon/PoolMonX

Kernel Pool Monitor PoolMonX shows kernel pool allocation with tags, number of allocations, frees and consumed memory.

Source: https://github.com/zodiacon/PoolMonXv2
Monitor Kernel pool allocations tags

Source: https://github.com/zodiacon/PoolMonXv3

PoolMon Microsoft [?] / [?]

Скачать: Kernel Pool Monitor v1.0
Скачать: Kernel Pool Monitor v2.0
Скачать: Kernel Pool Monitor v3.0

Memory Map Viewer v0.2 (by Pavel Yosifovich)

Memory Map Viewer - shows the memory map of selected processes (similar to VMMap from SysInternals), but uses a driver to look inside protected and minimal processes. It also shows the actual data.
Changed the driver to be test signed only. Must run on a system that is in test signing mode (bcdedit /set testsigning on) and reboot

CodePlex: http://virtualmemorymapview.codeplex.com
GitHub: https://github.com/zodiacon/KernelExplorer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zodiacon/status/937353202634280960

GitHub: https://github.com/zodiacon/AllTools
Last build: https://github.com/zodiacon/AllTools/blob/master/MemMapView.zip

Скачать: Memory Map Viewer v0.2

VMMap v3.4

VMMap - is a process virtual and physical memory analysis utility. It shows a breakdown of a process's committed virtual memory types as well as the amount of physical memory (working set) assigned by the operating system to those types. Besides graphical representations of memory usage, VMMap also shows summary information and a detailed process memory map. Powerful filtering and refresh capabilities allow you to identify the sources of process memory usage and the memory cost of application features.

Besides flexible views for analyzing live processes, VMMap supports the export of data in multiple forms, including a native format that preserves all the information so that you can load back in. It also includes command-line options that enable scripting scenarios.

VMMap is the ideal tool for developers wanting to understand and optimize their application's memory resource usage.

Homepage: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dd535533.aspx
Homepage: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/vmmap

Скачать: VMMap v3.4

Process Memory Map v1.5.38 Beta

Process Memory Map - утилита предназначенная для отображения карты памяти процесса.

Отображает следующие данные:
• кучи процесса
• данные по нитям, как то: стек, TEB, SEH фреймы и CallStack
• информация по подгруженным PE файлам с разбивкой на секции, точки входа в каждый загруженный образ, их структуры
• данные из PEB
• встроенный x86/x64 дизассемблер (на базе DiStorm)

Предоставляет возможность:
• анализа памяти на предмет установленных перехватчиков в таблицах импорта/экспорта/отложенного импорта
• анализа установленных перехватчиков в экспортируемых функциях, точках входа и TLS калбэках
• анализа блоков памяти на основе их контрольных сумм (например отображение изменений во взломанном ПО).
• поиска в памяти процесса.

Из дополнительных возможностей:
• выводит список экспортируемых функций.
• поддерживает отладочные MAP файлы. (влияет на список распознанных функций и выхлоп дизассемблера)
• отображает изменения в выделенных блоках памяти (alloc/realloc/free)
• быстрая подсказка по известным блокам памяти

Сборка проекта:
Для самостоятельной сборки потребуется:
• установленный пакет компонентов Virtual TreeView версии 8.0 и выше: https://github.com/JAM-Software/Virtual-TreeView
• установленный набор классов для работы с ZIP архивами FWZip версии 1.0.9 и выше: https://github.com/AlexanderBagel/FWZip

Сборка осуществляется с использованием Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney в режиме "Win32/Release", при этом автоматически будет собрана и подключена (в виде ресурса) 64-битная версия данной утилиты. Под более старыми версиями Delphi работоспособность ProcessMemoryMap не проверялась и не гарантируется.

Внутренние версии фреймворков:
• MemoryMap Core - 1.4.36
• RawScanner Core - 1.0.19
• FWZip - 2.0.3
• Distorm - 3.5.3

RoadMap (с предположительными версиями):
• 1.5 полная поддержка DWARF 4 и 5 версий, поддержка типов STUB
• 1.6 вывод размапленой информации по директории resources
• 1.6 вывод используемых ресурсов в виде дерева
• 1.7 вывод размапленой информации по директориям exceptions, security
• 1.7 вывод размапленой информации по директории com+ в виде дерева
• 1.8 вывод размапленой информации по директории debug
• 1.8 поддержка отладочных PDB файлов
• 1.8 перевод вывода системных структур на основе полученных данных из PDB
• 1.9 поддержка отладочной информации JclDebug (возможно в виде плагина)
• 2.0 перевод Hex дампов и дизассемблера на FWHexView

1.5.38 от 13.03.2024
• добавлена настройка поиска номера строки исходного кода относительно адреса возврата в CallStack плюс направление поиска.
• исправлено некорректное определение загруженной отладочной информации по модулю.
• исправлена ошибка при перечислении списка потоков 64 битного процесса с некорректным выходом при подключении первого найденного.

Homepage: https://rouse.drkb.ru / https://rouse.drkb.ru/winapi.php
GitHub: https://github.com/AlexanderBagel/ProcessMemoryMap
Blog Rouse_: https://alexander-bagel.blogspot.com/2013/11/pmm2.html
Habr: https://habr.com/ru/articles/202242/ / https://habr.com/ru/articles/784152/
DelphiMaster: http://delphimaster.net/view/15-1449670082/all

Скачать: Process Memory Map v1.0.0 Alpha 12.1
Скачать: Process Memory Map v1.4.28 Beta
Скачать: Process Memory Map v1.5.38 Beta

CrySearch Memory Scanner v3.3

CrySearch - is a lightweight memory scanner application written in C++. Its purpose is analysis, debugging and memory modification. CrySearch is a Cheat Engine-like application, but because my taste and feel is different, my application works in quite a different way, with a few features that are not included in Cheat Engine. I designed the user interface in a way that the toolbar should provide program flow for the user. Cheat Engine's user interface is very populated and the actual disassembling tools are particularly hidden away in the memory viewer. I tend to differ from this approach. I value input from the community, which is why I released CrySearch a few years ago on UnknownCheats.

CrySearch is only available for Windows, both x86 and x64.

Homepage: https://www.crysearch.nl
Source Code: https://bitbucket.org/evolution536/crysearch-memory-scanner [d]
UnKnoWnCheaTs: https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/general-programming-and-reversing/100677-crysearch-memory-scanner.html

Скачать: CrySearch Memory Scanner v3.3

Cheat Engine v7.5 [?] / [?] / [?] | MemoryMonitorDll [?] / [?] | 咪沫内存监视器 v1.0 [?] / [?] | RealMemory 1 [s] | 骷髅头内存遍历工具 v1.0 [?] | 内存遍历 v1.0 [?] | 快速内存遍历工具FMT v1.2 [?] | XH内存遍历工具 v1.0 [?] | ZX内存遍历工具 v1.0 [?]

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