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Программы для определения цветовых кодов (часть 7)
14.09.2017, 13:04

ColorPicker v2.5 (Cronoxyd)

Bei der Reproduktion oder der Entwerfung neuer Produkte ist das Übernehmen von Farben aus vorhandenen Ressourcen (Bilder, Dokumente, Webseiten, etc.) ein wichtiger Arbeitsschritt zum Aufbau eindrucksvoller Ergebnisse. Leider entsteht hier eine Barriere, die das direkte Übernehmen von Farben nur durch einen Screenshot zulässt.
ColorPicker durchbricht diese Barriere und ermöglicht damit ein effizientes und zielorientiertes Arbeiten. Zudem werden noch andere Tools bereitgestellt:

• Farbinformationen: Zeigt den HTML-Code, den RGB, CMYK und HSV Wert der aktuellen Farbe
• Farbverteilung: Erstellt ein Bild, in dem nur die ausgewählte Farbe enthalten ist
• Desktop Hover (Modus): Klebt zur besseren Auswahl eine Lite-Version von ColorPicker an den Mauszeiger
• Advanced Screenshot (Modus): Auswahlrechteck auf dem Bildschirm
• Histogramm: Häufigkeit der Farben im Bild

Homepage: http://cronoxyd.de/products?id=1

Скачать: ColorPicker v2.5

Color grabber v1.0 (David)

Fetches the Hex code, Decimal code and Red/Green/Blue values of a pixel on the screen. The source code is also available (VB.NET, requires Visual Studio to open).

Homepage: http://www.stuffbydavid.com/color-grabber

Скачать: Color grabber v1.0

JColorPicker v1.0

JColorPicker - is an extremely simple desktop color picker. It allows you to select any color visible on your screen and copy it's RGB code to the cliboard all done in one simple click and drag motion.

The main window:
1.The picker panel is the entire panel inside the window. You begin your color selection by clicking and holding the mouse button anywhere inside this panel. After that you simply drag the mouse to wherever you want on the screen to grab the underlying color. Note that when the mouse cursor lies in the window after the drag has been initiated, the window will automatically move out of the way to allow you to select any color underneeth it. 
2.The color preview panel is the top half of the picker panel. Here you get a live view of the color under the mouse cursor and also the color code. After you release the mouse the current color is copied to the clipboard and whilst it's stored there you also get a message informing you that you can simply paste the color code.
3.The live preview panel is the bottom hald of the picker panel. Here you get a live view of the immediate area under the mouse cursor slightly zoomed in so you can make delicate selections.

System requirements:
- Java Runtine Envinroment 6 or better

Homepage: http://jcolorpicker.sourceforge.net/index.php / https://sourceforge.net/projects/jcolorpicker/

Скачать: JColorPicker v1.0

Color Picker v1.0 (Nyein Chan)

Quick Color Picker Tool (RGB Colour, HTML Colour,  Hex Codes Colour). 
This product is provided As Is with no warranty expressed or implied.

SourceForge: http://ncsoft.sourceforge.net/
SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ncsoft/files/Color%20Picker/

Скачать: Color Picker v1.0

HTMLcolor v1.4

Use this small app to pick up any color from the screen as HTML code (i.e. C0E3E3), HTML color name (i.e. Blue), RGB (i.e. 126,212,255) or as TColor (i.e. $00C8D0D4). The app shows an enlarged image of the local area around the cursor and a sample of the color under the cursor. When you find the right color you just hit F1, F2, F3 or F4 to put the code you want onto the clipboard.
Hitting F5 puts the cursor position on the clipboard.
Copy the image to the clipboard by hitting F9. The dimension of the image is 48 x 48 pixels.
Hit F12 to save a color in the color bank - or to get a previously saved color.
You can freeze the image by hitting the Ctrl key (repeat to unfreeze).
To move the cursor around one pixel at a time hold down the Alt key and use the arrow keys to move (nudge) the cursor.
Of course HTMLcolor has to have focus (click the window) for all this to work.

What's new in version 1.4?
- Added color bank where 19 colors can be saved.

Made with
Borland Delphi 4 Pro.

Homepage: http://hjem.get2net.dk/fec/software/htmlcol/index.html

Скачать: HTMLcolor v1.4

Color Select Tool v3.1 (Dagon Design)

• Color Select Tool
The Color Select Tool is a small utility that allows you to quickly copy the hex code of a color on your screen. I originally created this program because I was tired of having to take a screenshot and open photoshop just to capture a color, and I was not happy with similar programs. Simply run the program, move the mouse to the color you want to capture, and press the shift key. The hex color code will then be copied to your clipboard. You can also choose to have it add the # symbol in front of the code, and/or have it stay on top of other windows.

• Requirements
This program has been tested in Windows XP, XP 64, and Vista. It may work in previous Windows versions as well. If you receive any messages about VB runtime DLLs being required, these can easily be found on the internet.

• Notice
The previous version of this program (2.0) required the .NET framework to be installed. The current version no longer requires this.

While I have tested this release, there may still be bugs, so if you encounter a problem please leave a comment below.

- 09-27-07 Version 3.1 – Bug fixed with color code generation.
- 09-23-07 Version 3.0 – Re-written. New instructions below.
- 10-19-05 Version 2.0 – First public release.

Homepage: http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/color-select-tool/

Скачать: Color Select Tool v3.1 (pass: Unpack)

I liked color v1.0.3.122

Данный инструмент состоит всего из одного окна и предназначен для определения цвета у любого пикселя на экране. Может возвращать результат в трех форматах: HEX (для непосредственного использования при разработке Web-сайтов и Web-программировании), TColor (для программирования в среде Delphi и C++Builder) и RGB (для использования в векторных и растровых графических редакторах).

Данный инструмент можно использовать совместно с другими инструментами, предназначенными для создания рисунков и элементов дизайна сайта.

Домашняя страница: http://www.chpas.narod.ru/i_liked_color.html / http://chpas.narod.ru/i_liked_color.html

Скачать: I liked color v1.0.3.122

Desktop Color Analyzer v1.1

Desktop Color Analyzer - программа позволяет находить цвет любого пикселя на экране и выводит его в шестнадцатеричном виде.Удобна для дизайнеров. В окне программы в прямоугольнике отображается цвет точки, в которой находится курсор "мыши", а в текстовом поле - его шестнадцатеричное значение. Можно скопировать это значение в буфер обмена нажав клавишу "Enter".

Распакуйте файлы в любую папку.

Домашняя страница: http://ovtchinn.urbusk.ee/articles.php?lng=ru&pg=83

Скачать: Desktop Color Analyzer v1.1

Color v1.0

Color - маленькая, но очень полезная программка, предназначенная в первую очередь для Web мастеров, умеет показывать цвет любой точки экрана. Выдаёт номер цвета, HTML код цвета и RGB код.

Домашняя страница: http://dncorp.narod.ru/color.html

Скачать: Color v1.0

Color to Hex v2.1.1.8

RGB-Hex color calculator with screen pipette

Homepage: http://www.target-3001.de / http://www.ibfriedrich.com

Скачать: Color to Hex v2.1.1.8

ColorPickUp v1.1.0.1

It can Pick Up almost any color from desktop and copy it into clipboard as text - in C/C++ (RGB) or HTML format. It can also assign it to some system color (Desktop, Window, etc.).

It can get reverse color and get average color within some rectangle.

You can place it into System Tray (where clock ticks).
You can also start (from it's quick start menu) color relative programs.

Скачать: ColorPickUp v1.1.0.1

DMControls ColorPicker v1.0

DMControls.ColorPicker - is .NET control, which allows you to choose a color swatch from wherever you want and display the color info in all possible color formats.

ColorPicker control is fully integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and its appearance is easily configured by changing the properties values, all style options and fonts are up to user to set up. This fact lets the ColorPicker to be used for various projects, being adoptive to each application design and color gamma.

ColorPicker control can be customized according to all versatile tastes and being an integral part of your product gives you an opportunity to satisfy your customer needs in the most appropriate and favorable way.

- Full customization of the control is available
- Ability to display color info in HTML, HEX, RGB, HSV, CMYK formats
- Opportunity to copy color info into clipboard
- Two modes are applicable: Drag'n'Drop and interval timer

Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 [?] / [?]

Homepage: http://www.dmcontrols.com/colorpicker.html
Homepage: http://www.dmcontrols.com/colormixer.html

Скачать: DMControls ColorPicker v1.0

Color to HTML v1.0

Program to convert RGB and HTML color value's. Includes colorpicker and option to measure colors from a screenshot.

Homepage: http://www.laurenzvangaalen.nl/software/copywriter.htm#utilities

Скачать: Color to HTML v1.0

TopTools v4.0.1.77

TopTools - is a set of utilities for web-designers and GUI-developers.

It features a screen-loupe and a screen-ruler seamlessly working together, additional are a color-picker, a screen-grabber and a base-converter.

TopTools is "portable", you can run it from a USB-stick and it will not make any changes to the computer you plug it into (unless you ask it to).

Homepage: http://www.xs4all.nl/~wij/toptools/index.html
Homepage: http://wij.home.xs4all.nl/toptools/index.html

Скачать: TopTools v4.0.1.77

Hexagrab v1.1

With Hexagrab you can easily and quickly get the exact HEX and Red, Green, Blue (RGB) codes from colors on your screen. Simply move your mouse pointer over the color and hit F2 to save the color to your pallet.

• Get HEX and RGB color codes on your screen
• Save color pallets on your computer.
• PDF and Online help included.

Homepage: http://www.lpsoft.info/Abouthex.htm / http://www.lpsoft.info/Hexmanual.htm

Скачать: Hexagrab v1.1

Colour Picker v1.1 (3D-Box)

This is a very simple application used to pick a colour from a window on the desktop. Just start the program and move the mouse over the area you want the colour of and click. The colour is then presented in web form ready to be copied to the clipboard.

Use the mouse to select the colour from the screen. Double click the colour box to copy the value to the clipboard (or use the toolbar button). When selecting a colour pressing and holding Ctrl will cause the app screen to fade allowing selection of a colour through the window.

Homepage: http://personal.3d-box.com/programs/utilities.php

Скачать: Colour Picker v1.1

Colorism v2.0

Colorism again, a new version of Colorism was released with new features.
Colorism 2.0 makes dealing with colors easier.In this new version of Colorism you can enjoy the new, simple and easy to use interface.

In Colorism 2.0 you can use Color Generator and generate colors with different methods,you can use "Decimal Code R,G,B", also you can use "Hex Color Code" to generate some awesome colors and save them to your PC.
In Color Picker you can pick colors from your screen, save it and get its "Hex Color Code"

Homepage: http://www.xisoftware.org/2015/08/colorism-20.html

Скачать: Colorism v2.0

ColorPickR v2.0

Viele Anwendungen (wie z.B PhotoShop) enthalten einen Color-Picker und in vielen Webseite sind sie als Tool integriert. Der ColorPickR 2.0 ist eine eigenständige Windows-Anwendung.

Das Besondere am ColorPickR 2.0

Zwei sich ergänzende Methoden, um eine Farbe am Bildschirm auszuwählen:
1. Ein Pipetten-Werkzeug
2. Gleichzeitiges drücken der Tasten 'Strg' und 'Shift' und dabei die Maus an die gewünschte Stelle bewegen - die aktuell ausgewählte Farbe ist dabei ständig sichtbar.

Beim Loslassen der Tasten wird der Auswahlmodus eingefroren und steht für weitere Aktionen (z.B. Erstellen eines Farbverlaufs zur Verfügung.

Auf Wunsch wird beim Loslassen der Tasten die ausgewählte Farbe automatisch ins Clipboard kopiert. Das Format kann dabei frei gewählt werden.

Features (Windows-Version):
• Farbauswahl / Veränderung über dieses Auswahlcontrol
• Farbverlauf zwischen zwei beliebigen Farben, sowie zwischen einer Farbe und schwarz/weiß
• vier Farbpaletten: Benutzerdefiniert, Standardfarben (Visual Studio), Known Colors (Web), Systemfarben (Windows)
• Auswahl einer Farbe vom Bildschirm per CTRL-SHIFT (bei gedrückter Tastenkombination wird die Farbe unter dem Cursor übernommen) • sowie per EyeDropper
• Ins Clipboard kopieren in den Formaten: HTML (#808080) und OLE-Farbwert (8421504) sowie zwei benutzerdefinierten Formaten

Homepage: http://colorpicker.teamwiki.net
Homepage: http://home.max-weller.de/color-picker/
GitHub: https://github.com/max-weller/colorPickR.app

Скачать: ColorPickR v2.0 / Src

Web Designers Tool Set v1.2 Beta

Web Designers Tool Set - набор утилит для веб-дизайнера: экранная лупа + линейки + пробник цветов (пипетка)+ screen captur. Экранная линейка позволяет с большой точностью измерять расстояния на экране монитора, причём подсчитывать пиксели вручную не придется: достаточно установить курсор (для этого можно воспользоваться клавиатурой и перемещать его попиксельно) и ориентируясь на экранную лупу, указать программе две точки, - Web Tool Set самостоятельно вычислит расстояние между ними по высоте и ширине экрана. Экранная лупа, кстати, может пригодиться и в других случаях, да и зрение позволит сберечь, тем более что степень увеличения можно подобрать вручную. Еще один полезный инструмент из этого набора - пипетка, позволяющая брать пробы цвета с любой точки экрана, да и грабилка экрана тоже не помещает...

Что нового:
- Поддержка скинов.
- Переработан интерфейс.
- Устранены мелкие недочеты.
- Изменился адрес сайта программы.

Домашняя страница: http://www.slhi.com.ru/ / http://www.slhi.com.ru/info.html

Скачать: Web Designers Tool Set v1.2 Beta

Free Screenshot Capture v1.7.0

Want to take a screenshot? Try Free Screenshot Capture, an easy-to-use and powerful screen capture tool. It can help you capture screen, capture webcam, pick color on the screen. It also includes screen protractor, screen ruler, screen magnifier tools.

Free Screenshot Capture is an easy-to-use and powerful tool to help you take a screenshot, capture screen, capture window, capture webcam, pick color on screen. It also includes a screen protractor, screen ruler, screen magnifier. Save you a lot of precious time.

Key Features:
- Capture screen, window, fullscreen in quick, easy steps
- Capture webcam in quick, easy steps
- Pick color on screen
- Includes a useful screen protractor
- Includes a useful screen ruler
- Includes a useful screen magnifier
- Lifetime upgrade for free
- No Adware/Spyware/Virus guarantee
- Streamlined user interface.
- Win7 Integration.

Homepage: http://www.iwesoft.com/product/29/screenshot-capture
Homepage: https://freescreenshottool.com

Скачать: Free Screenshot Capture v1.7.0

Magnifixer v4.0 (Screen Magnifier / Pixel Viewer)

Magnifixer - is a screen magnifier utility. You can place it anywhere on your screen, make it any size you want and select a zoom level. Magnifixer will always show the area of your screen where the mouse cursor resides.

• Having a hard time reading small text on your screen ?
• Working with graphics and need a detailed view ?
• Need accuracy in your work ?

Magnifixer is suitable for visually impaired people, making it much easier to work with computers.

- Adjustable zoom factor - Up to 40x Magnification
- Place anywhere on your screen
- Dual monitor supported
- Smoothing for better readability
- Cursor tracking or fixed location view
- Stay-on-top window option
- Color Display (HTML or RGB mode)
- Most settings are saved and reused
- Very simple and intuitive interface
- Uninstall option

Homepage: https://www.blacksunsoftware.com/screenmagnifier.html

Скачать: Magnifixer v4.0
Скачать: Magnifixer v14.0

ColorT Final 1.5 (SWSoft)

ColorT Final - программа сочетает в себе экранную лупу и возможность перевода цвета под курсором в различные форматы.

- Экранная лупа 2х - 10х;
- Экранная линейка;

Формат цвета:
* Delphi;
* C++;
* Visual Basic;
* RGB dec;
* RGB hex;
* RGB %%;
* HLS dec;
* HLS hex;
* CMY dec;
* CMY hex;
* YUV dec;
* YIQ dec;
- Плавный подбор цвета;
- Основная палитра цвета;
- Дополнительная палитра цвета;
- Палитра безопасных цветов (WebSafe);
- Градиент по 2 цветам;
- Разложение градиента по шагам на составные цвета. До 256 шагов;
- Color Mixer.
- Возможность сохранять до 1000 цветов.
- Копирование в буфер обмена.
- Выравнивание цвета до WebSafe.
- Возможность экспорта основного цвета в Градиент, ColorMixer;
- Инвертирование основного цвета;
- Список цвета по именам

Домашняя страница: http://www.swsoft.h15.ru/my_prog_colortfinal.php
Ссылка скачивания: http://www.swsoft.h15.ru/prog/ColorTFinal1.5.rar

Скачать: ColorT Final 1.5

HTML Color Picker v1.0 (trial)

HTML Color Picker - is the best color picker software for you. You can pick any favorite colors from your computer and save them to your favorite collections. It is designed to help users who often works with color and palette. You may choose an appropriate color from the palette and copy its value to the clipboard. It supports color values of name string, HTML, hex, long, RGB.

The software includes four tabbed window "Named Colors", "Safety Palette", "Custom Color", and "Favorite Colors".

If you want to pick a color from your computer's screen, you may click "Pick Color ..." button to pick a color and add it to the "favorite colors" tabbed window collections.

Homepage: http://www.pctoolsoft.com/colorpicker/index.htm

Скачать: HTML Color Picker v1.0

ColorSpy v1.0

ColorSpy - is an aplication for getting color information from a point on the screen without having to use an image editor.

This application also has the ability to convert color values from HEX to RGB, and RGB to HEX.

Homepage: http://www.haxed.net / http://haxed.net/code

Скачать: ColorSpy v1.0

SLUGS v2.3

SLUGS (Simple Little Utility for Generating Schemes) is a simple colour picker which can provide suggestions for colours which look nice together.

SLUGS is free, even for commercial use, and you can download sourcecode under the Clarified Artistic License. However, if you use SLUGS regularly or in a business environment, please consider making a donation if possible.

- Available as both a standalone application and an HTML-Kit plugin.
- Select colours by both HSL and RGB value.
- Grab colours from the screen.
- SLUGS can suggest colours which look nice with your selection.
- Favourites and History lists.
- Support for many popular colour formats.
- Gradients (New in 2.3!)

Homepage: http://www.opensourcepan.co.uk/programs/slugs/
SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensourcepan/files/SLUGS/

Скачать: SLUGS v2.3

Simply ColorPicker v1.0.0.0

Simply ColorPicker - is an application to enable you to choose color from anywhere on the screen.

Homepage: http://solidmonkey.eu.pn/simplycolorpicker/ / http://solidmonkey.eu.pn/simplycolorpicker.html

Скачать: Simply ColorPicker v1.0.0.0

Nadger v0.5

Nadger - is a small utility used for grabbing a colour from the screen and getting the hex value of it without the need for some big expensive graphics editing utility. As most web developers know, hexidecimal colours are key to creating a good site. The creation of Nadger came about because I kept getting frustrated with the effort I had to goto to get a particular colour from a graphic I had done. Previously it required loading up a graphics package and taking a screenshot to get the value from. Nadger does this in 2 clicks! Once its loaded, right click on the task icon, select Pick Colour then simply click anywhere on the screen to get the value at that point. Easy! And best of all its FREE!

Homepage: http://apps.sepulchre.co.uk/nadger/

Скачать: Nadger v0.5

Kolorgenerator v1.1.0.3

Kolorgenerator - (colors generator) is a tool designed especially for people working with colors. Can be usefull for programmers and webmasters as well as "usual" people wanting to choose right color for desktop :).
It has simply interface and user friendly tooltips system, you must spend only a few minutes to discover all functions.

Kolorgenerator works as a stand alone exe file (no need to install external VB libraries or .NET environment - everything what is needed is build in main exe) it means you can download it and run without any installation process. It's easy to move it to any place on your hard disk or run it from removable drives as a floppy disk or pendrive.

At first start program creates in current dir small configuration file. In that file all program settings will be stored. Deleting that file restores default settings for Kolorgenerator.
At this moment program is available in two language versions: polish and english (language select in config menu, translators wanted - wanna help? contact me).

Additional there are available for downloading:
- help file - kolorgenerators manual (detailed descriptions all functions)
- install set - full installer (either main exe file and help file)

Homepage: http://www.godula.com/?id=soft&lang=en&zone=kolorgenerator 
Homepage: http://www.kolorgenerator.godula.com

Скачать: Kolorgenerator v1.1.0.3

Color Grabber v1.31 by Jenya (граббер цветов)

Программа грабит цвета окон с экрана и приводит их в цифровом виде.
Удобно для подбора цветов при создании красивого интерфейса.

Источник: http://forum.sources.ru/index.php?showtopic=246137

Скачать: Color Grabber v1.31

Сolor Tools v1.3.0 (trial)

Color Tools - is specially designed to give users easier and better color processing experience. Being available in a system tray, the program will always be at hand and can be run easily in just a few clicks to provide access to an effective color picker. Except for giving users a handy color picker, Color Tools also offers such additional features as image editing and converting as well as the ability to capture screenshots with alpha transparency.

Homepage: http://indasoftware.com/colortools/
Homepage: http://indasoftware.com/colortools/ru/

Скачать: Color Tools v1.3.0

~Программы для определения цветовых кодов (часть 8)~

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