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Мониторинг файловой активности №2
19.03.2024, 17:11

File Alert Monitor v2.0

File Alert Monitor - is a Windows application, used to generate alerts about the creation, update or deletion of files in specified folders. File Alert Monitor will monitor specified directories on a local or networked PC and will display a pop-up Window or optionally play an audio alert, whenever action is taken on files in the specified folders.

Options within File Alert Monitor allow the user to specify which events (creation, update and / or deletion) are to be monitored. Additionally, users may specify which file types are to be monitored, by specification of the appropriate file suffix(s).

File Alert Monitor is a freeware application, made available by High Criteria. It can be especially useful for transcriptionists, who need to be alerted about the creation of new audio dictation files onto any PC.

Homepage: http://www.libertyrecording.com/FAM_main.htm

Скачать: File Alert Monitor v2.0

WhatChanged v1.07

WhatChanged - is a system utility that scans for modified files and registry entries. It is useful for checking program installations. There are two steps for using WhatChanged:
1) First, take a snapshot to get the current state of the computer; 2) Second, run it again to check the differences since the previous snapshot.

WhatChanged uses the "brute force method" to check files and the registry.

* v1.07 update includes speed enhancements for better performance.

Homepage: http://www.vista-software.com/tools.htm#wc
Homepage: http://www.vtaskstudio.com/support.php#tools

PortableApps: https://portableapps.com/news/2019-08-05--whatchanged-portable-1.07-rev-2-released
PortableApps: https://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/whatchanged-portable

Скачать: WhatChanged v1.07 / Portable

Simple Watcher v1.3.0

Program "Simple Watcher" intended for the surveillance of local folders, network folders or hard drives and will notify user of file or folders changes, deletions, modifications, and new files creation in real-time. When a change occurs program can execute an application, send email reports, upload files to FTP server, send network messages and more.

- Monitor folders for file changes, modifications, deletions and new files creation in real-time.
- Monitor local directories and hard drives or network shares.
- Execute an application or batch file when an event occurs.
- Send email reports and attach new files when an event occurs.
- Upload files to an FTP server.
- Copy files to another folder.
- Send network messages to the users.
- Play alarm sound when an event occurs.
- Exclude filtering on files being monitored.
- Quickly tell if a directory is available and being monitored.
- Show balloon notifications when an event occurs.
- Program work on x86 and x64 operating systems. Tested on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64!
- Program work without setup.

- Program needs .Net Framework 3.5.
- Program must run with Administrator privileges.

Homepage: https://simplewatcher.narod.ru
Homepage: http://simplewatcher.ru/ / http://simplewatcher.ru/en/

Скачать: Simple Watcher v1.3.0 En
Скачать: Simple Watcher v1.6.6 Ru

SandboxDiff v2.3 (by majoMo)

SandboxDiff - analysing/monitoring changes in registry and files when using Sandboxie.

SandboxDiff - Registry/Files changes

To tracking changes in registry and files with Sandboxie I tried to use applications like ZSoft Uninstaller (an excellent uninstaller), Regshot, System Explorer and InCtrl5 (all sandboxed). Without sucess - looping issue. I read some forum'administrator posts about, that allowed myself to do and try a utility.

I'm now using SandboxDiff to do that. How to use it?

Prior to install a program sandboxed:

1- Open 'UserPath.bat.txt'and inside it customizes only the path (RegHive path)
to something like: "C:\Sandbox\<YourUserName>\DefaultBox\RegHive".
2- Rename 'UserPath.bat.txt' to 'UserPath.bat'
3- Run 'SandboxDiff.exe' - not sandboxed.

At the end the user can to see the changes made by the application sandboxed in the files:

- Registry changes:

Comp-Reg.txt - lists registry changes (values only) in text format.
Comp-Reg.REG.txt - lists registry changes (keys and values) in .reg format (Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00).
Comp-Reg.html - lists all registry entries (values) sandboxed in text/html format (and the registry values changes).

- Files changes:

Comp-Files.txt - lists added/removed files.
Comp-FilesMOD.txt - lists added/removed files - and modified files (based in size and date/time).
Comp-Files.html - lists all files in sandbox folder - and added/removed files.

Some Sandboxie'users in the forum have asked how to check the changes made by an installation sandboxed. They can try to use SandboxDiff to do that.

Hoping for it will be useful to someone else that likes to use the excellent Sandboxie.

Some Anti Virus can detect 'SandboxDiff.exe' as suspicious. It is a false positive. SandboxDiff hasn't any harmful activity.

Source: http://sandboxie.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=23711
Source: https://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=3606
Source: https://sandboxie-website-archive.github.io/www.sandboxie.com/old-forums/viewtopicdbb3dbb3.html

Скачать: SandboxDiff v2.3

InCtrl5 v1.0 (In Control)

InCtrl5 - is the fifth incarnation of one of PC Magazine's most popular utilities. By monitoring the changes made to your system when you install new software, it enables you to troubleshoot any problems that come up. Virtually every modern program uses an install utility that installs or updates files; these utilities may also record data in the Registry and update INI files or other essential text files. A companion uninstall utility should precisely reverse the effects of the install utility. When a newly installed program causes existing applications to fail, or when the supplied uninstall utility can't complete its task, you need a record of exactly what the original install utility did in order to restore your system. InCtrl5 can provide this record.

Publication Date: December 5, 2000 (v19n21)
Version: 1.0
Platforms: Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME

Source: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,26845,00.asp
Source: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,9882,00.asp
Source: http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/stories/solutions/0,8224,377994,00.html
Source: http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/stories/solutions/0,8224,2653679,00.html

Скачать: InCtrl5 v1.0

File Monitoring v1.0

File Monitoring - use this small application to monitor your file changes. Windows usually makes changes to your files automatically, with this application you know which files are being changed by Windows. Monitoring methods that are included: Deleted, Created, Modified and Renamed files.

Homepage: http://www.soft-it.co.nr / http://soft-it.000webhost.com/index_files/FMon.htm

Скачать: File Monitoring v1.0

FileGrab v0.4

FileGrab - is a tool that monitors a Windows filesystem for newly created files and copy those files to another location. It can be useful for honeypots, malware analysis, investigation scenarios and so on.

• Run in background (hidden Window)
• Send files to a FTP server
• Monitors all filesystems or specified path
• Regular expressions support

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/filegrab/

Скачать: FileGrab v0.4

DiskChange v2.6

Disk Change - Найти какие файлы добавились или были удалены после установки другой программы

Программа Disk Change отслеживает какие произошли изменения файловой системы (запись, добавление, удаление, изменение размера файлов) на жестких дисках (разделы C, D, E), вносимые при инсталляции другими программами или в результате действий пользователя. Имеет лаконичный интерфейс, работает со 100% эффективностью, делая слепок диска (сканирование больших дисков может занять некоторое время) и сравнивая состояние файловой структуры до и после установки стороннего приложения.

   Примечание. Перемещение файла из одного каталога в другой Disk Change расценивает и как удаление (из текущей папки) и как добавление (в новую директорию). Мониторинга в реальном времени нет, но все изменения файлов в системе будут найдены.

   Disk Change - бесплатная программа чтобы отслеживать изменения на жестком диске, без инсталляции.

Домашняя страница: http://www.alonewolfsoft.narod.ru/page13.htm
Домашняя страница: http://alonewolfsoft.ru/disk_change.htm

Скачать: DiskChange v2.6

Track Folder Changes v1.1.0.0

TrackFolderChanges - is a simple application that displays in real time any changes to the file system (you can also restrict the search to a specific folder and its subfolders).

New files and folders are displayed in green, modified files in blue and deleted ones in red. Note that items will appear as soon as there is something to show, unchanged folders are not displayed. Right click an item to copy its path or to open its parent folder.

The application is written in C# and the source code is available on Codeplex.

Homepage: http://at-my-window.blogspot.com/?page=TrackFolderChanges
Homepage: http://at-my-window.blogspot.com/2011/12/trackfolderchanges.html

Скачать: Track Folder Changes v1.1.0.0

What changed? (from One Commander V3)

Run WhatChanged.exe

This program watches for all changes in the filesystem and sorts them by the number of times a file was modified. This can help you determine if a certain program is editing files too frequently and spamming the filesystem with events. This can cause file managers to start missing file changes and forcing you to manually refresh folder content.

Download: https://onecommander.com/whatchanged.zip

Скачать: WhatChanged v0.10

Phrozen Windows File Monitor v1.1

Phrozen Windows File Monitor - is a standalone program designed to capture any kind of modification inside the file system of Microsoft Windows. It could be very useful to detect potential unwanted activity in your system. For example, when you execute for the first time a potentially suspicious software, Phrozen Windows File Monitor will detect any suspicious activity in your file system. Phrozen Windows File Monitor has a very user friendly interface and it also incorporates many filters to help you to focus in specific files and paths to detect suspicious files.

Many filters to help you to focus on specific files / action.

• File Extensions Filters : Only capture listed file extension.
• Directories Filters : Exclude some directoris during the capture.
• Events Filters : Choose which events you want to be captured.

As you can see this is a tiny but efficient piece of software to detect suspicious activity or simply to trace what happening in your system.

This software is mostly for:

• System administrators.
• Malware analysts.
• People which often execute risky applications and needs to be sure nothing suspicious happens after execution.
• Curious people
• etc.

Depending on the reputation of the application we will soon add remove computer monitoring.

Homepage: http://phrozenblog.com/?p=597.ps / https://www.phrozensoft.com/index.php?&page=processdl&id=25

Скачать: Phrozen Windows File Monitor v1.1

Windows File Tools v1.0

Windows File Tools - is a tool that monitors changes in the Windows directory structure. It can detect file creations, modifications, deletions, and folder creations, among other changes. The tool is designed to help you keep track of changes to your files and folders, and can alert you when something has been added, modified, or deleted.

One of the key features of Windows File Tools is its ability to monitor changes in real-time. This means that as changes occur, the tool will immediately detect and report on them. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as keeping track of changes made by other users, or ensuring that important files are not accidentally deleted or modified.

However, it is important to note that Windows File Tools is no longer maintained, and may be limited in its ability to detect changes if too many occur at the same time. Despite this limitation, the tool can still be useful for basic monitoring of changes to your Windows directory structure.

Homepage: https://www.phrozen.io/downloads/
Homepage: https://www.phrozen.io/download/f57d77e1-5a11-4962-b9a6-83a35521cebe

Скачать: Windows File Tools v1.0

FingerPrint v2.1.3

A utility to see if any files in one or more directories have been created, deleted, or changed since the last scan. It's useful for checking if a program, e.g. viruses and trojans, has changed your all-important Windows files (this is similar to such security software as Tripwire). The use of MD5 checksums guarantee detection of file changes. FingerPrint can also be used to find duplicate files, search for files with a specific MD5 value, and save MD5 values to file (and compare with). A command line version is also included.

Version 2.1.2 (January 2004)
• Increase performance of getting sub-directories in profile set-up
• Bug fix for profile export missing registry file

Homepage: http://www.mjleaver.com/Software/software.htm#FingerPrint
Homepage: http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/freeware-hub.html

Скачать: FingerPrint v2.1.3

Windows Explorer Tracker v2.0.015

Windows Explorer Tracker - is used to trace/monitor and record the operations for Windows automatically, such as 'Delete', 'Rename', 'Create', 'Insert', 'Add' and 'Remove' actions of files, folders, drives and storage media, you can also use it to track and record operations on remote host via the mapped network drives.

It logs the original operations in some .log files, and names them by date so as to manage them conveniently.

You can quickly load the history logs by specifying the start and end date on its main interface, manage the log files in Windows Explorer, find the specific operations and permanently delete history operations in log files. At last, you can set the display format of operation date and time on the Options interface.

As above, if you need to retrace the Windows steps on a regular basis might find it useful.

Homepage: https://www.trisunsoft.com/windows-explorer-tracker/

Скачать: Windows Explorer Tracker v2.0.015 / II

Activity Indicator v2.0.12.64

The Activity Indicator utility is a simple program that indicates the HDD activity in the system tray. It contains advanced logging capabilities and friendly interface. It can be used to log the drives and supports indication of many drives by running multiple instances.
Now with better, brand new interface!

• Monitor hdd
• Log disk activities
• Interact with LCD Smartie
• Diagnose hard disk load
• Check hdd status
• Log file changes
• File system changes
• Keyboard lights integration
• Automated log saving

Added ability to color lines by event type.
Fixed bug on hold log function.
Top menu was rebuilt.
Added function to auto copy selected text from log window.
Added info to help on specific functions.
Removed some unused diagnostic functions.
Improved version check engine.
Improved "Activity panel" (fixed bugs, GUI changed, context menu, double click, info)
Changed target framework to .net 4.8

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/activityindicat/

Скачать: Activity Indicator v2.0.12.64

EaseFilter File I/O Monitor v5.3.4.1

EaseFilter File Monitor SDK allows you to develop file audit and file monitor Windows application, to monitor the file change and file access in real time, intercept the file I/O requests, you will know who, when and what files were accessed, you can monitor the file activities on file system level.

EaseFilter File Monitor SDK is a file system filter driver, a kernel-mode component that runs as part of the Windows executive above the file system. The EaseFilter file system filter driver can intercept requests targeted at a file system or another file system filter driver. By intercepting the request before it reaches its intended target, the filter driver can extend or replace functionality provided by the original target of the request. The EaseFilter file system filter driver can log, observe, modify, or even prevent the I/O operations for one or more file systems or file system volumes.

Monitor File Changed Events

With the EaseFilter File Monitor SDK, you can get the notification when the managed files were changed with below events:

• File Creation Event: You can get the notification when a new file was created.
• File Delete Event: you can get the notification when a file was deleted.
• File Rename Event: You can get the notification when a file was renamed.
• File Write Event: You can get the notification when a file was written with data.
• File Security Changed Event: You can get the notification when a file's security was changed.
• File Information Changed Event: You can get the notification when a file's size, a file's attributes, a file's last write time, a file's creation time, a file's last access time were changed.

Monitor File I/O Activities in Real Time

With the EaseFilter File Monitor SDK, you can monitor file I/O activities on file system level in Real-Time. You can capture file open, file creation, file overwritten, file read, file written, query file information, set file information, query security information, set security information, file rename, file delete, directory browsing and file close I/O requests.

You can create the file access log, you will know who, when, what files were accessed. You can get comprehensive control and visibility over users and data by tracking and monitoring all the user & file activities, permission changes, storage capacity and generate real-time audit reports.

Homepage: https://www.easefilter.com/Forums_Files/FileMonitor.htm
Homepage: https://blog.easefilter.com/file-monitor-sdk/
GitHub: https://github.com/EaseFilterSDK/FileMonitorExample

Скачать: EaseFilter File I/O Monitor v5.3.4.1

PCTuneUp Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1

PCTuneUp Free Folder Monitor - is an efficient free folder monitor designed to monitor folder changes in real time. It lets you know every subtle change about the specified folders and stay away from any unauthorized or malicious operation in secret.

This free folder monitor offers you a faster way to keep tracks of all changes to your folders and performs safe, easy and all-round folder monitoring.

• Monitor both folders & files
• Record the changes made to your system
• Custom alert notifications
• Generate specific log in real-time
• Easy operation for all users
• Support Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
• Completely safe & free program

Homepage: http://www.pctuneupsuite.com/freefoldermonitor/index.php

Скачать: PCTuneUp Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1

PCBooster Free File Monitor v8.8.1

Monitor Files & Folders for All Alterations:
There are so many programs in your PC performing tasks in the background that it can be thankless to watch over all this activity with your own eyes. PCBooster Free File Monitor will lend you a hand to monitor the whole disk, the C drive or any specific partition/directory. It reveals the events in real-time in the main window, including file and folder creation, modification and deletion. Meanwhile, you are allowed to choose which kinds of notifications to display. Now just focus on your stuff and let PCBooster Free File Monitor keep an eye on your files & folders!

Monitor File Changes to Timely Stop Any Harmful Operation:
• Monitor file/folder/program changes;
• Capture invisible changes in background;
• Customized notifications & actions to be monitored;
• Generate log in real-time;
• Compatible with Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10;
• Free & easy to use. No hidden cost, no nothing!

Homepage: http://www.pc-booster.net/freefilemonitor/overview.php

Скачать: PCBooster Free File Monitor v8.8.1

Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1

Free Folder Monitor - free file monitor to record the system changes in real-time, investigating exactly what files/folders have been altered, created or removed.

Monitor Program ExecutionKeep track of the program activity as it progresses and help you figure out what's going on with the applications you run.

Accurate FilteringAbility to filter files without losing data from an extensive list with event properties like time stamp, directory, size, etc.

Homepage: http://www.freefoldermonitor.com/

Скачать: Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1 / II

PCMate Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1

PCMate Free Folder Monitor - is a cross-platform free folder monitor that automatically records all activities of all the folders including subfolders for newly added/deleted/changed files in real-time. This free file monitor also has the ability to monitor any kind of execution of a program with access to full installation. It displays the activity info of the monitored files & folders in a list, distinguished with blue/green/red text and provides you specific log info of the tracked files or folders, including timestamp, action, name and other items.

Equipped with filter function, this free file watcher allows you to customize the actions & notifications you want to see in the list. PCMate Free Folder Monitor is a solution for constantly monitoring folders and files, taking necessary actions when new files are added to the folders.

• Auto-monitor file activities on PC
• Monitor innumerous folders with subfolders
• Monitor any kind of executable program running on your computer
• Record system changes in real-time
• Provide an accurate file filter
• Choose the actions you want to monitor
• Customizable file alert notifications
• Distinguish the log info with blue/green/red text
• Display detailed results for your analysis & diagnosis
• View detailed properties of each entry
• 100% free, easy & safe

Homepage: http://freesystemsoftware.com/foldermonitor/index.php

Скачать: PCMate Free Folder Monitor v8.8.1
Скачать: PCMate Free Folder Monitor v8.8.2

Drprot Folder Monitor v1.0

Drprot Folder Monitor - records system changes in real-time, investigating exactly what files have been created.
you can then easily analyze the created file in your system to determine if these files are safe or dangerouse.

Homepage: http://www.drprot.com/folder-monitor.html

Скачать: Drprot Folder Monitor v1.0

MultiMon Professional v2.50 Retail

MultiMon - is an advanced multifunctional system monitoring tool for Windows which displays detailed output of a wide range of activities in real-time.

The system monitor displays process and thread creation as well as binary image loading.
The file system monitor displays activity from the perspective of the file system. The registry monitor shows registry activity in real time.

MultiMon supports clipboard, keyboard and task activity monitoring as well.

The program allows you to export output to text files and sort output views on columns. Non-destructive include and exclude filters allow you to search monitor output for matching data. An optional combined view option allows you to display all activity in one single view.

All activities are recorded with lots of details, including a high-precision time stamp, process name and ID, thread ID, CPU ID, object handle, and window title.

MultiMon v3 runs on the following operating systems:
• Windows 10 x64 editions
• Windows 10 32-bit editions
• Windows 8.1 x64 editions
• Windows 8.1 32-bit editions
• Windows 8 x64 editions
• Windows 8 32-bit editions
• Windows 7 x64 editions
• Windows 7 32-bit editions
• Windows 2012 Server x64 editions
• Windows 2012 Server 32-bit editions
• Windows 2008 Server x64 editions
• Windows 2008 Server 32-bit editions

Homepage: https://www.resplendence.com/multimon

Скачать: MultiMon v2.50 Professional
Скачать: MultiMon v3.01 Home Edition

~Мониторинг файловой активности №1~

AccessEnum v1.35 [s] / [?] / [?] | access_enum_study v1.0 by nightxie [s] / [?] / [?] / [?]

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