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Конвертеры BIN-HEX-DEC-TEXT №2
16.11.2017, 13:51

Hex/Dec/Bin Calculator v1.0

Hex/Dec/Bin Calculator - A very simple Hex, Dec, Bin Calculator, Converts hexadecimal numbers in decimal & binary and the other ways round... Very basic, can not handle negative and floating-point numbers.

Homepage: http://www.sunshine2k.de/c.html

Скачать: HexDecBin Calculator v1.0

Hex Workshop Base Converter v6.8

Base Converter - included in Hex Workshop it is intended to be converts from hex to decimal and decimal to hex (while displaying binary). For a conversion the user can specify byte order (Little Endian/Intel, Big Endian/Motorola, or Raw Hex) and Data Type (byte, unsigned byte, short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, float, or double).

The Base Converter includes an Always on Top (Ctrl+A) option accessible from the system menu.

Homepage: http://www.hexworkshop.com/onlinehelp/600/html/idhelp_baseconv.htm

Скачать: Base Converter v3.1 / Base Converter v6.8

FRT Converter 1.0c

FRT Converter - конвертор по умолчанию скрывается/показывается по кнопке PAUSE, поменять можно в ini указав VK_x код в hex. 

Версия 10c:
- Добавил int64/uint64 и трей.
trayMode в ini может быть 0 - без трея, 1 - иконка создается только при сокрытии окна, 2 - создается всегда

eXeL@B: http://exelab.ru/f/index.php?action=vthread&forum=3&topic=20697&page=1#4

Скачать: FRT Converter v1.0c

QuickConv v1.0

QuickConv - простой переводчик чисел между разными системами исчисления. Программа переводит числа между шестнадцатеричной (HEX), восьмиричной (OCT), двоичной (BIN) и десятичной (DEC) системами непосредственно во время ввода числа в одно из полей. Система исчисления, в которой вводится число (и соответсвенное поле) выбираются с помощью группы переключателей. На данный момент программа может работать только с положительными числами меньшими 4294967296. В последующих версиях программы это ограничение вероятно будет снято.

Домашняя страница: http://slsoft.narod.ru/quickconv.html

Скачать: QuickConv v1.0

Quantrix HexDexOctBin v1.01

Quantrix HDOB - Interconvert hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary numbers.

Homepage: http://www.quantrix.net/products/miscellaneous.htm

Скачать: Quantrix HDOB v1.01

HexCon v1.0

HexCon - is a small fast program, that can convert between any of the 3 standard integers used in computer programming. It also has lists of keyboard codes. HexCon replaces the old Dos based hex converter I wrote about 14 years ago. During the rewrite I added lists of PC keyboard codes; ascii, extended and also keyboard hardware scan codes and Windows key constants which saves looking them up in a book all the time. 

Homepage: http://www.romanblack.com/hexcon.htm

Скачать: HexCon v1.0

HexTool v1.7.0.1

HexTool - is a simple yet effective calculator/tool; invaluable for people who work with Hex and Binary. Now you can convert between Hex, Binary and Decimal on the fly. Starting HexTool with a command line option, eg, "hextool 1" will force it to start in Advanced mode. The user can toggle between simple mode and advanced mode using the Maximise/Restore button.

Homepage: http://www.harkin.org/HexTool/

Скачать: HexTool v1.7.0.1

ASCIIvalues v1.0.8

ASCIIvalues - is a small program that displays the ASCII value of each key as you press it. It shows ASCII character codes for alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic characters.

- converts any key press to its ASCII code
- has an extended ASCII list with all characters

Homepage: http://www.bluefive.pair.com/avalues.htm

Скачать: ASCIIvalues v1.0.8

HEXwriter v1.0.7

HEXwriter - This ASCII to HEX and vice-versa tool is ideal for short HEX translations, nothing fancy intended.

- Immediate conversion of Keyboard Input
- ASCII to HEX and HEX to ASCII conversion modes
- Output can be copied to the Clipboard for further use
- Runs on Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2k/2k3/2k8/XP/V/7/10

Homepage: http://bluefive.pair.com/hexwrite.htm

Скачать: HEXwriter v1.0.7

Free Number Base Converter v2.0

Free Number Base Converter - The Number Base converter is a tool which converts numbers from one base to another such as binary,decimal,hex,octal. The program is quite simple so even if you are a beginner you can use it without any trouble.

Homepage: http://www.academy-info.com/

Скачать: Free Number Base Converter v2.0

Binary Converter Pro v1.0

Binary Converter Pro - Convert text to binary and binary to text

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/binary-c-pro/

Скачать: Binary Converter Pro v1.0

Text Convertor v1.0.0

Text Convertor - This tool convert text / string /char / character to ASCII and Hex or Hexadecimal. It also convert ASCII to Text and Hex or Hexadecimal. It also convert Hex or Hexadecimal to Text and ASCII. This is a simple, flexible and easy to use for wide range of ap.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/textasciihexcon/

Скачать: Text Convertor v1.0.0

Конвертор систем счисления v2.0

Конвертор систем счисления - простая в использовании программа с незамысловатым интерфейсом, позволяющая переводить числа из одной системы счисления в другую. Поддерживается перевод между десятичной, двоичной, восьмеричной и шестнадцатеричной системами счисления.

Домашняя страница: http://vladimir89.ucoz.ru/load/3-1-0-1

Скачать: Converter Number Systems v2.0

ASCII-Converter v1.0

ASCII-Converter - With this tool you can convert a single ASCII character to its HEX, Decimal and Binary value and vice-versa.

It translates keyboard input on the fly.

In the expanded view, you can convert entire text passages or decode a Binary string of zeros and ones back to a human-readable text.

Homepage: http://www.svolpi.ch/tools/ASCII-Converter.html

Скачать: ASCII-Converter v1.0

Конвертер систем счисления v1.1

Hex-Dec-Bin - позволяет преобразовывать числа из одной системы счисления в две другие. Поддерживаются шестнадцатеричная, десятичная и двоичная системы счисления. При вводе данных преобразование производится автоматически. (Автор: Петр Высочанский)

Домашняя страница: http://pure-basic.narod.ru/project/Hex-Dec-Bin.html

Скачать: Hex-Dec-Bin v1.1

Text to ASCII to HEX Converter v1.0

ASCII-HEX-BINARY Converter - This is a very useful application for figuring out the ascii value of a character in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary.

Homepage: http://www.lennard.net.nz/files-to-download

Скачать: ASCII-HEX-BINARY Converter v1.0

Numeric Converter v1.02

Numeric Converter - <NoDescription>

eXeL@B: https://exelab.ru/f/index.php?action=vthread&forum=3&topic=20697#28

Скачать: Numeric Converter v1.02

字符编码进制转换器 v1.0

- 字符和ASCII之间的互转
- ANSI 16进制间的互转
- Unicode 与16进制间的互转

主页: https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-400398-1-1.html

Скачать: 字符编码进制转换器 v1.0

BinHexDec32 Converter v2.0.0.1

BinHexDec32 - is a tiny calculator used to convert binary, hex and decimal values... It is supported 8,16 and 32 bit conversion operation.Unlike the Windows version, with BinHexDec32 Converter more usable work with binary digit and clipboard.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/binhexdec32/

Скачать: BinHexDec32 Converter v2.0.0.1

Binary Convert.NET v1.0.0.1

Binary Convert.NET - is a free, redistributable tool for converting in between 26 different positional numeral systems (such as decimal, binary, and hexadecimal) and ASCII text.

Homepage: http://binaryconvert.codeplex.com

Скачать: Binary Convert.NET v1.0.0.1

Text Converter v1.0 Nookkin

Text Converter - is a useful little program for encoding and converting text to various formats. This is useful for sending coded messages to your friends, solving puzzles involving such messages, and more practical things such as decoding a Base64-encoded string found in a URL.

Text Converter supports the following back-and-forth conversions: binary, decimal, hex, octal, Base64, ROT13, ASCII bitwise NOT

Homepage: http://nookkin.com/software/text-converter.ndoc

Скачать: Text Converter v1.0

Megatops BinCalc v1.0.4

Megatops BinCalc - is a pure Int32 calculator designed for developers. It provides you a effective way to perform binary calculations or making base conversions. BinCalc is FREE, and it looks very different to the other calculators. When I was staring the BinCalc project, I just want to design a UI cool enough to scare the binary "muggles" and avoid them touching it -- it is only for developers.

If you are a embedded system developer or low-level software developer, you might like it. It will rescue you from counting the 0/1s in the stupid Windows Calculator and help you to save the time wasted on parsing the hardware registers or converting from one base to another.

Homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/bincalc/

Скачать: Megatops BinCalc v1.0.4

ConverterNET v0.1

~Converter v0.14 Screen~

ConverterNET - Convert data to/from many different formats, format data, search/replace data, extract data, find XOR/SFT keys, import/export/convert files, and more. 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are included.

Credits: Sam Allen (AlphanumComparatorFast), kadzus (CRC32HashAlgorithm), Rob Tillaart (convert radix), Einar Lielmanis (js-beautify), David Zimmer (sc2exe), Simone Spagna (RC4), DotNetZip (zlib), Rohit Gupta (convert IP), Don Rollings (tags regex), Timwi (comments regex)

Homepage: http://www.kahusecurity.com/tools/

Скачать: Converter v0.14 / ConverterNET v0.1

Text Hex Convert v2.1.1

Text Hex Convert - This tool converts Text values to Hex values, and vice-versa. Written in VB.NET. Created solely for aiding ROM Hacking at first, but became rather an important tool.

This tool cannot convert specific characters yet, for "Text - Hex" only. They are as follows:
• [pk], [mn], [po], [k], [ké], [bl], [oc], [U], [D] [L], [R], [.], [""], "", ['], [m], [f], [$], [x], [>] [u], [d], [l]

If you want to test the older versions, you would want to download Java 6 or higher since the v1 and v1.1 are both written in Java.

Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=330474 / Latest Release / Source Code

Скачать: Text Hex Decoder v1.1 / Text Hex Convert v2.1.1 / Src

Hex v2.0 (OC's Computer Consulting)

Hex - (for hexadecimal) is actually a little misleading! This applet converts Text to ASCII, Large Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary in a single click or keystroke!

- The price is right! Free Software! You may download and make as many copies as you wish.
- Single key entry to produce an entire line of text based on your setup.
- Convert any text (such as abc) into decimal, hexadecimal, and binary in a single click.
- Convert any decimal into text, hexadecimal, and binary in a single click.
- Convert any hexadecimal into text, decimal, and binary in a single click.
- Convert any binary into text, decimal, and hexadecimal in a single click.
- Convert extremely large numbers into octets, decimal, hexadecimal, or binary.
- Create text that assembled based on ASCII Value, Hex Value, or Binary Value and any prefix and suffix that you configured.
- Automatically copy results into clipboard.

Homepage: http://www.occcsa.com/hex.htm

Скачать: Hex Number Converter v2.0

~Конверторы HEX-DEC-TEXT №3~

Категория: Various | Добавил: Metabolic | Теги: Ascii to Hex, Binary code, Text to Hex, Text to Binary, Dec to Hex, Hex to Text
Просмотров: 9466 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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