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Программы для определения цветовых кодов (часть 8)
21.09.2017, 15:14

Greatis Screen Beagle v1.7

Greatis Screen Beagle - is an unusually refined, advanced Screen Utilities System, containing four integrated, powerful sub-utilities:

♦ Magnifier
A sophisticated screen-viewing window which is sizable from 50 to 500 pixels, and which can zoom from x1 to x10 with special feature for men with low vision - High contrast.
♦ Screenshot
An advanced screenshot utility which can copy either the screen, or a selected part of the screen to either the clipboard, or to a GIF, PNG, JPG, BMP or TIF file.
♦ Measurer
This unique utility can measure distances and angles between any two points on the screen. Since version 1.2 Screen Beagle can measure distanses in inches and millimeters.
♦ Dropper
This useful utility can acquire the color of any pixel on the screen, transform it into text formats (RGB, RGB Hex, and HTML), and display these text representations or copy them to the clipboard.

Each of these utilities can be activated by a mouse click on the tray icon, by customizable hot key or by tray icon popup menu. After activation, the screen contents are frozen to simplify analysing the short-time states.

Screen Beagle defaults to a single tray icon, which can be right-clicked to activate any of these utilities. If you are doing intensive screen work, Screen Beagle can display separate icons for any or all of the separate utilities allowing quick access with a single click.

Homepage: http://www.greatis.com/utilities/screenbeagle/

Скачать: Greatis Screen Beagle v1.7 (pass: Unpack)

Color Picker v1.0 (Jason Pezzimenti)

A free, simple and convenient Color Picker for Windows.

At a Glance:
• Easily grab a color from the screen, with just a single click!
• No ads, no pop-ups, no spyware, no malware - or any other kind of bad-ware.
• View and copy HSB, RGB and HEX color values with or without the prepending #.
• Color History.
• Draggable Color Panels.
• Drag color values from other windows onto Color Picker to add that color to your Color History.
• Designed to be as simple to use and as convenient as possible, so no matter what program you're using, it's just a click away!

Homepage: http://www.colorpicker.website / http://colorpicker.website

Скачать: Color Picker v1.0

CSamp v2.1

CSamp - small 32-bit utility used to determine the RGB values of the point under mouse cursor. It can be used in any application. Now also includes magnifying lenses.

- Zoom (magnifying lenses) (can be set to 3x, 5x and 10x)
- Trayicon
- Clipboard support (you can copy the RGB values to clipboard)
- Fast CSamp (popup CSamp)
- Office 97 look (new flat buttons)
- Show as Hex
- Copy in HTML
- Copy button
- Memory loss bug fixed

Homepage: http://kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4fe0244/csamp.htm
Homepage: http://home.talkcity.com/ComputerCt/vdamjan/csamp.htm

Скачать: CSamp v2.1

ColorGrabber v2.0

ColorGrabber 2.0: Tool zum Aufnehmen (Picken) von Farben von der Desktop-Oberfläche

ColorGrabber 2.0 ermöglicht Webdesignern und Grafikern das kinderleichte Erfassen von Farben auf dem Desktop.

Das kleine nützliche Tool ColorGrabber in der Version 2.0 ist ein Color-Picker für den Desktop, mit dem Webdesigner und Grafiker ganz schnell und einfach Farben und ihre Eigenschaften vom Desktop erfassen können. ColorGrabber erfasst dabei die Farbe des Pixels über welchem Du dich aktuell mit dem Mauszeiger befindest und stellt Dir die dazugehörigen Farbwerte in 5 verschiedenen Werten, wie dem Hex- oder RGB-Farbwert, zur Verfügung.

Zum "Grabben" der Farben musst Du einfach eine wählbare Tastenkombination (Standard: STRG+S) ausführen und kannst dann anschließend über die kleinen Schaltflächen hinter den Farbwerten, diese in die Zwischenablage kopieren. Alle erfassten Farbwerte werden zudem in einer History gespeichert, so dass Du jederzeit wieder Zugriff auf deine vorherigen gegrabbten Farbwerte hast.
Neben den Farbwerten, kannst Du dir auch direkt einen 32x18 Farbpixel der erfassten Farbe in die Zwischenablage kopieren.

Falls es für Dich schwer wird einen bestimmten Pixel zu erfassen, verfügt ColorGrabber auch noch über eine Lupenfunktion. Hast Du den bestimmten Bereich mit der Lupe erfasst, kannst Du diese dann über eine weitere Tastenkombination (Standard: STRG+A) anhalten und dann von dieser bequem die Farbe deines gewünschten Pixels erfassen.

Die Sprache von ColorGrabber ist Englisch, aber eine Übersetzung ist nicht erforderlich, da das Tool über wenig Text verfügt und sich fast von allein erklärt.

ColorGrabber ist natürlich kostenlos und darf privat und kommerziell frei genutzt werden.

Source: https://nur.gratis/software/colorgrabber-2-0-tool-zum-aufnehmen-picken-von-farben-von-der-desktop-oberflaeche-125.htm

~ColorGrabber v2.0 [?]
~ColorGrabber v2.0 RUS [?]

Скачать: ColorGrabber v2.0

BeforeDo ColorPicker v1.0

It is able to pick a color or batch pick colors from the currently displayed screen content.

- It is able to pick a color or batch pick colors from the currently displayed screen content and supports a number of different color models, i.e. RGB, HEX.
- It provide more tools about color when you click the tray icon.

How to use:
• Pick Color and copy to clipboard - move your mouse and press 'shift' or 'enter'(press direction key to move 1px).
• Batch PickColor - 1.Click the 'love' button to start. - 2.Drag and drop mouse. - 3.Click the 'camera' button to save it.
• Color Table, Color Picker, Color Convere - Click the software icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Homepage: http://beforedo.com/apps/color-picker/index.html

Скачать: BeforeDo ColorPicker v1.0

Color Picker v1.0 (Teso)

Color Picker | RGB/Hex | Simple | (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5OZ1PhOMbE

Скачать: Color Picker v1.0

Capture Color Man v2.0 Lite

Capture Color Man Lite - is a capture color software. It will take a very little space on your computer screen. CCMLite is very easy to use, and can capture any color from a simple keyboard shortcut.

• Capture Color Man Lite is a freeware.
• runs under Windows
• mobile application that can run on a USB stick or external hard drive
• multi-language (Options Menu / Language)
• integrated Help in HTML.

Homepage: http://byteflowerpot.free.fr/EN/capture-color-man-lite-en.php

Скачать: Capture Color Man v2.0 Lite

ColorCoder Free v1.0 (Team Drake)

A color palette tool for designers and developers. A great addition to any creative software toolbox for Windows.

Our free version is currently available for download!

• Windows Vista through the latest Windows 10 supported.
• No ads
• No nags
• Limited to 16 colors per palette
• Only 2 palettes open on screen at once.

Homepage: https://teamdrake.wordpress.com/colorcoder/

Скачать: ColorCoder Free v1.0

WebPalette v1.10

WebPalette - is a small popup HTML colour picker. Suitable for web developers that need to manually edit HTML source code. Simply pick the required colour from the various palettes, and the program will construct the correct #rrggbb colour string. This string can then be inserted into the source code to set the required colour properties.

• On screen palette selection.
• Support for browser safe palettes.
• Makes use of clipboard to paste results into user's editor.
• Ability to sample colour from desktop window.
• Allways available from desktop. Accessed from system tray area.

Homepage: http://www.powerup.com.au/~marver/home1/17/webpalette.htm

Скачать: WebPalette v1.10

Designer Tools v1.0.0

What's new in Designer Tools 1.0.0

August 28th, 2012

Added new tool:
- Measure, it allows to measure objects on the screen, select and copy any screen region.

Author: Max Rozdobudko
Support e-mail: max.rozdobudko@gmail.com

Facebook: http://facebook.com/screentools
Bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/max.rozdobudko/designtools/issues/

Source: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Others/Designer-Tools.shtml
Source: http://download.cnet.com/Designer-Tools/3000-2191_4-75732883.html

Скачать: Designer Tools v1.0.0

Color Picker v1.0 (DilSoft)

Color Picker - is a simple tool specially designed to grab any color on your PC. It's very easy to use. Just clicking "drag me" button and showing color which you needed, you can get codes of chosen color as RGB Hex, RGB HTML or RGB Dec codes.

Homepage: http://colorpicker.biz

Скачать: Color Picker v1.0

.NET Color Picker v0.3

.Net Color Picker - is a very simple and smart color picker for Windows.
Available for x86 and x64 Operating systems.
New Features added to this beta version.

• Automatic copy-to-clipboard function
• Small pop-up always on top screen for quick pick
• Export and Import Palettes
• ARGB and HEX color codes
• Pick using Windows color chooser

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetcolorpicker/

Скачать: .NET Color Picker v0.3

YuF Color Picker v1.1.2

Каждому дизайнеру или веб-мастеру приходится работать с цветом. YuF Color Picker - это подборщик цвета с расширенными возможностями для дизайнеров и веб-мастеров. YuF Color Picker способен получать цвет произвольной точки экрана. То есть вы перемещаете курсор мыши, а программа автоматически определяет цвет той точки, в которой вы находитесь в данный момент. Преимущества YuF Color Picker - простота и функциональность без лишних "наворотов"; программа имеет русскоязычный интерфейс и распространяется бесплатно.

Возможности программы:
- Получение цвета произвольной точки экрана;
- Работа с HEX и RGB-кодами цвета;
- Копирование цвета в буфер обмена;
- Есть возможность вызова стандартного окна Windows для выбора цвета прямо из программы;
- Инструмент RGB Color Picker, позволяющий вручную задавать цвет в схеме RGB;
- Палитра "безопасных web-цветов;
- Есть возможность сохранять полученные цвета в списке;
- Сохранение всех настроек программы между сеансами работы;
- Удобный русскоязычный интерфейс.

Домашняя страница: http://yuf-cp.h14.ru

Скачать: YuF Color Picker v1.1.2

Color Picker v4.1

Color Picker - is a handy and reliable utility designed to grab color codes from any pixel on your screen. It displays the RGB, CMYK, HSB values for any color you select.

Main Features:
• pick color from your screen.
• get color from location of cursor,
• whick let you get ‘active’ color of html href link.
• get predefined web colors.
• copy RGB code to clipboard with or without # sign.
• get color from color dialog box.
• save to custom colors.

Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7/7 x64

Requirement: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Homepage: http://www.solvecase.com/color-picker/

Скачать: Color Picker v4.1

BeforeOffice Snap v1.0

BeforeOffice Snap - a simple application comprising several small tools, that allows you to grab and edit screenshots, magnify areas on your screen or identify certain colors

Homepage: http://www.beforeoffice.com/snap/

Скачать: BeforeOffice Snap v1.0

Pixel Color Picker v1.0

Pixel Color Picker - is a simple and easy-to-use color-picking tool. It allows you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen.

Pixel Color Picker displays the picked color in RGB, HTML and CMYK values. It also displays hue, brightness and saturation of color. It's able to pick the color also from layered and semi-transparent windows.

Using Pixel Picker is really simple. Open it and just move the mouse close to the pixel you want to pick; you may use the zoom view to select the pixel more accurately and arrow keys on keyboard to move cursor.

Hit the Escape (Esc) key to lock the color and stop the capture. Hit Esc again to restart the capture.

Pixel Color Picker can be used in compact and non compact (standard) mode. Pixel Color Picker is a free portable tool.

Homepage: http://www.digitaction.com/index.php/products/pixel-color-picker.html

Скачать: Pixel Color Picker v1.0

Free Desktop Color Picker v1.0

Free Desktop Color Picker - is a free Windows color picker tool wich allows you to find Colors you need. It will give you the RGB value of the color of a particular region in some other application's window. You can use this tool to pick color from any pixel on your desktop. This Color Picker Tool displays the value of color in decimal, hex, and HTML color format. It's very easy to use, just move the eyedropper tool into any place of your desktop and it will show you the color value.

Homepage: http://www.freeconvertsoft.com/DesktopManagement.htm

Скачать: Free Desktop Color Picker v1.0

Color Dropper v1.0.8 (Michael Weiner)

This software is no longer being developed, because NeoBook has ended its software development.
ColorDropper is a freeware application that shows the code of the color under the cursor.

Quick start
Both the RGB and the hex code are shown, along with the cursor's position. The program continues to poll for the active color. Polling can be stopped and started with the menu options. The "Top" setting keeps the program's window on top of other windows. A screen magnifier is displayed in the lower right-hand corner.

Homepage: http://dropper.cogit.net/index.shtml

Скачать: Color Dropper v1.0.8

Advanced Color Tool v1.2

1.A lot of very useful features considering conversion colors, saving them and arranging them into templates.
2.Interface can be changed to fit your needs.
3.There are 4 main elements: Conversion, Templates, Custom Colors, Color Picker.
4.Conversion is used for convertion colors in some of the following formats: RGB (dec, hex), HSV, CMY, CMYK.
5.Templates has two parts: prebuild templates for most used programing languages and a part to build and save custom templates.
6.Custom Colors allows you to save colors to the database and use of them later.
7.Color Picker shuts down the main form and shows little form with the feature to grab colors from the screen.
8.You can change a lot of settings and also can clean and reindex the database.
9.You can save the program looks and settings for use on the next start.

1.Beside the trial period of 15 day, there are some others limitation of use.
2.You can create only 5 templates, and save 10 colors.
3.You can't save the workspace.
4.You can't disable splash screen.

Homepage: http://www.gd.co.yu/english/web.php?id=13

Скачать: Advanced Color Tool v1.2

CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer v4.2.130

Instant color schemes for your website!

Have you wanted to use an image as the centerpiece to your new website, but you didn't know what colors to include? No problemo — the Photo Color schemer will randomly choose up to 10 different colors from the image which can then be used to fill out the color palette in your webpage.

More reasons to love Website Color Schemer:
✓ Give your colors customized nicknames to help keep track of what you plan to use them for.
✓ If you're not sure where to start, use the random color picker to nudge you in the right direction.
✓ Select up to 10 different colors from a single image using the Photo Color Schemer tool.
✓ Use the Color Mixer to create a gradient of two different colors, with up to 83 individual steps between them.
✓ The Capture Color From Screen tool allows you to select any color found on your screen.
✓ Test colors in the Page Preview area before integrating them into your website.

Homepage: http://www.coffeecup.com/color-schemer/

Скачать: CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer v4.2.130

~Программы для определения цветовых кодов (часть 1)~

Категория: Graphics | Добавил: Metabolic
Просмотров: 1728 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 4
3 Mikhail  

4 Metabolic  
Спасибо за новую ссылку.

2 Metabolic  
Mikhail, добавлю в коллекцию когда буду заливать другие программы которые еще не выложил на сайт.

1 Mikhail  
Ещё одна http://kms.dondoplay.ru/dcolor.php

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